Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1383 The old enemy

Chapter 1383 The old enemy

Mu Rongqing repeated the name in a daze. The Mu family lived in seclusion for many years, but they, the descendants of the Mu family, were by no means ignorant of what happened to the outside world. What's more, after the middle-ranking ceremony, the name had already resounded throughout the mainland.

Lord Hua, the ghost of Xirong, Chunyu Ye.

For many years, this name was just a name to the people of the six countries within the Great Wall.

Back then, only five of the best young practitioners could be found on the Great Wall. The odd number was ominous. In order to make up the number for the Six Princes of the Warring States Period, the Central Plains practitioners included the most notorious young King Zhai of Xirong among them, and named him "ghost". , but never thought of a word as a prophecy.

This Twelve Zhai Kings of Xirong is really a "ghost".

It is not new news that the Xirong people participated in the middle-level ceremony. Before the opening ceremony, everyone had already known that the arrival of the Xirong people led by the Twelve King Zhai attracted the attention of the whole continent.

But no one expected that Chunyuye would indeed lead the Xirong people to Soochow to participate in the middle-ranking ceremony, but he himself did not use the identity of "Chunyuye".

This person hid in the Xirong team under the pseudonym "He Lianyan", and achieved the highest ranking among the Xirong people. After the final decisive battle, he revealed his identity, but still led all the Xirong people to retreat.

The Mu family has been collecting information on practitioners from all over the continent for so many years. Among them, the information on practitioners at the Divine Dance Realm and above will be sent to a special room and sorted according to the grades of A, B, C, and D.

Her father gave this room a strange name called "Archives". It is said that this name was first used by Da Si Ming in the Great Qin Imperial Prayer Province.

In the Mu family archives, the order of the information of the major practitioners is no longer according to the realm, but according to the degree of threat to the Mu family.

The sort person is her father Muyou.

Before the start of the Intermediate Ceremony, the files of the six princes of the Warring States Period were all at the second level. Even though Zhaohua Lord Li Ji confirmed that he had ascended to the Tian Rank in the Southern Chu Primary Ceremony, his level did not change.

But after the end of the intermediate ceremony, the dangerous level of Chunyuye's information in the archives has risen to Grade A.

Every practitioner's profile in the archives will be accompanied by a portrait, and every descendant of the Mu family must be familiar with these portraits from an early age, in case they will be able to recognize these people at the first sight if they go out to practice one day.

After the Xirong people became famous in the middle-level ceremony, the Mu family immediately contacted the informants in Soochow to draw portraits of the masters of Xirong, "Chun Yuye" and "He Lianyan" were of course among them.

However, because Xirong people usually wear Shura masks, it is not easy to draw real portraits. The portraits of the two were not delivered until after the middle-level ceremony. The news that it was the real ghost Huajun Chunyuye had also come.

The entire Mu family was shocked, and the two portraits now have an unusual meaning.

When Mu You was looking at the two portraits, Mu Rongqing happened to be standing by the table.

Both portraits showed traces of modification. The three words "Helianyan" on the portrait originally named Helianyan had been crossed out and replaced with symbols representing unknown. The other portrait had "Chunyuye" three The name was not crossed out, and a fake was marked next to it and an unknown symbol was also drawn.

The identity of Chunyu Ye is unknown.

There are too few people who have seen the appearance of the Xirong people. Even if He Lianyan admits that he is Chun Yuye, but everything is what they say, can they really believe it?

If He Lianyan is Chunyu Ye, then who is the person who called himself "Chunyu Ye"?
Mu Rongqing has studied the political affairs of various countries since he was a child, and there is still one thing that does not understand this matter.

That's why the officials in charge of inspection in Soochow believed so easily that the pretender was Chunyu Ye?

In the Shanhai Continent, the identity of the royal family is not so easy to be fooled. Otherwise, if someone casually claims that he is a royal family and swaggers to other countries to do his best, the world will be chaotic.

Mu Rongqing looked at the Teng Snake earrings next to Ying Baoyue's ears.

Taking the six countries in the Great Wall as an example, the royal blood of each country will have a token that can prove their identity since childhood. These tokens have complicated patterns and are difficult to forge.

Forging a token of the royal family is a crime of the same level as treason. To the royal family, the token is as important as life. The upbringing that the royal family has received since childhood makes them never give this thing to others.

At the same time, if the descendants of the royal family want to prove their identity in other countries, they must produce tokens.

Just like Zhao Guang, the king of Dongling County, showed his jade pendant when he appeared in Danyang of Southern Chu.

Mu Rongqing didn't know if Xirong had such rules, could it be that Chunyuye gave his token to others?But is the royal family of Xirong so easy to disguise?
"I see."

But just when Mu Rongqing was puzzled, her father looked at the fake Chunyuye's portrait on the case and sighed.

"No wonder he was mistaken, it turned out he was pretending."

"Father, do you know him?"

Mu Rongqing was startled when he heard the words, Mu You didn't answer, but just raised his finger to fake Chunyuye's chest, "Qing'er, remember this pattern."

The fake Chunyu Ye in the portrait is bare-chested, and there are many spike ornaments on his chest, but in the gaps of the spike ornaments, one can see some faint patterns tattooed on his chest.

"This is……"

"This is the token of the royal family of Xirong."

Mu You stared at the pattern, "The royal family of Xirong is difficult to disguise, because their tokens are engraved on them."

Mu Rongqing watched as his father drew a wolf's head pattern on another piece of paper, the lines on the pattern just overlapped with the pattern on fake Chunyuye's body.

"Remember, the chests of the royal family of Xirong all have this wolf's head tattooed on them."

Mu Rongqing firmly remembered this ferocious wolf head pattern in her heart, but she was shocked the next moment.

False Chunyuye has this pattern tattooed on his chest, which proves that he belongs to the royal family of Xirong!
Could it be said that He Lianyan lied, that he didn't have any identity disguise at all, that the fake Chunyu Ye was actually Chunyu Ye?
"Wait, father, is this man actually the real Twelve Zhai Kings?"

"No," Mu You shook his head, staring at the face of the portrait.

Unlike He Lianyan, Fake Chunyu Ye did not wear a mask all the time. The artist of the Mu family captured the moment when he took off his mask while wrestling and drew this portrait.

Although the last time we met was ten years ago, the charm of this face reminded Mu You of someone.

"This person is indeed from the royal family of Xirong," Mu Youding said, "but he is not the Twelve Zhai Kings, he should be the elder brother of the Twelve Zhai Kings."

Mu Rongqing was startled.

elder brother?

Everyone knows that Chun Yuye killed his brother to ascend to the throne of King Zhai, why did he have another brother?
As if he knew what she was thinking, Mu You glanced at her, "There are many white wolf princes and grandchildren, and Chunyuye has more than one elder brother."

What's more, this person is not Chunyu Ye's elder brother, but his cousin.

"If the father guessed correctly, this person is the grandson of the previous White Wolf King and Chunyu Ye's cousin."

Mu You stared at the young man in the portrait and spoke quietly.

"Eleventh King Zhai, Chunyu Dread."

(End of this chapter)

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