Yun Qishen

Chapter 1671 Meeting of the Four Gods

Chapter 1671 Meeting of the Four Gods (11)

Lilith rolled her eyes, jumped on the bed and sat beside Xinzi shaking her legs, she asked, "Xinzi, do you want to go out and play?"

Nobuko looked up at Lilith's profile, "How can I... go out and play?"

Lilith touched her lips with her fingers, and then she pointed to the wheelchair not far away, "Use the wheelchair, I will push you out! Let's go outside!"

Nobuko sighed, "Lilith, you are too young to push."

Lilith jumped out of bed and ran to the wheelchair, "How will you know if you don't try! Nobuko, you just lost your legs, but it doesn't mean you can't go out and enjoy the sun like everyone else!"

Nobuko looked at Lilith's expected appearance, "Do you really want me to be an ordinary person?"

When Lilith heard this, she became puzzled. She pushed the wheelchair to the side of the bed, and then put her hands on her hips, "You are not an ordinary person, so you can still be an elf? So, would Miss Elf be willing to go out with me to play?" Woolen cloth."

Xinzi opened her eyes slightly at first, then she laughed out loud, "Ha, I am willing!"

Lilith patted the wheelchair seat proudly, "That's it! Hey! I convince you to sit on it and let's go out!"

"Okay." Nobuko was naturally happy, and with Lilith's help, she moved to the wheelchair little by little.

Lilith then came to the door and knocked, "Then what should we do with this door..."

Xinzi looked at the time and then glanced at the trash can, "We can wait for them to come in, after all you dumped all the snails, they will definitely come and send another plate."

Lilith touched the doorknob on tiptoe, she turned to look at Nobuko and asked, "How would they know that I threw the snail away?"

Nobuko raised her finger and pointed to the ceiling, "Look at the top."

There is a small crystal chandelier on the ceiling. Lilith thinks it is pretty good-looking. After all, the chandelier on the other side with the white tiger is a bit gorgeous. "What's wrong with it? Isn't it just an ordinary crystal chandelier?"

Xinzi shook his head, "Actually, besides being a crystal lamp, it is also a surveillance camera."

Lilith immediately yelled, "Then our actions here will be clearly seen by others?"

Nobuko replied calmly, "Those people don't care about it, they just think we are playing games, and sometimes I get out of bed and move around the house. They never bothered me."

Lilith walked up to the wheelchair. She looked Nobuko up and down, and finally her eyes fell on the terrible cut-off surface of Nobuko's broken leg, " feels weird."

Xinzi was a little sensitive to the word strange, so she hurriedly asked Lilith about her situation, "Why is it strange?"

"I've never seen you get out of bed and move around, besides, your leg..." Lilith pouted her mouth, and now she was a little bit concerned about Nobuko's feelings, so she spoke a lot softer.

Xinzi smiled warmly after feeling Lilith's concern, and then she said brightly, "Then let me show you?"

Lilith leaned on the wheelchair and her eyes lit up, "Okay! I want to see it!"

Nobuko just likes Lilith's inspiring smile, and she knows that Lilith has no malicious intentions.

Then Nobuko got out of the wheelchair with the help of Lilith and came to the wall. She even demonstrated to Lilith while talking, "Although I have no legs, I can still support them with my hands. I can walk around the amputated part, but it is a bit slow." , At the beginning, the fracture was still a little painful, but now I am used to it.”

Li Lisi stared at Nobuko walking slowly on the ground. She was worried and at the same time admired Nobuko, "It's like walking on your knees! Nobuko, you are amazing!"

"Ha..." Xinzi smiled tiredly, but she still insisted on walking a few steps.

"I want to try too!" Lilith also knelt on the ground and imitated Lilith's appearance and walked on her knees, "Hmm... my knee hurts..."

Xinzi was moved, but she didn't want to see Lilith like this, "Lilith, stand up quickly, can you please help me push the wheelchair back?"

Lilith blinked and quickly stood up to push the wheelchair, "Okay! Can I help you sit on it?"

After thinking for a while, Xinzi shook his head, "No, I want to climb up and try it myself."

Lilith thinks that Nobuko is very powerful and brave, she is like a warrior!
"Come on! I believe in Nobuko! It will definitely be done! Just a little bit! Just a little! Good!"

Seeing Nobuko climbing into the wheelchair step by step, Lilith jumped up excitedly.

Xinzi supported her stomach with one hand, and she also sat slumped on the wheelchair, "Ha, it's okay, I'm just a little tired."

Lilith cheered, "But Xinzi, you are really good!" She then raised her hand and clenched her fist, "Okay! Now we are going to rush out, and I will take you outside to play!"

"En!" Nobuko nodded, and Lilith also grabbed a blanket and covered Nobuko's severed limb.

After a while, someone opened the door and delivered a new snail medicinal diet, "Miss Xinzi, I'm here to deliver the medicine—"

Lilith seized this opportunity and pushed the wheelchair and rushed over, "Come on!!!"

Before the visitor could react, he dodged the wheelchair subconsciously, "What?"

Lilith, who successfully ran out, shouted triumphantly, "Ha! Xinzi, we rushed out!"

Xinzi also opened her eyes wide in disbelief, "Yes, we rushed out!"

But unfortunately, Xuanwu's thugs who were in charge of watching the two of them also quickly chased after them, "Stop!"

Lilith quickened her pace, but felt that the group of people were still getting closer to her, "Wow! They chased so fast."

"Lilith, turn left! If you turn left, you can get outside quickly!" Xinzi sat in front and helped Lilith point the way.

Lilith was a little confused, she even looked at her two hands, "The left...the left is..."

"Hands that don't draw with a brush!" Nobuko explained.

Lilith pondered, "The hand that doesn't hold the pen..."

Then Lilith turned to the right, and Nobuko yelled in surprise, "No! Lilith! This is the right! Go in the opposite direction!"

Lilith hurriedly turned around and ran in the opposite direction, "Sorry Nobuko, I can't tell which is left."

After Xinzi let out a long sigh of relief, he asked again, "Lilith, are you left-handed?"

Lilith accelerated her running speed, she couldn't understand Xinzi's words at all, "What's left-handed?"

"I just eat and write with my left hand." Nobuko explained.

Lilith thought for a moment, "Well... I don't know either."

Suddenly Nobuko yelled again, "Lilith! Up ahead! Someone!"

Lilith hurriedly wanted to hold the wheelchair, but she couldn't stop herself, and she could only watch herself and Nobuko collide with the wheelchair, "Wow!! I can't stop!"

"What?" Nobuko also closed her eyes and covered her head.

"Ah!!!" Lilith also fell, and her face hit the ground heavily.

The wheelchair collided with an elderly man and a middle-aged man in his 30s.

After the old man lost his balance and fell to the ground, the middle-aged man went to help him, "President, are you okay..."

The old man raised his hand to indicate that he was fine, then he pointed to the two little ones who fell on the ground in front of him, "I'm fine...Xiao Liao, go and see how those two children are doing."

"Yes..." After helping the old man up, the middle-aged man approached Xinzi and Lilith.

(End of this chapter)

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