Yun Qishen

Chapter 1796 Redemption Again

Chapter 1796 Redemption (1)

The already cold weather suddenly started to rain, and the noisy sound of the rain was unbridled in the venue. It wasn't a heavy rain, but it was irritating and tense.

The seasons of the space seem to be changing. It was just like the beginning of winter, and then it springs up in an instant. What the green brings is not vitality but a dead silence.

Mo Langqin and Nai Qi saw all the changes in the world through the windows of the Xuanwu rest area.

"Something happened."

Nie Qi frowned, he knew very well that the only one who could change the plot of the space was Lu Ren, but no matter how much Lu Ren had conflicts with Yao Shun, he would not be able to change the seasons and time flow of the plot space .

This will make everything weird.

At the same time, Nie Qi also discovered that not only he and Mo Langqin, who were able to observe the strange changes in the space, were not the only characters in the outer space, but the original characters of this space also showed surprised expressions.

"What happened?"

"The end of the world?"

"The rain is so strange!"

"The ground is also full of grass!"

Xuanwu's thugs kept making surprised sounds.

Here, Mo Langqin frowned and said in embarrassment, "Something happened to the lawyer, otherwise the plot space wouldn't collapse like this, it's just like Gu Ao back then..."

"I can sense what's going on." Ei Qi pursed his lips and then said, "Do you still remember why Gu Ao collapsed back then?"

"Because the law man lost his cat, he was sad and vented his anger on the character." Mo Langqin immediately understood after being touched by the evil energy, "You mean, the law man's problem this time is because of the cat. ? But isn’t his cat still fine? Why is it like this?”

"We need to go and see, otherwise this space will disappear forever like Gu Ao." Ei Qi glanced at Lilith who was hiding behind Mo Langqin, "We can't let the children suffer, they are also life. No Let Ritsuto's self-righteousness ruin other lives. I think the deep side will also take action."

After he finished speaking, he ordered his subordinates to maintain order in Xuanwu, and then he left the Xuanwu rest area and rushed towards the Suzaku rest area.

For Lilith's safety, Mo Langqin couldn't leave Xuanwu for a while, and he could only hope that Ei Qi and Yun Qishen could stop Lawen from going crazy.

At the same time, Yun Qishen, who was talking with Lu Bai and Yun Jin in the Baihu rest area, also felt uneasy. Baihu's thugs rushed into the room after discovering the space phenomenon and reported to Lu Bai. Be aware of changes in the outside world.

Yun Qishen looked at the weirdness of the sky and felt the coldness of the rain, he glanced at Lu Bai for a moment of concern, and chose to leave first to deal with Li Ren's affairs.

Lu Bai didn't stop Yun Qishen from leaving, instead he sent someone to sneak behind him.

Yun Qishen and Nai Qi happened to arrive at Suzaku's resting area together. When the two of them found Ritsu, the space around him had collapsed and a crack in the abyss appeared.

Yun Qishen and Nai Qi are very aware of the composition of that crack, which is the crack that destroys the plot of the space, as long as the characters step into it, they will perish, especially the characters without awakening consciousness.

Just when Nie Qi and Yun Qishen were trying to wake up the dull-eyed Lu Ren in the center of the crack in the abyss, Yao Shun called for help from not far away.

"Two, please do me a favor and pull me out!"

Hearing Yao Shun's cry, Yun Qishen hurried over to rescue him, if Yao Shun was later squeezed into the crack of the abyss, he would be completely eliminated from existence.

"What's going on here? What's wrong with the lawyer? Is there any lethal weapon on him? What is this dark thing?"

Yao Shun has not awakened self-awareness, so his words are based on his cognition in this space plot.

Yun Qishen can naturally feel it.

"Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with Ritsu. You go out first, and leave this place to us. Remember not to approach places with such black cracks."

After Yun Qishen reminded Yao Shun, Yao Shun nodded and ran out.

Evil Qi closed the door of the room after Yao Shun ran out.

Yun Qishen once again looked at the lawyer Fei Shen in the center of the crack in the abyss.

"What's your situation! Lawyer! Bring me back to consciousness! Answer me!"

The legal man lowered his head and couldn't hear Yun Qishen's shout. He sat on the ground with his eyes lost, as if he had fallen into the illusion of self-knowledge.

Yun Qi frowned deeply, he was very tired of Li Ren's appearance, because it made him look very useless.But Yun Qishen can also understand that this is the normal state of lawyers.But he looked angry.

Nie Qi put his hand on Yun Qishen's shoulder to remind him not to be impulsive.

Yun Qishen was not as impulsive as before, he calmly approached the crack of the abyss and tried to step into the barrier of legal protection.

Fortunately, the cracks in the abyss of this space will not swallow outside characters, so Yun Qishen can safely approach Liren.

Looking at the legal man who buried his face between his knees, Yun Qishen strode forward and stood in front of the legal man and said sternly, "Hey, what are you doing again? This time Is it because of the cat?"

Lawyer raised his head slightly, his eyes looked at Yun Qishen's legs and feet and said lightly, "No, it's not."

"Don't say idealistic words! What's going on, tell me!" Yun Qi gave a deep drink.

Lawyer still said indifferently, "I just saw something I didn't want to see."

Yun Qi squatted down and looked at Lu Ren at the same level, "Just because of this? You want to destroy a space?"

Lawyer naturally also met Yun Qishen's golden eyes, "There is no point in the existence of this space, isn't it?"

Yun Qi frowned deeply, "Why do you think so?"

Li Ren turned his eyes sideways to dodge Yun Qishen's puzzled eyes, and continued to lower his head between his knees, "Because he is just a space that appears at will, and he can disappear at will. My own space, I can control it myself, I can change, you don’t need to control me! I am the creator, when did I let a character dictate to me.”

Yun Qi took a deep breath, and then blamed him, "You're starting to get sick again, right?"

The lawyer choked, "I don't call it a disease, I call it facing up to my own desires."

Yun Qishen criticized, "In my opinion, you are pure farting. Who was the one who agreed to take the plot seriously? Isn't it you? Lawyers? What are you doing now? Making excuses?"

Lawyer was also angry, he raised his scarlet eyes to look at Yun Qishen's face, "Ha, I'm making excuses? What excuses am I making? I make whoever I want suffer, and whoever I want to be happy must be happy." !"

(End of this chapter)

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