Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1313 Doubt

Chapter 1313 Doubt

There was the sound of wind and rain beating outside the closed windows.

The two people in the room looked at each other quietly.

The flames of the oil lamp danced in clusters, reflecting Chamber Fang's extremely serious eyes.

Ying Baoyue fixedly looked at him.

She suddenly remembered that when she picked up him on the side of the road who was about to die in exile, he had the same look in his eyes.

A scholar with no strength to restrain a chicken, was whipped and bruised all over his body, and he was so hungry that he could only breathe, but even if he fell on the side of the road, his gaze on the ground was still serious.

Seriously as if to remember the position of every stone on the ground, even if you die, you must die soberly.

At that time, she thought, such a person, even if he is not a practitioner, will be able to achieve whatever he does in the future.

As long as it is a business that he pays close attention to, he will definitely be able to complete it.

Facts proved that her vision was extremely accurate. Later, Qian Bofang put this seriousness on money, and became the largest wealthy businessman in the country except for a certain prince in the Mid-Tang Dynasty.

But now, Qian Bofang watched him with such serious eyes.

It's herself.

"Duo Duo," Ying Baoyue put the carving knife back into the tool box, turned around and looked at him empty-handed, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"General, stop pretending that you don't understand." Qian Bofang looked at her fixedly, "I'm your man, there's nothing you can't tell me."

He took a step forward, knelt down on one knee, looked up at the girl in front of him whose appearance had become similar to the age when he was picked up, and said every word.

"Even if everyone in this world will betray you, Meiniang and I must be the last two."

Ying Baoyue looked into his eyes and resisted not taking a step back.

"I'm not hiding anything from you."

"You have."

As if sensing the emotional fluctuations of the person in front of him, Qian Bofang stretched out his body and grabbed Ying Baoyue's left wrist.

Ying Baoyue broke free immediately.

"Don't touch!"

The next moment she realized that her reaction was too violent, Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, looked at the man with gray hair in front of her with a complicated expression, "Duo Duo, don't touch it."

"Sure enough," Qian Bofang was not surprised, but bowed his head to apologize to Ying Baoyue, "General, I'm sorry to offend you."

Ying Baoyue shook her head, "How did you find out?"

"It was Fang Da who told me," Qian Bofang said calmly, "That kid is good at rhythm. When you were in the Six Arts Competition, he found something wrong with your left hand when you played the piano."

Shao Siming's ability to control her body is world-renowned, and Qian Bofang is even more aware that ordinary pain and injuries can't defeat her, let alone make her lose control of her body.

Then Ying Baoyue's left hand will lose control, there is only one possibility.

"Is it... a high-level curse?" Qian Bofang asked after a moment of silence.

"Well," Ying Baoyue paused and nodded. If it was said that the ruby-level curse would make him more worried, let him think so.

"What will happen then? How to undo the curse?"

"It's been under control recently," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "If I can become the second rank again in the future, I should be able to solve it."

"Really?" Chamberfang looked into her eyes and asked bluntly, "How long will it take? One year? Half a year?"

The house fell silent.

Ying Baoyue let out a long breath, "You are still so scary."

The guess is too accurate.

"An excellent businessman needs to be able to understand people's hearts." Qian Bofang looked up at the girl in front of him who had gone from nothing to the present all his life. "You will definitely become the second-ranked girl."

He never doubted that she could become a goddess again from scratch.

The only thing that is difficult for her is how long it takes.

Thinking of Ying Baoyue's rapid breakthrough in the past six months, Qian Bofang slightly lowered his head, "Is it only half a year?"

"Yes," now that the other party has guessed it, Ying Baoyue no longer hides it.

Half a year.

Although he had guessed the answer himself, when he heard the fact himself, Chamberfang's shoulders still shook.

"Is that why you are so anxious to attend the high-level ceremony?" Qian Bofang clenched his teeth, as if he had found a glimmer of hope, "Will Lord Shangui have a solution?"

But before Ying Baoyue could answer, he spoke again.

"No, you must not put all your hopes on Mr. Shangui." Qian Bofang closed his eyes, "You went to the north to investigate the truth of what happened back then."

If the curse cannot be untied, she will also find out who was behind the scenes at the last time.

In addition to the former Qin Dynasty, the Northern Wei Dynasty was the place where the young commander Lin Baoyue lived the longest, and it was also the place where the senior commander Lin Shubai died.

"You have guessed everything," Ying Baoyue smiled, "Since you understand everything, why do you want to prevent me from going to the north?"

"I'm not trying to stop you," Qian Bofang raised his head and stared at Ying Baoyue intently again, "I just don't understand your way of doing things. The risk of concealment is lower, but that's usually the case."

"Don't tell me that you can't see that the situation in the Northern Wei Dynasty has gone wrong."

An old king, an undecided prince, a family that is ready to move, and Xi Rong, whose enemies are outside.

If the south is still stable, then the north is already in jeopardy.

Although relying on the solid Great Wall to maintain stability for seven years, this stability has long been cast a shadow. It is better to say that the stability of these seven years is a miracle.

After all, seven years ago, the Great Wall of Eternal Night was breached once.

Ying Baoyue fell silent, the flickering flames against her face made her look even younger.

But Qian Bofang knew that behind this immature face was the most mature general of the Great Qin Dynasty.

What Ying Baoyue can see is farther than him.

"I heard that the Great Wall of Eternal Night was breached once?" Ying Baoyue asked after a moment of silence.

"That's right, but it was made up later." Qian Bofang became nervous, for fear that Ying Baoyue would ask how he made it up.

Fortunately, Ying Baoyue didn't ask.

"Since it was made up temporarily, it shouldn't last long, right?" She asked, "How long can it last?"

Qian Bofang stuck his fingertips into his palm, trying his best not to behave abnormally.

"Master Da Si Ming said back then that if it is made up, it can last for ten years."

"Really? Then there are three years left?" Ying Baoyue stared at the flame of the oil lamp, "It's a pity that the Northern Wei Dynasty can't last that long."

With a click, the sound of the porcelain bowl being broken suddenly came from outside the house.

Qian Bofang was shocked, he looked over suddenly, and found that it was Ji Ange standing at the door in a daze holding the tea tray that had been spilled all over the floor.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop." Ji Ange squatted down in a panic, and tidied up the smashed teacups on the ground.

Qian Bofang breathed a sigh of relief. He also said that Ying Baoyue couldn't even notice that someone was approaching. It turned out to be Ji Ange.

Seeing Ying Baoyue's unsurprised appearance, she should have noticed that Ji Ange was approaching before, but she didn't mean to be wary of her.

"An Ge, it's okay." Ying Baoyue stepped forward to help her tidy up the tiles, "Did you hear that?"

"Well," Ji Ange's mind went blank. She just wanted to deliver tea, but she didn't expect to hear such a shocking thing.

What does it mean that the Northern Wei Dynasty can't hold on anymore?
What does unbearable mean?
(End of this chapter)

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