Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1296 Proposal

Chapter 1296 Proposal
Zhao Guang let out a heavy breath.

After so long, he finally understood why Li Ji became Li Ji when he saw Li Ji again eight years ago.

"She took the first name, and then the surname was also hers?" Zhao Guang asked delicately.

"Of course," Li Ji said with a calm face, without any unnatural expression.

This is indeed a matter of course...

Zhao Guang still remembered that when he met Li Ji in the broken courtyard, Li Ji told him that he didn't like his original name, and he didn't report his surname when he went out and registered with others. He probably hated his surname more than his name.

In this case, Li Ji is definitely not willing to return his original surname, but...

"Second brother, but don't you feel that you are a bit like..." Zhao Guang's expression was a bit indescribable.

"Like what?" Li Ji's black eyes glanced at him lightly.

As the saying goes, wine is strong and courageous. Zhao Guang drank a lot tonight, and he became more courageous. Thinking of Li Ji's face when he was a child, he couldn't help but say that sentence.

"Don't you think you're... getting married?"

The moonlight fell coolly, Zhao Guang covered his mouth after speaking, his face turned red from suppressing a smile.

Well done, he finally said it!
"is it?"

However, Zhao Guang did not expect that Li Ji's reaction when he heard these two words was unusually calm, "Speaking of which, I really wanted to do this at the time."

"It's a pity that I was rejected by others."

"That's it, that's really a pity," Zhao Guang yawned casually, and coughed violently the next moment.

"Ahem, cough, second brother, did you really do this?!"

Zhao Guang was almost choked to death by his own saliva.

"Well," Li Ji's black eyes showed no embarrassment, "but it's not considered a married woman. About half a year after I met her, I once proposed to her."

"Please... please propose marriage?!"

Zhao Guang coughed terribly, Li Ji reached out and patted his back, "Are you that surprised?"

"No..." Zhao Guang wiped the tears coughed from the corners of his eyes, and looked at the calm and taciturn man in front of him.

Why on earth did I feel that this person had a cold personality?

Or is it that Li Ji wasn't originally a cold personality, but he just changed after leaving the cloud forest?

This obviously scares people to death if they don't make a move!

"No, second brother, how old were you back then?"

Zhao Guang swallowed, recalling what he was doing when he was thirteen or fourteen years old, and realized that he was still wandering around the mainland behind Li Ji like a second idiot.

"Let me remind you, your elder brother was already engaged when he was 13 years old, but his fiancée died unexpectedly later." Li Ji said slowly.

That's true.

Zhao Guang calmed down.

The children of aristocratic families will start to see each other at the age of 13. If there is a suitable family, they will get engaged at [-] and get married at [-]. Common people's families will start earlier. It is not uncommon to be a father at the age of four.

Before Emperor Taizu established a practice system, children from aristocratic families often married early, but now most of the children from aristocratic families have to participate in the primary ceremony when they are teenagers, and many of them will choose to get married after they ascend to the Divine Dance Realm. This is generally a few years older.


"Second brother, how long have you known him?" Zhao Guang restrained the turmoil in his heart, "Half a year...isn't it too soon?"

In fact, it's not too fast. Many children from aristocratic families don't even meet each other before they get married, but Zhao Guang feels that with Li Ji's cold temperament, he proposes to someone after half a year of dating. This progress is really too fast. up.

No, half a year is not unacceptable to him!Zhao Guang's eyes stared like copper bells, but at least tell him what happened in the past six months!
Storytelling doesn't come with such omissions!

"Second Brother!" Zhao Guang moved his face closer to Li Ji's mask, his eyes sparkling, "Why did you suddenly want to propose to her? No, why did you fall in love with her?"

"Why..." Li Ji's eyes froze, "You should know that I stayed in the cloud forest later, right?"

"Well," Zhao Guang nodded and sighed, "Speaking of which, she is really willing to let you stay."

According to Li Ji's narration, Li Zhao was only seventeen or eighteen years old at the time. It is amazing that a woman of this age is willing to raise a child who is four or five years younger than herself, living alone in the deep mountains and old forests. .

"She was unwilling at first," Li Ji narrated calmly, "I said that I have no father, no mother, and no one to take me in."

"She said that she could find me a reliable family and send me out after my injury recovered. I agreed, but I regretted it before I left."


Zhao Guang was stunned.

"Yeah." Li Ji nodded calmly.

"I know I'm a trouble, and I agreed to go out because I didn't want to drag her down," he said softly, "but when I walked out of the gate of that yard, I regretted it."

He doesn't really want to go.

"Then...then how did you convince her?" Zhao Guang was a little nervous.

"No persuasion," Li Ji took a deep breath, "I just said that I actually don't want to leave."

"Ah?" Zhao Guangwen was dumbfounded, "Then she was left for you?"

Li Ji smiled, "Yes."

This is too easy, right?
Looking at Zhao Guang who was stunned there, Li Ji smiled inside the mask.

He realized later that Li Zhao wanted to send him away because he said he was willing to go out, not because she insisted on sending him out.

Li Zhao has only one principle of conduct, and that is to respect his choice.

If he doesn't want to go, she won't force him to go.

"Then...then you just stayed?" Zhao Guang said with a dry mouth, "Doesn't she find it troublesome?"

After all, Li Ji was a half-year-old woman who lived alone, so she adopted it when she said she wanted to adopt it?
"I was also very nervous," Li Ji smiled, "I even asked her why she was so nice to me."

"How did she answer?" Zhao Guang's heart beat faster.

"On the contrary, she looked at me very suspiciously," Li Ji's eyes were a little hazy.

"Is it weird?" The woman who was cooking breakfast by the stove turned her head, looked at him and smiled, "I don't think it's that weird."

"I know a person who suddenly picked up a baby when she was not married."

Li Ji remembered being stunned, "And then?"

Even if he has no common sense, he also knows that for an unmarried woman, suddenly picking up a baby should be troublesome.

Under normal circumstances, those who are kind will be hugged to the shantang, and those who are less timid will even turn a blind eye.

"Did she give the child away?"

"No," Li Zhao shook his head and smiled, "She raised that child by herself."

"Because of this reason, her marriage fell through, and her family broke up with her. She was displaced by herself, and she was on the verge of life and death many times."

Li Ji remembered that he was dumbfounded when he heard it, "Then she is...why?"

"Yes, why is that?" Li Zhao smiled, scooped up a ladle of water and poured it into the pot.

"I don't know why."

The woman smiled back at him.

"So I don't know why I left you."



When Zhao Guang heard this, he also lost his voice for a long time.

He had a premonition that Li Ji's story was about to come to an end.

Before that sad ending came, he took a deep breath and looked into Li Ji's eyes.

"Second brother, why are you telling me this tonight?"

These are the secrets in Li Ji's heart, but because the sad ending is also a scar that cannot heal in his heart, if it hadn't happened, it would be hard for Zhao Guang to imagine that Li Ji would take the initiative to speak out.


Li Ji was in a daze for a moment, and looked at the lights in a small room downstairs.

His voice was like a whisper, making Zhao Guang tremble all over.

Li Ji spoke softly.


"Zhao Guang, I seem to have found her."

(End of this chapter)

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