Yun Qishen

Chapter 1798

Chapter 1798
It was sticky rain again, irritatingly disgusting.

The law man curled up and watched the collapse of the dark cracks around him, he was very clear about his current mood.

He knew very well that everything in his mind just now was false, but it was true that he eliminated Aojie.

In addition, Yao Shun saw him using power, so the possibility of Yao Shun's awakening consciousness also increased.

Lawyer wants to calm down, he is not very sad, he just can't accept it for a while and wants to die, in fact he is indeed a coward.

What Yun Qishen said is not wrong, if the lawyer insists on being selfish, everyone in the plot will cease to exist.

How do you just keep calm?
Lawyer was afraid, he still didn't dare to face some truths, he was afraid that what Ao Jie showed him would become true.Although he was eager to see his cat, he was still terrified.

The environment of the space is still weird, and some people in the plot are more or less abnormal.Leaving aside the abnormal appearance, their words and deeds are already stuttering and flickering like a bug.But the people in the plot can't feel it.

Some of them even became stuck in the appearance of old people because of this, but in the end, no one felt that this was abnormal.

The roles of Yun Qishen and Nai Qi in the plot of the outer space are not affected at all, so they can clearly see the abnormality in this space.

The situation on Mo Langqin's side was also not good. He actually saw Lilith's face disappear three or four times in a minute. He frowned and became more and more worried about this space.

But at this moment, Lilith, who lost her face, still cared like Mo Langqin and asked, "What happened? Why are you so sad?"

The voice also changed, it was no longer the tone of a little girl pretending to be mature, but the voice of the electronic is about to die and the current is sharp.

Mo Langqin knew that it was Lilith, but the others were completely different.

At this moment, Yun Qishen was also staring at the door of Lu Ren's calm room, and Ei Qi stood beside him and couldn't help asking, "How long does Qishen think Lu Ren will maintain this state?"

Yun Qishen folded his arms across his chest, staring at the door in thought for a moment, "Lü Ren is very good at being heartless, I don't think he will be sad like this for a long time, it's just that the impact of his bad times on this space It's just dangerous.

You have to believe in evil qi, even a lawyer has love in his heart, and he won't hurt the characters many times.He has made changes before, he is no longer the lawyer he used to be, but he is still himself, as long as his mood is positively channeled, he will have no problems. "

The corners of Nai Qi's mouth raised slightly, and his eyes curved up, "Qi Shen trusts Li Ren very much now."

Yun Qishen's attitude was indifferent, and his tone was even more serious, "I've always believed in him, but I can't understand his avoidance attitude. But think about it, I will avoid myself, and I have no right to talk about him."

Nai Qi shook his head and sighed, "It's just that we can't persuade the lawyer. He thinks about problems by himself, and I'm still afraid of problems."

Yun Qishen also sighed, "Well... this is indeed a problem."

Nai Qi stared at Yun Qishen for a moment, and suddenly a crack in the abyss appeared at Yun Qishen's feet, and Nai Qi quickly pulled Yun Qishen to his side and retreated, "Qishen, the crack in the abyss!"

Yun Qishen was surprised for a moment when he was pulled by the evil qi again, and he found the crack in the abyss in a blink of an eye, "Let's step back first."

Just when Yun Qishen and the others took two steps back, a silver-haired man appeared from the crack in the abyss, and the man said kindly, "Don't be so afraid, it's me."

The person with silver hair and blue eyes, wearing a gray one-shoulder sweater, was Jia Yu.

"Jiayu?" Yun Qi was deeply puzzled and thought for a while, Jiayu should still have a space shuttle in his hand, so he could come to the plot.

However, because Yun Qishen and the others have already fallen into the plot, some abilities have been restricted by the rules of the plot space.

Jia Yu gently touched the crack in the abyss with his hand, and the crack recovered. He then looked at Yun Qishen and said, "I can see it clearly from the outside, let me solve it."

Yun Qishen could only politely nod in response, "I'll trouble you to come in, how's Xuanruo's business going?"

Jia Yu smiled, "Fortunately, those people also adapted quickly, so I won't waste any time, I'll go find the lawyer."

"Okay", Yun Qishen pointed to the room where Lu Ren was, and Jia Yu also approached there.

As Jia Yu pushed open the door, the dissatisfied voice of the lawyer also roared out, "Didn't I say to let me be quiet for a while! Why are you still walking in!"


Jiayu spoke slowly, but his voice was one that no one could dislike or forget.

"!" Lu Ren turned his head to face Jia Yu's figure in surprise, he actually felt that his current appearance was not suitable for facing Jia Yu, "Jia Yu..."

Jia Yu just sat next to Li Ren, and then said softly, "I saw it outside, your cat is fine and healthy, so don't be sad, okay? You still have to help Yun Qishen and the others build the world, You've been working hard."

Lawyer frowned, and hugged his knees, "Don't you think I'm perfunctory? Don't you think I'm heartless?"

Jiayu patted Luren's shoulder with his hand, "Because this is you, Luren, and all of this is what you think. Don't be vulnerable in front of outsiders, because you don't know whether the other party is indifferent. Besides So what if you are sad? The reality of your existence will not send you back what you want because of your sadness.

I know you are well aware of your mistakes, and I know you are powerless to change some things.But change is not an instant thing, right? "

"Hmm..." The lawyer nodded.

Jiayu continued, "Cry when you are sad, and get angry when you are angry. Everything is your freedom, and you don't have to do anything for someone.

What Yun Qishen said is not wrong, the characters in your writing are also life, please cherish them.After all, once we are forgotten, there is nothing left. "

The legal man panicked, and he quickly said, "I will never forget you Jiayu! I have always wanted you to live like this from before, without being under my control! I will never forget you!"

Jia Yu squinted and smiled at Lu Ren, "But Lu Ren, you have to accept the parting. I know it will be difficult sometimes, but you really have to learn to be heartless. Sometimes being heartless is not enough Not a bad thing.

If you want to cry, I can lend you my shoulder. "

Speaking of Jiayu, he pointed to his shoulder.

"I won't cry, I won't!" The lawyer tried his best to control the grievance in his heart, he simply pulled Jia Yu over and buried his head in Jia Yu's shoulder, "Come here!"

"Ha." Jia Yu laughed out loud.

The lawyer here is still making excuses, "I'm just dizzy, come on. I won't cry!"

Jia Yu only felt his shoulders warm up, "Our lawyers have always worked so hard, and you will have to work even harder in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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