Yun Qishen

Chapter 1795 Chaos and Disorder

Chapter 1795 (Short for Freedom) Chaos and disorder

[Why do people live in illusion? 】

"Because reality is painful."

[Why do people live in illusion? 】

"Because illusion is beautiful."

[What do you get in the illusory world? 】

"I can get anything."

[Then why are you looking for rules in the illusory world? 】

"Why? I don't know why either."

[Have you ever asked yourself, do you choose reality or fantasy? 】

"Why choose?"

[Because the previous you would choose Unreal without hesitation.What exactly brought you back to reality?What is it that makes you go through pain? 】


[It's a cat, isn't it?do you really like catsHave you ever really liked this creature?Pets mean nothing to you, don't they? 】

"No, I like them."

[How much do you like it?You raise cats differently from others, you just treat those cats as your love, but the cat doesn't love you.The cat's death is just you extinguishing your love little by little. 】

"do not talk."

[The same is true for your creations in illusion. Different worlds are just different dimensions that you escape from. You don’t love these at all, do you? 】

"I told you to stop talking."

【You are looking for an excuse, you are looking for an excuse that allows you to live in illusion and reality. 】

"I told you to stop talking!"

【What do you think you are?Do you think you can do everything?Do you think you can give advice to others?Do you think you can be self righteous?In the end, you can't help yourself!You can't help others either!You can't get your cat either!Do you think you are miserable?No, no one knows what's on your mind.are you sad?you are laugh?are you cryingWhat kind of feelings do you not know yourself? 】

"Stop talking! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

【You cut off the cat's tail! 】


[Is that really just a cat's tail? 】


【What you disconnected is your love, your limbs, and your brain!Do you know what other people think of you?How do real people see you?That's sick!It's sick!A disease that cannot be cured! 】

"I'm not sick! You're sick!"

【Who is sick?It is clear at a glance.Having said that, what is so good about the imaginary world? 】

"Can control everything."

[What can you control? 】

"The action of the character, the fate of the character, the life and death of the character, and everything in the world."

【Have you made it clear what you want? 】

"I want to vent."

[What is the purpose of your creation? 】

"My desire."

【You want friends. 】

"Create friends."

[You want to control. 】

"Control character."

[You are in a good mood. 】

"Give joy to the characters."

【you're not feeling OK. 】

"Let the character perish."

【That's right!You are the creator of all plots, you have the ability, you are qualified, when do you let the character limit the path you should take?Everyone is controlled, and I am you too. Illusion and reality are not so important anymore, just do whatever you want. 】

"Do as you please... as you please."


"Why! Why do I want to be in such pain in my own world! Why do I want to be like this? Am I free? I'm just limiting myself!" The lawyer grabbed Aojie's clothes, his eyes widened angrily , "Nothing matters anymore, nothing matters anymore! Bastard! Why can't you disappear completely!"

In just an instant, Aojie disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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