Yun Qishen

Chapter 1799 Since the bug is stuck, continue to be stuck on the bug

Chapter 1799 Since the bug is stuck, continue to be stuck on the bug
"It's recovered!" Mo Langqin sighed looking at the calm outside, "Why is it so fast this time... there won't be any problems."

Lilith on the side pulled Mo Langqin's sleeve and blinked, her distorted face just now returned to normal, "Brother Mo, what happened just now?"

Mo Langqin looked sideways at Lilith slightly, and he wondered even more, (Why is Lilith's memory still there? Could it be that this place has not been repaired? Could it be that everyone in the entire plot space knew about the strange thing just now? But little Why do you feel that this group of people has not awakened their self-awareness...)
Mo Langqin turned to smile at Lilith, "I don't know the question just now, but it looks scary."

Lilith nodded, "Yeah, it rained so much that people are going crazy."

The words were not right, and Lilith hurriedly wondered again, "Huh? Why did I say I'm crazy?"

Mo Langqin thought about changing the subject, "Probably because of the wind, the tree was almost blown off just now..."

"Maybe." Lilith didn't find it strange, her expression was not very good and her eyes were heavy, "I just feel that my head is a little heavy."

Mo Langqin took Lilith's immature little hand, "Why don't I accompany you back to the room to rest for a while."

"Okay..." Lilith followed Mo Langqin back to the room to rest obediently.

At the same time, on Suzaku's side, Yao Shun also walked back after the space returned to normal and appeared in front of Yun Qishen and Nie Qi.

"Well, I just came back from outside, the weather outside has turned fine, and those strange things have disappeared, how is Li Ren now?"

Yao Shun looked tired and confused, and his clothes became dirty.

Yun Qishen also just glanced at Yao Shun and then looked at the door again, "We are going into the room to see him, let's go together."

"Hmm..." Yao Shun nodded.

Nie Qi paid more attention to Yao Shun, but he didn't feel any signs of Yao Shun's awakening of self-awareness.

The three of them pushed open the door, and saw that the lawyer had already stood up and started arranging his hair.

"You guys came in quite quickly." Lawyer patted the dirt on his shoulder and smiled at the three of them with a happy expression.

Yun Qishen was not surprised by the rapid change of mood of the law man, he looked around and asked, "Where is Brother Jia Yu?"

The lawyer immediately explained, "He left, saying that Xuan Ruo still has other things to do, he can't always leave things to Xiao Falcon, and he left just now."

"How do you feel now?" Evil Qi asked.

The lawyer smiled and spread his hands, "Thank you for your concern, I'm fine, and I've lost any strange emotions. I'm healthy and healthy."

Yun Qi breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine as long as you're fine, but what happened now has already happened, what are you going to do?"

The lawyer's attitude was casual, "That's it, what else can I do?"

Yun Qishen was most annoyed by Li Ren's attitude, he frowned again, "Aren't you going to fix the loopholes in the plot?"

The lawyer raised his hand to signal Yun Qishen not to blame him so quickly, "Let me declare first, I'm not a bad guy! Since bugs and other things are stuck, it doesn't matter if they stay stuck. You didn't Do you feel that disgusting mission-restricted ability is gone? It’s free, okay!”

Yun Qi gritted his teeth deeply, approached Li Ren and smashed him on the head, "Yeah, what are you! What about Yao Shun? What about the people who saw the strange phenomenon just now? Wait for them to regain their self-awareness and leave this plot The world? Didn’t you refuse to accept it before? What is it now? Charity?”

Lawyer hugged his head and suffered pain, but the smile on his face did not disappear, "I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry. I think you should be able to detect it. Yao Shun and the others didn't notice anything unusual. Come on, if you ask Yao Shun how Aojie died, the memory he saw may have been tampered with. What they saw is not the same as what they wrote down."

Nie Qi asked Yao Shun with an attitude of giving it a try, "Is Aojie dead?"

Yao Shun blinked his eyes and wanted to speak for a while, "I just remember that Aojie used poison to stun everyone in Suzaku. Liren was also poisoned. After that, Aojie seemed to have broken his hands and feet. Disappeared."

"Suzaku's people..." Yun Qishen muttered and looked around again, because there was no one on the ground.

Yao Shun supported his head and said, "The one who was lying on the ground just now doesn't know where he is going now. He was probably dragged away by other people."

Seeing that Yao Shun didn't hide anything, Ei Qi also came to a conclusion, "...It seems that they really didn't realize the problem of space."

"I told you." The lawyer said proudly.

Yun Qishen then glanced at Li Ren, "You're still complacent..."

Lawyer raised his hand to signal, "Don't, I'm not proud of it, I feel relaxed because they don't have awakening consciousness, okay?"

"So the next step is to bite the bullet and continue with the plot?" Yun Qishen asked Xiang Lvren again for confirmation.

Lawyer scratched his cheek with his hands, "Ha, that's the only way to go."

"Okay." Yun Qishen let go of his fist and sighed, then he turned his head and prepared to leave.Before leaving, he did not forget to remind the lawyer, "By the way, lawyer, I still have something to remind you."

"What are you talking about?" Li Xin thought that Yun Qishen would still bury him.

Solving Yun Qishen just said in a flat tone, "Try to control your emotions, after all, it's not just once or twice."

The lawyer replied with a smile, "Next time I will try to be quicker."

"Hey..." Yun Qishen sighed again, walked over to Ei Qi and patted him on the shoulder, "Let's go Ei Qi."

"trust me."

Lawyer still yelled when he saw Yun Qishen and Nai Qi approaching the door.

"I believe you." Yun Qishen replied, opened the door and left.

Ei Qi stopped in his tracks and turned his head to smile at Lu Ren, "I believe you too, Lu Ren, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

To put it bluntly, the lawyer still doesn't have much trust in these characters, but he yearns for their trust. He himself finds it ridiculous.

But before Jiayu left, he suggested to the lawyer, try to trust people, and try to accept the kindness he has given to others.Emotions are not purposeful.

Your feelings for others are just your feelings for others, and you don't need to get anything in return.If someone misunderstood, explain it clearly to him.You can trust others, and others can trust you.Don't do what you can't do, idealism is not a mistake.The world doesn't necessarily need you to be kind.As a lawyer, just be a lawyer yourself.Just get rid of unhappy people and things in your world, this is your desire.

(End of this chapter)

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