
Chapter 187, Crappy Yaweijiao Mountain.

Chapter 187, Crappy Yaweijiao Mountain.

Lu Xiaobai led the way, and except for the poor light in the dark passage, everything else was fine.

The refreshing and pleasant humid air nourishes the soul; the wide, flat and tidy avenue seems to automatically pave the way for the feet that take every step; the vast space without dimension makes people feel happy. Shu Chang, walking in such a hole, whether there is light or not is meaningless!

We followed Lu Xiaobai closely to the exit. According to the preliminary judgment of the light coming in from the moon-like hole, there should be a distance of about 900 meters!
Looking from afar from the inside of the cave, it seems that someone is guarding the entrance of the cave.

"It feels like there is someone at the entrance of the cave, and the aura is very strong! It can't be a bad person, right? Lu Xiaobai, do you often walk this way?" Heilong suddenly asked Lu Xiaobai very vigilantly.

"Well! I often go. It's okay. The exit here is a small temple, which has been deserted for many years. There is a Taoist priest and a Bodhisattva inside. They often fight." Lu Xiaobai said to us with a smile.

"It's normal for a Bodhisattva to live in a small temple in the mountains, but there is also a Taoist priest living in it. It would be strange not to fight!" Yuyan laughed and said.

"Everyone talk, they both have weird tempers, be careful not to let us go out, it will be troublesome." Lu Xiaobai said to us quietly.

"It's just a Taoist priest and a Bodhisattva. If we don't let us go out, we won't go out? The legs are on our own, and we can't let them go." Heilong said self-righteously.

This guy has always been an ignorant existence. He was burned by the thunder and the fire, and he was almost burned into black charcoal by the thunder. He still doesn't repent!Hey... hopeless guy.

"Lu Xiaobai, why are you here again? Didn't I tell you not to take this path in the future? Why are you still going? Go back quickly, this tunnel may be about to change, go back late and be careful not to be hit by the aircraft " said a voice from the small temple outside the cave entrance to Lu Xiaobai.

We removed all the caves in turn, and when we looked carefully, we found that the small temple was exactly the same as the Taoist temple we came to, except that there was a statue missing.

It was the Taoist statue who opened the mouth. After we all came out, he moved the lotus platform under his feet to block the entrance of the cave tightly.

"Isn't this Avalokitesvara and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva? They can still move, uh!...Are both of their heads on fire? Clouds are shrouding the ground, and sweat is still dripping from their foreheads!" Yu Yan exclaimed with a smile got up and said.

"Little girl, stop talking nonsense. Who told you to come out of my house? Go back! This road is not for you Taoist priests, but for the suffering believers to escape from the burning of the hell fire. Go back, go back!" Bodhisattva As he spoke, he moved his idol away, revealing an identical hole.

Yu Yan opened her mouth wide in fright, and was speechless for a long time...!
Qiuyue wanted to speak, but I immediately covered her mouth with my hand, put my arms around her to keep her from moving, and whispered in her ear: "Bodhisattva's Buddha body and Tao body are sitting here, are they not hurting each other?" , is to collide with each other, and there is only one purpose - to make progress! Because she has no gods and Buddhas to teach her, so she can only be her own teacher! Don't mess around, be careful of being shot around as a target It's embarrassing."

Qiuyue twisted her butt, stretched out her hand and pinched me, signaling that she was about to be strangled to death by me and asked me to let go!

When I quickly let go, Qiuyue kept coughing in the small temple.

"Ah! It's the match of the gods. Sir, Sect Master Yue, why are you two here?" Dashi and Bodhisattva suddenly asked us.

"Bodhisattva, the student originally took his disciples to the underworld to help in the battle, but he was trapped by the devil's way and almost died. He finally escaped through the gods and Buddhas crossing the river tunnel. I am grateful and terrified! Nan Wu Amitabha!" I said.

"What are you talking about? You don't look like a secretary at all." Master Guanyin said.

"Ah! I heard that there is a couplet in the Sanjiangkou thatched house of the Sanqing High God. How is it written?" Bodhisattva asked me.

"Ah! I was so busy running for my life that I didn't see the wordless long couplet." I said.

"Hey! It's a pity. I still want you to read it and listen to it." The Bodhisattva said.

"Bodhisattva! There is a couplet in Sanqing Palace, which is very well written. Why don't I recite it to Bodhisattva?" I said.

"Forget it, you don't need to listen to the things in the Sanqing Palace! Sir, what kind of couplet is more appropriate to put in my small temple?" Bodhisattva asked.

"Jiang Tianhai is free in the sky; the heart of heaven, the heart of earth, the heart of bodhicitta." I responded casually.

"Lack of a horizontal batch." Dashi said.

"The mountain is full of majesty." I said casually again.

"A crappy Shanwei foot cliff, but I was told by the master that it was a heavenly disabled foot! Hahahaha, no matter! No matter! The heavenly disabled, the heavenly Zen! The Zen talker is disabled!" The Bodhisattva laughed and said.

"Okay, okay! Bodhisattva won't embarrass you, let's go! Next time you come, remember to drive the spaceship, otherwise it will be very dangerous to wander among the various flying machines that shuttle back and forth." up.

The great man saw him, smiled slightly, and said, "Crossing the river next time, we can take public transportation and take the land route. It is energy-saving and environmentally friendly, absolutely safe and reliable. Hurry up, Jinling City is very lively now, remember to take the children there Take a stroll around Mochou Lake, Xuanwu Lake and Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum have also changed a lot, so let’s take a good stroll! Don’t go to the foot of Niu Shou Mountain, go to Zijin Mountain Deep Blue Night, Zishan Wuxiang, Mongkok Carmen.” After the master finished speaking, He also kept silent and went into meditation.

When we walked out of the small temple, the bodhisattva and the great man started arguing again, and the voices became louder and louder. After a while, the small temple vibrated violently and jumped up...!
"The twin sisters, if it wasn't because we were in the cave, they would have already fought! Women, you have a bad temper." Heilong started talking nonsense with a big mouth.

When we were about to say a few words about Heilong, we saw Xiaomiao jumping around, like a big frog prince, jumping to the east, west, and jumping into the river three times... !Earth, rocks and rubble kept flying out of the window of the small temple, plopped into the middle of the river, and then disappeared without a trace.

After a while, the sun rises in the east, the sun shines brightly, the world of mortals rises from cooking smoke, and the fragrance wafts around. A small temple of Guanyin looms on the water in the middle of the river, showing half of its head, but it is still much quieter.

Heilong looked at the small temple that was only a little exposed on the river, looked at Lu Xiaobai beside him, encouraged her and said, "Lu Xiaobai, you can see clearly, just now the fight between the Bodhisattva and the great man in the small temple was very fierce. Don’t go this way next time, go another way.”

"They often do this, arguing in front of me several times! Once they used me as a weapon and threw them back and forth! I was dizzy and dizzy when I woke up. , but found that he was sleeping on the altar at the foot of Qixia Mountain, is it strange to you?" Lu Xiaobai said.

"Senior Brother Lu, are you saying that the two of them threw you to Qianfoyan?" Yuyan asked in surprise.

"Hmm! There are many Buddha statues in the caves under the altar." Lu Xiaobai said to Yu Yan seriously.

"I've been there before! How about we go to Qianfoyan this time? Sister Yue, old?" Yuyan said to me and Qiuyue with big eyes, double eyelids, and a small cherry mouth.

"It's coming again! Not honest at all." Qiuyue said to me helplessly.

"What's so interesting about Qixia Mountain? If you want to go, go to the Zijin Mountain Observatory. While watching thousands of sails passing up and down the Yangtze River, while looking back at the vicissitudes of the ancient city, it will be so exciting!" Interested, and happily suggested.

"Don't fight! Go to Zijin Mountain, Deep Blue Night, Carmen, Mong Kok, Zishan Wuxiang, and ask Tianzi to lead the way." I said.

"Okay, master!" The emperor promised, and he was about to open the way.

"That's not right! Why can't I find the way? Master, where is this?" Jiao Tianzi stopped suddenly and lost his voice.

"Brother, this is a fantasy world: Lame Mountain, Weijiao Cliff (Sanqing Shangshen Sanjiangkou Thatched Cottage); Weijiao Mountain, Lapaya (Small Temple at the Gate of Buddhism and Taoism)." Lu Xiaobai ran away immediately Go up and call the emperor and whisper.

"Oh! I said why it's broad daylight. The rolling Yangtze River is just below the mountain, but I can't find the way down the mountain!" The emperor said with emotion as if waking up from a dream.

"I'll open the way, and the brothers will follow. Going down to Leshan is Shogun Mountain." Lu Xiaobai said.

Sure enough, after walking not far, I saw fifteen vivid characters engraved on a three-year-old stone: Buddha Gate Weijiao Mountain, Dao Gate Lame Cliff, Magic Bubble Realm!
"Hmm! This is where Buddhism and Taoism cultivate their xinxing together. I saw its Yunshan model when I listened to Yuan Tianzun's teachings on the 33-day Wuji Cliff." The Holy Spirit kept nodding his head and said.

"Have you seen it?...Why didn't you say it earlier. It made us wait." Heilong said.

"It's a model! Listen clearly, I've seen its Yunshan model, which is a small rockery. Do you understand?" Holy Spirit said to the black dragon angrily.

"Don't pay attention to him. Brother Holy Spirit, tell me, what else did Yuanyuan Tianzun say." Qiuyue asked Holy Spirit curiously.

I know that this little girl is so fond of Bodhisattvas.

"I've said a lot, but it's all in one sentence: This place is a space-time tunnel where the souls of the three religions and nine streams come and go. The characters are guarding it." The Holy Spirit said with a wry smile.

"Why?" Yuyan asked puzzled.

"Have you read the "Tao Te Ching"? Dao can be very Dao, it is the Infernal Dao, the Dao without all methods, it is the natural Dao!" The Holy Spirit sighed and said with emotion.

After stepping off the ethereal and ethereal Void Mountain, it really is the Shogunate Mountain.

"It turned out to be the Shogunate Mountain Scenic Area! It's called Tianzi. After going down the mountain, we will walk for one kilometer. Take the bus from Wubai Village on Zhongyang Road to Xuanwu Lake Park, and then we will walk up to the Zijin Mountain Observatory, okay?" Yu Yan asked happily. Get up and say.

Revisiting the old place, the gods are also emotional, this is understandable.

I looked at the cloudy and uncertain expression on Qiuyue's face, and I didn't know what to do.

"I went back to my hometown, but I lost my old friends! The grass was exposed last night, and people are people today. The old house is replaced by a new one, and it is his residence! Let's go to Jiming Temple! Look at the disciples and grandchildren of the old nun! By the way, to the gods of heaven and earth All Buddhas respect incense." said the holy spirit.

After descending the mountain, our group did not dare to make any noise, and proceeded cautiously.

With a black face, the black dragon asked me gloomyly in the language of God: "Old man, is this fucking human? Why do I feel that they are gods, and we have all become clowns!"

"Don't mess around! Go up the mountain quickly. We won't take the bus, let's walk." I said to everyone.

"Yuyan, stop talking nonsense. This is not Jinling, but Nanjing! The southern capital, remember. You are no longer the eldest lady, and this is not your home. Remember." Qiuyue kept telling With the rain and smoke, he quickened his pace of walking forward.

We all followed them cautiously and hurried towards the deep blue night of Zijin Mountain.

Along the way, I also met a few Taoist priests, who all changed into Chinese tunic suits, looked at us with strange eyes, but dared not say anything.

We quickly walked down the Fugui Mountain.

At the gate of the military compound, many PLA soldiers were checking passers-by one by one.

We were also stopped.

At a critical moment, a veteran ran out of the team, glanced at Pixiu and Miao Miao, and said happily, "Aren't these the Captain Pi and Deputy Captain Miao of the Central Guard?? Where are you going on business?"

"Hey! Commander Xu, we are going to the Purple Mountain Observatory on business!" Pixiu immediately said politely to the veteran.

We passed the checkpoint of the Fuguishan Military Region and rushed all the way to the Purple Mountain Deep Blue Night, not daring to stop at one step, not daring to delay for a while...!
"It's dangerous!...It's dangerous!" Heilong's expression eased a lot, and he comforted himself with fear.

(End of this chapter)

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