Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1312 Premonition

Chapter 1312 Premonition
Upon hearing this, Ying Baoyue's pupils constricted, the carving knife in her hand stopped, and a drop of blood oozed out of her fingertip.

"Your Highness?!"

Qian Bofang was startled, and rushed forward, Ying Baoyue put his finger in his mouth, and waved to him, "It's okay, I just remembered something from the past."

"Then you really..."

"Well, I know." Ying Baoyue nodded, looking at the half-carved mask on the table.

This is engraved for Ji Ange, because she is very familiar with Ji Ange's face, even if Ji Ange is not sitting in front of her, she can still carve this mask.

Ying Baoyue looked at the mask and thought of the woman who had the same appearance as Ji Ange.

The tradition of killing the mother and raising the son in the royal family of the Northern Wei Dynasty was told to her by her master at the beginning.

The so-called killing the mother and setting up the son was also called the death of the son and the mother in the Northern Wei Dynasty, that is, once the prince was established as the crown prince, his biological mother must be given to death.

The first time I heard about it, Ying Baoyue was also shocked by the cruelty of this tradition. There were many examples of "establishing a son and killing his mother" in previous dynasties, but the Tuoba family's "the son cherishes the mother's death" was followed in the Northern Wei Dynasty. In order to establish the dignity as the royal family of the Northern Wei Dynasty as soon as possible, the Yelu clan, who replaced the Tuoba clan with the support of the Taizu Emperor, even wanted to follow the tradition of the Tuoba clan.

Fortunately, her master discovered Yelu's crazy move in time, and saved the mother of the current prince Tuobalang before the Northern Wei King.

"I heard that it was the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty who personally ordered his wife to be executed," Qian Bofang sat next to Ying Baoyue and let out a breath of disgust.

"That's right," Ying Baoyue felt a little heavy.

The current king of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Yeluhong, is the oldest princely king on the Shanhai Continent. His own mother had already passed away when Emperor Ying helped him to the throne. wanted to kill his own mother.

Under such circumstances, the first thing Yeluhong did after ascending the throne was to confer his eldest son Yelulang as the prince, and then ordered the death of Yelulang's mother, his first wife, Feng Shi.

At that time, Yelulang was nearly 30 years old, and his grief can be imagined. He did not hesitate to fight against his father and wanted to save his mother, but was pinned to the ground by four heavenly practitioners, and saw his father die with his own eyes. Mother handed over the poisoned wine.

Fortunately, when the death ceremony was held, her master Lin Shubai arrived in time, overturned the poisoned wine, and brought the imperial edict of Emperor Ying.

The imperial decree stated that the Northern Wei Dynasty, as the vassal state of the Great Qin Dynasty, should no longer retain the system of killing mothers and raising children, and this tradition has since been abolished.

Hearing this, Chamberfang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sure enough, it was abolished," he sighed. "No wonder I haven't heard about it for so many years in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Queen Feng also died of illness after hearing about it."

I have to say that this tradition is abolished well. Qian Bofang felt that if a son watched his mother die, his character would definitely go wrong.

Looking at Qian Bofang who was deeply grateful, Ying Baoyue couldn't laugh.

"Duo Duo," she said softly, "it was just abolished once."

She once heard from her master that Yeluhong was very unhappy when he received the imperial decree from Emperor Taizu.

Because in his opinion, this tradition is a part of the folk customs of the Northern Wei Dynasty, which can avoid disputes between relatives. Once this tradition is lost, the future king of the Northern Wei Dynasty will be like a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out, and will no longer have a strong heart.

"Strong heart?!" Qian Bofang said in disbelief, "He calls this tough?"

Ying Baoyue let out a breath, she felt it was more like a distorted heart than a strong one.

A king who lost his closest relatives at an early age is bound to be more indifferent and cruel than ordinary people.

Although Yeluhong, the current king of the Northern Wei Dynasty, did not ascend the throne under the system of killing his mother and raising his sons, in her opinion, this old king has been living under the shadow of this system.

Even though Yeluhong canceled the death ceremony under the pressure of Emperor Ying's imperial decree, but as if to express his dissatisfaction to the Great Qin court, he put Queen Feng in limbo, and at the same time canceled Yelulang as a Prince's will.

It's like saying, isn't Daqin not killing his mother, then he won't have a son.

Ying Baoyue thought of Yeluhong's youngest son, Yeluqi, who provoked her in Southern Chu back then. He was so domineering at the beginning, but there were actually hidden dangers buried by this incident at that time.

For so many years, Yeluhong has not established a prince, which led to the intensification of the battle for the crown prince in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

If it weren't for Yelulang's eldest son, Yeluhua, who was favored by Yeluhong, the battle for the heir apparent in the Northern Wei Dynasty would have been even more intense.

Yeluhong has never been able to give up his obsession with killing his mother and raising his son. At first, it was because of the emperor's decree that he gave up this idea, but now that the former Qin Dynasty can no longer control the Northern Wei Dynasty, what will Yeluhong do?
"Why did the Northern Wei Dynasty bring up the matter of killing the mother and raising the son again?" Ying Baoyue exhaled, looking at Qian Bofang, "What else did your people find out?"

"There is indeed other news."

Qian Bofang took a deep breath, "I heard that the eldest prince Yelulang's concubine Feng has been ill recently."

"Feng?" Ying Baoyue was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered that Yelulang's main wife was his mother's distant niece, who also happened to be named Feng.

This Princess Feng is also Yeluhua's mother.

Ying Baoyue's back felt cold.

Yeluhong, king of the Northern Wei Dynasty, valued Guanghua Lord Yeluhua, which is well known all over the world.

The disappearance of Meng Shi and Yeluhua and others, the revived tradition of killing mothers and raising children, and the sudden illness of the mother of the last person who may become the heir apparent.

What does all this mean?
At this moment, the window sash next to the two suddenly creaked, and the two heard it and looked.

"It's windy," Qian Bofang looked at the cloudy sky, "It's probably going to rain soon, Your Highness, why don't we go inside and talk."

Ying Baoyue nodded, "Is there any other news?"

"This is the only news, but I have other things I want to ask you." Qian Bofang looked into Ying Baoyue's eyes, and took out a letter from his arms.

"It's not just that I want to ask you, she also wants to ask you."

Ying Baoyue's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately understood who "she" was.

The two walked into the room, Ying Baoyue closed the doors and windows, lit an oil lamp, and looked at Qian Bofang's face, which was shadowed under the light.

"What do you want to ask?"

Looking at her, Qian Bofang changed his address.


"We want to ask, are you really planning to go back to the north?"

Ying Baoyue was startled, looked at the scars left by the mask on her hand these days, nodded, and said seriously, "Of course I really plan to go."

"Really?" Qian Bofang took a deep breath, "Then the subordinate will speak directly."

Chamber Fang's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"The current north is too dangerous for you, General."

"Your plan to hide your whereabouts may not succeed."

 The name of the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty was wrongly written as Yeluhao in the Nanchu volume, but now it is uniformly corrected as Yeluhongha.

(End of this chapter)

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