Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1264 Growth

Chapter 1264 Growth
Lin Wangong.

Ying Baoyue remembered this name.

In her previous life, they were often mistaken for brother and sister because their names were very similar.

But in fact Lin Wangong is not her elder brother, but the half-brother of her master Lin Shubai.

After dissolving the relationship with the Lin family back then, her master once went back to the Lin family and found that the younger brother who lost his mother was too fat and lazy, so her master took him to the capital because he couldn't bear it, and became his nominal disciple .

After arriving in the capital city, even though no one has killed him, Lin Wangong still has nothing to do all day long. However, although he is a dude, he can't do bad things, let alone bully men and women. dude.

She also wanted to teach her nominal junior swordsmanship, but Lin Wangong was afraid of tiredness, hunger, sun exposure, and pain. After a few times of tossing, she gave up, and just put him on every time he was about to be overweight. Pulled out from the restaurant, let him sit on the stone steps and watch her practice a few sets of swords, and then move his body and let it go.

Every time Lin Wangong would sit on the stone steps with food and drink and watch her practice with a smile, but he just wanted him to imitate, which was always nondescript.

Ying Baoyue remembered how helpless she was with this unmotivated junior, and wanted to reprimand her, but the other party was five years older than herself, and every time she saw this man's heartless smile, she couldn't say anything up.

If you can't practice, you can't practice.

She only hoped that he could live happily ever after like this.

Lin Wangong's attitude towards life has always been very free and easy, always clamoring to be a son-in-law in the future, he is sweet and popular, and loves to be sociable, Ying Baoyue remembers that she and her master judged that even without their protection, Lin Wangong would be able to do well in Guiyang in the future If you can get away with it, then you won't care about him anymore.

Ying Baoyue knew that if the master had been aware of her accident in advance, she would have arranged for Lin Wangong to ensure that he would spend the rest of his life in abundance and leisure, and be the wealthy idler he dreamed of.

So after returning to this world, she didn't go to him.

That white, fat, heartless man just lives in her memory, as long as she thinks that he will forget them and live happily somewhere, she will be satisfied.

She didn't want to drag him into the cruel world of practitioners.

After all, he was a cowardly man who would be afraid of killing.

That's what she thought.

Ying Baoyue stared blankly at the thin man in front of her, and couldn't believe her eyes.

Where did his flesh go?
Lin Wangong in her memory was like a child who didn't grow up, with baby fat on her round, festive face. She was fat and fat like a little white elephant. Her lips were red and her teeth were white.

But now the scrawny practitioner in front of him has turned into another person.

The ragged clothes were draped over his body, protruding a sharp skeleton, all the flesh on his face, back, legs, and hands disappeared, and his whole body was missing a big circle, only a pair of eyes sunken and became deep and dark.

This is not the happy junior in her memory.

The only thing she was familiar with was the sword held in those hands.

day by day.

Back then, her master Lin Shubai forged three swords, Chasing the Sun, Flying to the Moon and Reaching the Stars.Ben Yue and Zhai Xing were prepared for Ji Qingyuan and Ji Ange, while Sun Chaser Sword was given to her younger brother Lin Wangong by her master.

Ying Baoyue was indeed surprised when she saw Meng Shi take out the sword, but she thought that Meng Shi got it from other sources, and she did not connect the original owner of the sword with the Northern Wei Dynasty Sword Master at all.

Because she still remembered that when Lin Wangong got the sword, he hugged her joyfully and came to her, "Senior sister, is this sword very valuable? If I run out of money for drinks in the future, can I sell it?"

Ying Baoyue remembered that she had blown his brains out, but she didn't refute his words.

Because as long as she and the master are still alive, Lin Wangong will not be without money for drinks, and if they are gone, Lin Wangong will not be able to keep the sword, so he can sell it if he wants.

So seeing Meng Shi holding this sword, Ying Baoyue thought that Lin Wangong must have sold the sword, and then the sword fell into Meng Shi's hands.

She didn't expect that the junior brother who she had always been weak and unable to support would guard the sword.

But now he was holding the sword and blocking Xu Canghai.

Before she entered the cloud forest, she remembered that Lin Wangong was only at the eighth rank.

What has he experienced in the past eight years?
Sensing the sight of the girl behind him, the hand of the man holding the Sun Chasing Sword trembled slightly at an unnoticed angle, but the next moment the man's gaze had returned to Furui Wubo.

"This name hasn't been used for a long time," he said calmly, facing Xu Canghai who was facing him, "I didn't come out before because the time didn't come."

"Now you want to bully my apprentice, how can I ignore it?"

These words were tantamount to admitting that he was Lin Wangong, and the elderly practitioners in the audience showed stunned expressions.

"Lin Wangong? I remember the name is..."

"It's the alcoholic brother of Da Si Ming, who thought he died early, but he is the Sword Master of the Northern Wei Dynasty?"

Ji Qingyuan behind the sweet-scented osmanthus tree was also very stunned, his neck turned stiffly, and he looked at the man wearing a bamboo hat standing beside him and Ji Ange.

"This person... is our uncle?"

Ji Da coughed and nodded, "Although he looks like a beggar, he is indeed your mother's younger brother, and you and An Ge's uncle."

"So he's still alive?" Ji Qingyuan looked at this uncle whom he had met for the first time in 20 years with a complicated expression. He didn't want to pursue the past, and only had a little doubt, "When did he come?"

Ji Da coughed again, "He was already in Ruyang City at least yesterday."

Sure enough.

Ji Qingyuan stared into Ji Da's eyes, "Then why didn't he come to the World Security Institute instead of visiting us?"

Ji Da and Lin Wangong obviously knew each other. Ji Da knew that the death security hospital was looking for him and Ji Ange, so it was impossible for Lin Wangong not to know.

Even if Lin Wangong has no feelings for him and Ji Ange, there is... another person in the World Security Court.

"This..." Ji Da's awkward smile fell from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes became calm.

"There is a saying that being closer to the country is more timid."

Ji Da stared at the thin man in ragged clothes on the stone platform, and spoke softly.

"In that yard, there is a person your uncle dare not meet."

"Don't dare to see?" Ji Qingyuan was stunned, and was about to say something. There was another loud noise on the stage, and Xu Canghai and Lin Wangong unexpectedly exchanged swords again!
Both took a step back this time.

"Your apprentice?" Xu Canghai said coldly, "She disguised herself as a man to deceive His Majesty, and she is already a sinner in the Northern Wei Dynasty. If you protect her, you will be guilty of the same crime as her."

"I gave this child the medicine to pretend to be a man." Lin Wangong's messy hair fluttered in the wind of the sword. "I was also the one who asked her to pretend to be a man to compete for the leader of the middle-level ceremony."

"Master, you..." Meng Shi was stunned and wanted to say something, but was held back by Mo Hua.

"You should have seen the winner of the mid-level ceremony this time," Lin Wangong said indifferently, "That's my sister's scabbard, why didn't I come to grab it?"

"So all of this is my instruction, the teacher's order must not be violated, this child is innocent, and all the crimes are my master's."

"That sounds good," Xu Canghai sneered when he heard the words, "The person who sent the scabbard is obviously you!"

(End of this chapter)

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