Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1295

Chapter 1295
"After she said start, the formation lit up."

Hearing this, Zhao Guang suddenly became nervous.

He knew that Li Ji had a chronic illness when he was young, but he heard that it only hurt at the same time every day. Li Ji didn't let him come at that time, and Zhao Guang just hid outside the door and watched it secretly.

Thinking about it now, Li Ji's appearance of pain at that time was particularly like a curse attack or an illness related to a practitioner's meridians.

But even though Zhao Guang traveled all over the continent after growing up, he has never seen a case as weird as Li Ji.

That Li Zhao's woman was able to solve such a strange disease, she must have used a very mysterious method, right?

Zhao Guang was extremely curious, but looking at Li Ji beside him who started drinking after saying a word, he scratched his heart and dared not ask.

After Li Zhao appeared, Li Ji's narration became intermittent, as if he was often caught in his own memories, but he was still unwilling to speak out about these memories. If Zhao Guang read correctly just now, Li Ji's ears turned red for a moment.

His second brother's ears were red with embarrassment!

Zhao Guang opened his eyes wide in surprise.

What the hell is going on here?
Li Ji sat silently, Zhao Guang couldn't help but push him, "What happened later? Did you use complicated methods to cure your illness?"

In fact, the whole process is not complicated.

Li Ji took a deep breath.

Even though he has ascended to the heaven ranks now, he still can't understand what Li Zhao did back then.

He speculated that his meridians should have some kind of impurity in his meridians back then, and the meridians would be blocked by Chenshi, so every time he felt his body swell and hurt like it was going to explode, and Li Zhao should have gone through some special ceremony back then. Seal up those impurities.

After he became a heavenly rank, he still couldn't find out what was wrong with his body back then, which showed that even for the top practitioners, that problem was very difficult.

It stands to reason that dealing with such a problem should require extremely cumbersome steps.

He also thought the same way when he took Li Zhao's hand into the formation.

But in fact the entire ceremony process is quite simple, and the time is not long.

Li Ji put down his wine glass, the bright red image appeared in front of his eyes again, and he returned to the world in his memory again.

The formation on the ground was winding, and when he and Li Zhao walked to the center, it suddenly turned red, as if blood was flowing in the vines, and all the formations shone brightly in an instant, which looked extremely strange.


"Don't be afraid," Li Zhao pushed him to the center of the formation, "If you are afraid, close your eyes."

That's what she told him last night.

If it hurts, call out.

If you are afraid, close your eyes.

But what about her?

Doesn't she hurt and isn't afraid?

Li Ji remembered that he stood there in a daze, watching the blood suddenly flow from the forehead of the girl in front of him.

Just as he was standing still at the eye of the formation, Li Zhao stretched out his hand and tapped his own temple.

Looking at the blood gurgling from her forehead, Li Ji's pupils constricted, and the scream stuck in his throat.

what is she doing?
There are many acupuncture points on the human body, but Li Ji clearly remembered that he had read in the book that the temple is the acupoint of life and death. Once hit, he would faint or die in severe cases.

But now the woman in front of him broke his temple with her own hands? !
Li Ji's mind went blank, he only felt that the blood flow in his blood vessels accelerated, and his whole body fell into chaos.

At the same time, the formation on the ground is also shining brightly!

"Brother, don't look."

At this moment, the woman with bleeding forehead gently hugged him.

"It will be over soon."

Li Ji wanted to say something, but the next moment suddenly a huge wave rose before his eyes.

The scene in front of him was exactly the same as in his dream yesterday, he was floating on the sea like a solitary boat, and countless huge waves were coming to swallow him into the bottom of the sea. bird.

Torrenting fire poured into his body, as if trying to dry out all the moisture in his body.

Severe pain surged from his limbs again, but this time the pain was quickly pushed back. It was as if a hard shell had formed around his body. The next moment he pushed a hand outside the shell, The shell suddenly shattered.

A person emerges from under the shell.

The man under the shell opened his eyes.

Li Ji slowly opened his eyes and found himself regaining consciousness.

It turned out that he was still standing in the center of the formation, and Li Zhao held him in his original posture.

In her warm embrace, looking at the blood streaming down her cheeks, Li Ji felt his vision turn bright red.

But the next moment he was horrified to find that Li Zhao had lost his breath.

The one holding him seemed to be just an empty shell. Li Ji stood stiffly on the ground, not daring to move. He was afraid that if he moved, the shell would shatter.

"If I don't come back, remember to find the vegetable cellar under the bluestone..."

did not return?
Li Zhao's previous explanation rang in his ears, but Li Ji had no time to think about it, and the great fear gripped his heart.

The world around has lost its voice, and if she doesn't come back, he...

He obviously only met her yesterday, but at this moment he felt that he had lost everything.

"elder sister?"

"elder sister?"

"elder sister?"

He touched the back of the person holding him like touching a fragile object, desperately suppressing the tears in his eyes.

He's a man, he can't cry.

But maybe he didn't even realize that his voice was choked to hoarse.


"I'm awake."

When Li Zhao's voice sounded, Li Ji felt that his mind was completely frozen.

There was a soft breathing sound in his ear, and he tilted his head stiffly slightly.

Li Zhao, who was leaning on his shoulder, opened his eyes and exhaled slowly.

"I am back."

Li Ji was speechless, and saw the girl in front of him straighten up like a normal person, stretched out her hand to grab his pulse, smiled after feeling the pulse, sat down on the ground and patted her chest.

"It actually succeeded. I'm really brave enough."

Did you say that yourself?What the hell did she just do?
At this time, Li Ji found that the surrounding formations were rapidly fading, turning into ordinary ravines.

Seeing him standing stiffly on the ground, Li Zhao laughed, and pulled him over. He staggered and fell to the ground, but it didn't hurt at all.

Because he fell on her lap.

"We made it."

The girl's laughter resounded throughout the forest.

Li Ji was also infected by this joy.

"No one will be able to find you based on your breath in the future."

"It won't hurt every day."

"No one will want to eat you anymore."

Happiness came so fast and so violently that Li Ji felt dizzy.

Li Zhao cupped his face, "By the way, I haven't asked, what's your name?"

Li Ji's eyes widened in astonishment, and then he remembered that he had never told her his name.

She didn't even know his name, but she did this for him.

Li Ji didn't know what to say, touched the hairband in his arms, and said in a low voice, "My name is..."


He lowered his head and spoke slowly.

"My name is... Send..."

"Send it? Which one?" Li Zhao asked with a smile.

Looking at the smiling face of the girl in front of him, Li Ji suddenly couldn't open his mouth.

His name does not have any expectations for him, only the sadness of being imprisoned in the Soochow Palace for more than ten years.

He raised his head, his black eyes were as bright as stars.

"Which one do you think is better?"

Li Zhao was stunned, looked at the wild wheat growing under the trees in the courtyard, and asked tentatively, "The millet of Guji?"

Grow vigorously like wild wheat.

What a great name.

Li Ji remembered smiling and nodding his head heavily.

"Well, it's that Ji."

 There is a major foreshadowing here
(End of this chapter)

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