Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1265

Chapter 1265
Xu Canghai's voice has always been old and steady that doesn't match his age, like an old man who knows his destiny. Although it is weird, it is in line with his status as a great master. This is the first time that everyone has seen such a fierce reaction from the Northern Wei Dynasty. Lin Wangong is like his enemy.

"Huh?" Lin Wangong just stood up straight when he heard the words, and smiled, "So you know."

Xu Canghai's gray eyes were extremely cold, "Besides you, who else would that dog thief give her things to?"


Ying Baoyue was stunned, who is Xu Canghai talking about?
The deep disgust and words used in these words made her think for a moment that he was possessed by Xu Bingqing.

"Isn't it too much to say that the mountain ghost is a dog thief?" Lin Wangong's smile cooled down, "Although I don't know what that person is thinking, but apart from him, who can keep my sister's things intact Seven years?"

"If it was in your Beihan Pavilion, the scabbard must have entered the alchemy furnace long ago?" Lin Wangong said mockingly.

Xu Canghai's breath fluctuated for a moment, but Ying Baoyue couldn't see why.

The master's Dao heart is almost perfect, in other words, they can find righteousness for themselves no matter what they do.

But facing Lin Wangong's ridicule, Xu Canghai did not refute.

This is not in line with Ying Baoyue's understanding of him. Although Beihan Pavilion made the Breakthrough Pill and Xu Bingqing has her soul inexplicably, she thought that Xu Canghai would find reasons for herself, but Xu Canghai was not so surprised. Do.

"I don't want to mention the past anymore," Xu Canghai said lightly, "You won't believe me even if I say anything."

"Don't you believe what I say?" Lin Wangong sneered, and looked up at the huge black box placed outside the viewing pavilion, "But you should have discovered that even you can't open that box, right?"

Xu Canghai looked deeply, and sneered, "Didn't you make that box?"

"It was transformed by the spell made by the mountain ghost, and the formation above was set up by him," Lin Wangong spread his hands, "Do you think I can draw such a high-level formation?"

Ying Baoyue was stunned. Although she had never seen a mountain ghost before, she had indeed heard of it. Although the observer of the Mountain Sea Continent ranked last among the Eight Gods in combat power, he was as good at battle as Emperor Taizu. Laws and spells.

It is also because of this that the mountain ghost can stay safely in Xiling Snow Mountain. He has laid countless formations on the entire snow mountain, and none of the people who wanted to challenge him to replace him as the eight gods succeeded.

"I'm not a thick-skinned person like you," Lin Wangong said indifferently, "I give the sword as promised. Once the box is put on, no one can open it except the mountain ghost."

"The only person who can get this scabbard is the one who is recognized by the leader and the mountain ghost."

Zhao Guang opened his eyes slightly upon hearing this, and looked at Li Ji beside him.

The black eyes revealed by Li Ji's mask were bright and calm without distinguishing between emotions and anger.

The amount of information in the dialogue between the two heavenly cultivators on the stage was too much, and the people in the audience could barely react.

"Can't open it except Mr. Mountain Ghost? Can't Mr. Northern Wei Guoshi also do it?"

"No wonder Xu Guoshi didn't respond to the attack before, and he couldn't even open the other eight gods."

"But Mr. Shangui is thousands of miles away. Even if he knows who the leader is, how can he open the box at such a distance? Didn't it mean that he never goes down the mountain?"

"Hey! You must have never seen what happened during the Southern Chu Primary Ceremony. Lord Shan Gui and Ji Guoshi confronted each other in the air! Since you can attack from an air distance, you can definitely do it by opening the box."

"So if you want to get the scabbard of Tai Ah Sword, the only way to get the leader is to participate in the middle-level ceremony!"

The people in the audience whispered, but Lin Wangong just watched Xu Canghai quietly, "I'm afraid you also knew about this a long time ago, so you worked hard to let your daughter participate in the middle-level ceremony, right?"

Xu Bingqing stood outside the viewing booth and opened his eyes wide.

Actually... not.

It was she and her mother who insisted on participating in the middle class ceremony.

After she swallowed the elixir from the ground, she remembered that her father was furious when he left the customs. If her mother hadn't knelt down and begged her, her father would not have let her go so easily.

However, she watched her father standing quietly in the middle of the battle stage like a stone, without a word of rebuttal.

Xu Canghai raised the sword in his hand and pointed at the man in front of him, "What do you want to say?"

"It's nothing," Lin Wangong said indifferently, "It's just that they are manipulating their own disciples and children. How can you do it, but I can't?"

Standing on the stage, he was dressed in rags but he had a sense of immortality. He turned his head and glanced at Meng Shi and said lightly, "This old man is responsible for all the crimes of this disciple. If Master Guoshi wants to hold him accountable, Just go after the old man."

Seeing Lin Wangong claiming to be an old man, Ying Baoyue felt uncomfortable standing behind.

Although the ancients can become a grandfather at the age of 30, Lin Wangong is already in her early thirties, but she still can't adapt to this change for a while.

Fortunately, Lin Wangong changed his next sentence because he felt her embarrassment.

"However, I am already a heavenly rank," Lin Wangong said lightly, "Even the national teacher has no right to deal with heavenly rank practitioners."

Ying Baoyue suddenly realized that it was because of this that Lin Wangong wanted to take all the blame on himself.

Although the heavenly cultivators are not innocent in everything they do, but to convict a heavenly cultivator, one must obtain the permission of the monarch of a country.

Moreover, there is a practice in the world of practice. Heavenly cultivators who have lived in a country for more than five years are under the jurisdiction of that country. If Lin Wangong had really been a sword master for more than five years in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the only person who could convict him was The king of the Northern Wei Dynasty alone.

"After the middle-level ceremony is over, I will go back and take my disciple to plead guilty to the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty." Lin Wangong looked at Xu Canghai and said calmly, "Don't be in a hurry, my lord."

"Besides, this battlefield does not belong to us."

Lin Wangong didn't look back, feeling the sight behind him, he closed his eyes, and looked at Xu Canghai's words.

"Today, this is the battlefield for the Intermediate Ceremony."

"Don't disturb the protagonist's battle."

Xu Canghai stared fixedly at him, and turned around abruptly the next moment.

Seeing Xu Canghai who instantly appeared outside the viewing booth, everyone in the battle stage opened their mouths.

"God Son Xuanwu... is this giving up?"

"Who would have thought that the Sword Master of the Northern Wei Dynasty would appear suddenly, and it would be difficult to make a big move with him protecting Xu Guoshi."

"But Xu Guoshi is at the second rank, shouldn't he be able to suppress the third rank?"

"Maybe there are other reasons? If Tianjie fights, this platform should be destroyed. Besides, Lin Tianjie is right, there will be more important battles next!"

"Examiner." Lin Wangong glanced at the examiner hiding aside, "Sorry to bother you, but is it time to announce the result of this match?"

There was a dead silence under the battle stage.

Only then did everyone remember that just after Meng Shi conceded defeat, the examiner revealed the identity of Meng Shi's woman before reporting the results.

The trembling examiner woke up like a dream, and under Lin Wangong's implicitly powerful gaze, the examiner spoke loudly.

"The last semi-final match of the middle-ranking ceremony, the former Qin Ying wins!"

The examiner's deep voice spread throughout the audience.

The only two semi-finals, the last winner is.

The former Qin princess, Ying Baoyue.

Zhao Guang opened his eyes wide, feeling the breeze around him, and Li Ji walked out of the crowd.

The princess who came out of the weakest country entered the final battle.

Their respective opponents are only each other.

The final round of the semi-final battle is over.

this means.

Final battle.

About to start.

(End of this chapter)

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