Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1311 Customs

Chapter 1311 Customs
According to what Fang Shisan said, Lin Wangong and others disappeared in a place called Luojia Mountain outside the border town of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

A group of people disappeared without a trace. Fang Shisan and the others followed at a very close distance, and they were always less than two hundred feet behind the Northern Wei team. As a result, he watched Lin Wangong and the others disappear after turning a hill. After searching all the trees and rocks in a radius of ten li, he couldn't find the mark that he would leave when he agreed with Lin Wangong to change lanes.

So he non-stop sent his men to several nearby towns that he must pass through to Luoyang, the capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty, but there was no news of Lin Wangong, Xu Canghai and others entering the city.

One must know that there are nearly 200 people in the Northern Wei group and the Beihan Pavilion disciples. There is a lot of movement in the team of so many people, and it is unreasonable for everyone to disappear.

Everyone was surprised after listening to Fang Shisan's narration.

Li Ji's eyes darkened slightly, and his eyes fell on the topographic map on Ying Baoyue's table, "The problem should be on Luojia Mountain."

"You mean..." Ying Baoyue said softly, "Secret way?"

The secret path in the mountains can be said to be a legacy of Taizu's unification war. Generally, practitioners in the army who are good at strange formations guide the way, and the army digs and builds the road. To unexpected surprise effect.

A well-built mountain secret path can completely reverse the direction of the mountain like Huarong Road. You think the opponent is going forward, but in fact the opponent has turned around a mountain and has already circled behind you.

The terrain in the mountains is inherently complicated. If there is a secret path known only to the other party, the army will be elusive and will surely win.

It was in this way that Emperor Taizu Emperor Yingdi laid down many mountainous borders between the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Southern Chu Dynasty.

Because Emperor Ying was the best practitioner of formations in the world back then, and he secretly informed the local generals to build many secret paths in the mountains. Except for a few mountains, Ying Baoyue didn't know which mountains had them.

Li Ji glanced at Ying Baoyue in surprise when he heard the words. He just wanted to remind Ying Baoyue that there might be a strange formation in Ying Baoyue Mountain, but he didn't expect Ying Baoyue to directly point out the secret way related to the army.

At this time, the other teenagers around also reacted.

Emperor Taizu's deeds of unifying the six kingdoms have always been worshiped by the children of the family. Many children grew up reading the achievements and military books he left behind. When Ying Baoyue mentioned the secret way, he immediately reacted. come over.

"So there might be a secret path hidden in Luojia Mountain?" Ji Jiashu looked a little dignified.

"It's just my guess, but it should be close to ten." Ying Baoyue glanced at Fang Shisan. Although he was still young, since he was sent to her by Qian Duoduo, he must be very good at tracking. The real deal.

In this case, so many people will disappear before his eyes, and he has nothing to think about except the secret path.

After the surrender of the six kingdoms, Emperor Taizu, with the support of her master, decided to implement the feudal system for the time being when the political situation was not stable. I once heard my master say that Emperor Ying told the national teachers of his country's vassal states about the location of some secret passages.

In other words, if Luojia Mountain has a secret passage, Xu Canghai probably knows the location.

As for the disappearance of Lin Wangong and Meng Shi, it is very likely that Xu Canghai decided to take the secret passage at the last minute without notifying anyone in advance, which caused Lin Wangong to notice after entering the secret passage and did not have time to leave a mark.

"That is to say, the Northern Wei people's team may have already traveled thousands of miles away?" Ji Jiashu breathed a sigh of relief. Before, everyone was shocked by the sudden disappearance of such a large group of people, but now it seems that since they know Xu Canghai and his party are If you walk the secret path, then this matter will not be so weird.

"Probably, it's just..." Ying Baoyue clenched her hands slightly on the table.

"Baoyue, what's wrong with you?" Ji Jiashu looked at her worriedly.

In his opinion, although Xu Canghai's move was scary, he must have been annoyed by the tracking of many countries. It is human nature to completely get rid of the pursuers with this move. Since Ying Baoyue figured out what happened, why did he look at him? Is there still something wrong with it?
"It doesn't matter, even if you lose track for a while, just keep tracking."

Ji Jiashu said, "Then it is impossible for a group of people to disappear completely. Our Ji family's intelligence network is also following them. I will notify you if there is any news."

"Thank you," Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, "I was just wondering why Xu Canghai did this."

Although many countries are tracking the movement of the Northern Wei army, Xu Canghai and others have just entered the southern border of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and they are still far away from the Ninggu Tower in the north. Why did Xu Canghai lead people into the secret road here? ?

What exactly happened that made him leave quickly with everyone in the Northern Wei Dynasty at the expense of revealing the location of a secret passage?

No, it's not leaving.

Ying Baoyue's back felt a little cold.

It's almost like running for your life.

For Xu Canghai, there is an easier way not to be followed by people from other countries, just "solve" those tails that follow.

He didn't need to bring so many people into the secret passage.

After all, they have already entered the territory of the Northern Wei Dynasty. No matter what happens in the territory of the Northern Wei Dynasty, as the national teacher, he is the master, and there is no need for him to hide.

Even if he killed all the secret agents who followed him, there was no law to punish him, and no one in the Northern Wei Dynasty could restrain him except the Northern Wei King.

He could have dealt with those stalkers and swaggered down the streets of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

But Xu Canghai chose to hide his tracks.

Why is that?
What is he hiding from?
"Hug the moon? Hug the moon!" Li Ji's call recalled Ying Baoyue's thoughts.

"It's okay, I just thought of some possibilities," Ying Baoyue smiled at Li Ji, then took a deep breath and patted Fang Shisan's head.

"I don't blame you for what happened this time. I'll draw a few directions for you. You should focus on finding towns thirty miles away to see if you can find traces of Juggernaut and others."

Although Ying Baoyue had an ominous premonition in her heart, she could only continue to wait until there was no more news.

In a situation where the clues are intricate, all she can do is to keep calm and not move the enemy.

At the same time she had a premonition.

Next, it should be very difficult for everyone to get traces of Xu Canghai and others.



Everything was as Ying Baoyue expected.

In the next few days, there was no latest news from various channels, Xu Canghai and his party really seemed to have evaporated from the world, and there was no news.

Ying Baoyue was impatient and carved skins in Shi'an Yuan, and when she finished carving the tenth mask, someone finally came to the door.

"Long time no see." Ying Baoyue sat in the courtyard and looked up, looking at Qian Bofang who walked into the courtyard, and smiled softly.

"I thought you wouldn't come to see me."

"Thirteen has not found any news, and I am too guilty to come to see you," Qian Bofang smiled wryly, "I have no choice but to come to see you in person."

"Have you found Meng Shi and the others?" Ying Baoyue asked.

"No," Qian Bofang said solemnly, "It's just that my people recently heard some bad news in the Northern Wei Dynasty."

"What news?" Ying Baoyue asked.

"People near the capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty have recently been discussing a custom, or a tradition in the past."

"Your Highness, have you heard of that custom before?"

Qian Bofang took off the cloak on his head, fixedly looked into Ying Baoyue's eyes, and spoke softly.

"The tradition of the royal family of the Northern Wei Dynasty killing the mother and setting up the son."

 This custom is not a fiction. In history, the royal family of the Northern Wei Dynasty did have this tradition, and it has been practiced for many generations. The most famous emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Emperor Xiaowen, because the Northern Wei Dynasty implemented the system of death of the son and mother. was given death.

(End of this chapter)

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