
Chapter 186 The road to hell is not easy, but the world is better!

Chapter 186 The road to hell is not easy, but the world is better!
Qiuyue and I looked at Heilong at the same time, and were completely surprised by his super big turn of more than 180 degrees.

"Hey! Daoist Lu, please tell us carefully, why can't we catch up with this match? Where are Shui Mo and I going to practice our fighting skills! You are so familiar with this place, why don't you tell us well? Let’s talk about it. Okay?” Seeing that everyone was staring at Heilong in amazement, Yu Yan was indifferent to what Taoist Lu said, so she asked Taoist Lu.

"Hey! That's fine. Think about it, Mr. brought the golden boy and jade girl to the underworld to practice, who is the emperor? The avatar of the Sanqing God! How does he face his group of young disciples and grandchildren? ? If it’s too heavy, it won’t work if it’s too light, and what’s more, he’s already at his wit’s end, so how can he take care of you?” Daoist Lu said with a smile.

"Lu Xiaobai, who told you this? Who told you that Emperor Fengdu is the avatar of Tianzun? Say it quickly." Heilong suddenly became aggressive, and he sneered at Daoist Lu threateningly.

I could hear the creaking and intertwining sounds of his bones through the ink painting and the little green cow, as well as the Pixiu and the emperor.

Obviously, the black dragon is suspicious of something!

"What's the matter, Black Dragon? Isn't he your boy? Why did you talk to him like that?" Even I asked the Black Dragon in puzzlement.

"He lied! It is impossible for him to know that the master is the emperor of the earth. Someone must have taught him. He is just an ordinary fairy who extradites Taoists to ascend. He can't know this." Heilong said with a certainty.

"Old Hei, don't be angry. I'll tell you otherwise. A monk taught me that an old friend of mine got lost on the way to the nether world of the underworld. He asked me to guide you back to the heaven through the mortal world. What!" Lu Xiaobai stammered, as if he was afraid that the black dragon would beat him up.

"Black Dragon! Don't embarrass Xiaobai. Which monk may be a Bodhisattva. This may be the meaning of the original great Tianzun! No matter what kind of hell the underworld is, Tianzun will not let his own closed disciples put himself in danger Yes, not to mention that this lover is still a son-in-law! The golden branches and jade leaves are so delicate! Hehehehe!" Seeing Lu Xiaobai like this, Qiuyue immediately stopped the black dragon's rude words.

"Sect Master Yue, he is itchy and always needs to be beaten." Heilong Shanshan said authentically.

"What! You beat him? She's a girl." Qiuyue looked at the black dragon speechlessly and laughed.

"What? He...isn't she a boy? How is it possible? When I was young, I often went to my house with his father to eat and drink. We are all called brothers, and I have met him several times! Isn't it, old?" Heilong suddenly turned around and asked me.

"It is indeed like this. Lu Xiaobai, you are still a man now! Qiuyue said that you are a girl, and you tell her that you are a man and a woman. In case she puts a big hat on us brothers, we can't wear it Get up!" I hurriedly asked Lu Xiaobai.

"Sir, I'm a woman. Isn't this for the convenience of work! That's why talented women disguised themselves as men. In fact, I didn't treat myself as a woman, it's true." Lu Xiaobai said.

"Then let me ask you, there are no boys at the Queen Mother's place, and it's not okay for a woman to disguise herself as a man. Would you like to be a girl again?" Qiuyue laughed and said to Lu Xiaobai.

"Of course I would. Now I have to deal with men, women and children. It would be very inconvenient if I don't dress up as a man! Thank you sister Yue. I will definitely dress up beautifully when I go to the Peach Garden. From then on, I will be a peach picker." Little fairy." Lu Xiaobai said happily.

"It's an extraordinary case of yin and yang reconciliation! Lu Xiaobai, everyone will be called Senior Brother when we meet in the future, regardless of seniority. Except for various formal occasions, they should be called Suzerain, and other occasions are called Senior Brother. Including Heilong and Lao, I got it." No?" Qiuyue said happily to Lu Xiaobai.

"I remember, Sect Master Yue." Lu Xiaobai said timidly.

"You... oh!...Why do you still call me Sect Master Yue? I am from the house in my hometown, and you are their child. Just call me Qiuyue." Qiuyue smiled and patiently talked to Lu Xiaobai. explained.

"Come on! Come on...! Old, Qiuyue, shall we act according to the consciousness of a Bodhisattva?" Black Dragon interrupted them.

"Go back! Borrow the Red Dust Inn, and go back to the House of Clouds." I said happily.

"Wh...you...haven't issued the imperial decree to the underworld?" Black Dragon asked puzzledly with his eyes rolling around.

"Fake! There is nothing at all." I said with a smile.

"Hey! The emperor on your left is screaming from one emperor to the next! It's not a lie! There has been an incident with An Ye and the sect master. Didn't you agree with them to join the Tianxian tribe? Why did you go back on your word?" Heilong asked me in a puzzled way.

"It's all so that everyone can live in peace, so that trouble can arise from it!" I said with a disdainful smile.

"Ouch! Black Dragon, don't ask. If we are all like you, then we are probably dead." The Holy Spirit reproached Black Dragon with displeasure.

"Oh! That's right. There is also a Lu Xiaobai in Miaoyin Wonderland. Sister Yue, do you still remember?" Yu Yan looked at the expression of the little boy Lu Xiaobai and asked in bewilderment.

"You mean Lu Xiaobai at the foot of Bailu Mountain? Which quiet little girl?...!" Qiuyue also opened her mouth wide, and it took a long time before she could speak.

"If it weren't for the different ages, I would have thought they were the same person!" The Holy Spirit kept nodding his head and said.

"It's definitely related if you're not alone. If you don't believe me, let's ask her to make sure it's related." Yu Yan also said with her lips pursed.

"Oh! That's right. Er, Lu Xiaobai, how many Lu Xiaobai are there in Bailu Mountain?" The black dragon croaked, and immediately challenged Lu Xiaobai again.

"The Immortal Eyes in Bailu Mountain don't have any other celestial positions. They have always been little celestial beings in Bailu Mountain. They are all called Lu Xiaobai, no matter how old or young they are." Lu Xiaobai said timidly.

"Oh! I understand. Only Xiaoxians who are not priests in Bailu Mountain's jurisdiction can change their names. Isn't it? Lu Xiaobai." Shui Mo also interrupted.

"You need to change your name. As for changing your surname, it's different. Only people from Mount Bailu who are no longer immortals have to change their surnames." Lu Xiaobai said frankly.

"Lu Xiaobai, you should take us out of here first! I feel unwell." Pai Yao interjected very frankly.

"Okay! I was so concerned about chatting nonsense that I forgot to walk." Lu Xiaobai said with a silly grin.

"Everyone keep up, don't encounter people in the devil's way again, it will be embarrassing." Heilong added carelessly.

We followed Lu Xiaobai, the messenger who extradited mortal cultivators to ascend to the heavens from Bailu Mountain, and hurried across Jianghaikou to Weijiao Cliff on the outskirts of Jinling.

Standing on the Weijiao cliff, looking at the turbulent Yangtze River in front of you, and listening to the lingering sounds of Wuyue drifting away on the river, a feeling of majesty and desolation can't help but arise spontaneously.

"Ah...! What place is this? It's so creepy, it's unbearable to feel sour all over!" Shui Mo closed his eyes, smiled slightly, and lost his voice.

"This is the estuary of the Wuyue Spring and Autumn Period. After passing this mountain, there is the Zhonghua Gate. After entering the Zhonghua Gate, we will arrive at Jinling City." Lu Xiaobai said.

"No wonder you can only take over the class of a generation, and you can't chat! What kind of mountain is this? This is the mouth of the Yangtze River... Can anyone not see it?" Heilong said to Lu Xiaobai unhappily.

"Oh!... This is Lame Mountain, also known as Weijiao Cliff." Lu Xiaobai was told by the black dragon, like a child who made a mistake.

It can be seen that this Lu Xiaobai has always regarded Heilong as a relative.

However, the black dragon...hehe!
I can only hey hey.

"Brother Lu, let's enter the city first! Let's talk after entering the city." I said to Lu Xiaobai.

"Okay!" She agreed, and took us into a small temple with the statues of Sanqing gods on the top of the high cliff.

"Wow! The statue of the Sanqing High God here is so lifelike! It's amazing." Yu Yan looked at the statue of the Sanqing High God and said in surprise.

"What's the matter? Hurry up, you'll be late when you go back, and you'll be in trouble if you can't enter the city. You have to borrow a night dew outside the city to sleep in the open. In summer, you have to endure high temperatures and mosquito bites. I can't bear it." Heilong muttered.

"That's right, Yu Yan, don't look at it. It's just the Sanqing High God, which made us go to the underworld for nothing. Hurry up." Ming Tianzi said impatiently.

I listened to their conversation, and I couldn't help being horrified!
Yes, it seems that the monster that turned into a great emperor is also very similar to this idol...!
"Hey! Hei San, you will be able to jump to the Yangtze River, and you still need an inn? Don't forget that you are a dragon. Don't be so delicate, OK?" Yu Yan smiled disdainfully and cheered up the black dragon. road.

"Yu Yan, pay attention to your attitude when you speak. It's shameless to be the same as the elders." I said.

"Whoever is strong, move the statue of Yuan Tianzun a little bit away." Lu Xiaobai said solemnly.

"I'm coming!" Heilong said, rolling up his sleeves and going up to move the original statue of Tianzun.

"Hey! Hey... Yo...!" Heilong exerted all the strength he had nursed when he was a child, but he couldn't move the statue of Tianzun.

"Hey! Is Uncle Black Dragon suffering from kidney failure? Or has he changed back to the fighting power of a child after seeing his old friend in childhood?" Shui Mo's eyes widened, and he doubted in disbelief.

"Hush! This idol is weird. It seems to be the real body of the teacher. It can release power. The power of the wild is useless. He sucked it up for you. Ink, look around, where is your grandpa's treasure hidden? Secretly hide it!" Take it away, and I can move him away. Go, search him." Hei Long turned his head and whispered to Shui Mo.

Shui Mo honestly agreed that he was going to search the statue, and tiptoed up to it.

I'm about to call him back!Suddenly, with a sound of "Plop!", the black dragon fell to the ground.

The statue moved back one meter away, revealing a dark cave.

Shui Mo froze on the spot, looking at the embarrassed Heilong who fell on the ground, not knowing what to do.

I smiled and went up to pull the black dragon up, deliberately covering him up and saying: "Why are you using so much force? It's not worth it if you get hurt!"

"Bullshit! Did I fall down by myself? The master made me ugly on purpose! I'm not a pig, I don't even know?" Heilong shook off my hand and got up on his own. complained.

"Stop talking nonsense. Brother Lu, what's the next step?" Qiuyue said with a smile.

"Come with me, I'll take you across the river." Lu Xiaobai said, and jumped down when he reached the entrance of the black hole.

"What the hell is this?...A river tunnel?" Heilong said with a smile.

"Yes! It is said that it took a lot of immortal power and soul power!" Lu Xiaobai said.

"The underground tunnel across the river will cost money! What's the point of spending fairy energy and soul power? Can it be exchanged for reinforced concrete or cement?...!" Yuyan said unhappily.

"Oh! Miss Yuyan, the river crossing tunnel you mentioned is still under design. Maybe it will appear in Jinling City in a year or two!" Lu Xiaobai said.

"There will really be a river crossing tunnel! Great, finally you can cross the river by ferry without rowing a boat! Great, great." Yu Yan exclaimed happily.

"Stop talking, keep up, and don't get lost." Qiuyue looked at Yuyan who was on the boundary line between immortality and secularity, remembered her past self, couldn't help smiling knowingly, and told her.

"Brother Lu, is this the Yangtze River?" Shui Mo asked Lu Xiaobai.

"Yes! Brother Shui Mo."

"Then why is it the Zhonghuamen Castle after crossing the Yangtze River? Could it be that this tunnel has already passed through Jinling City? Senior Brother Lu."

"Oh! Brother Shui Mo, this is the three-day Yangtze River. The river flows from the fairy mountains and the vast sea to the dark sea. It is a divine river that divides the three realms, not the ordinary Yangtze River in the mortal world!"

"Oh! I see. Thank you, Brother Lu!"

Shui Mo kept nodding his head, thoughtfully ending the exchange with Lu Xiaobai.

"Brothers, you need to concentrate, we are ready to go up." Lu Xiaobai said to us all.

This is a downturned parabolic tunnel across the river, the inside is dark, and it is all illuminated by our own fairy eyes, otherwise we can really say that we can't see our fingers.

And the feeling of entering the opposite direction from the crappy cave came to our fascination, and we seemed to be slowly climbing.

As I was crawling, I saw a bright moon shining in from the darkness, and the night wind carried the fragrance of lotus flowers, drifting in along the moonlight.

"Ah!... We have arrived at the Moon Palace! Sister Yue, have we arrived at the Moon Palace? Hahahaha, we will see Chang'e and the Jade Rabbit soon, so great!" Yu Yan exclaimed happily.

"Look carefully, that's not the moon palace, it's the moon! The moon is sixteen round on the fifteenth day! We should be going out of the tunnel, and there should be a Taoist temple outside the tunnel!" Shui Mo whispered.

Yes, the moonlight came in from the window of the Taoist temple, and then it shot into the cave.

"Going out is the Zhonghuamen Castle. The road to hell is not easy, but the world is better!" Lu Xiaobai said.

(End of this chapter)

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