Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1384 Breakthrough

Chapter 1384 Breakthrough
Eleven King Zhai?Chun Yu fear?

Mu Rongqing was dazed by a series of messages at the time, but a question popped up in her mind immediately.

"Wait, father, you said that the Eleven King Zhai is the grandson of the former White Wolf King? Then why is his surname Chunyu?"

The nobles of the six kingdoms in the Great Wall have always followed their father's surname, and the royal bloodlines should not be confused. This is the first time Mu Rongqing has heard that matrilineal bloodlines are also included in the royal family.

"The customs of Xirong and the six countries in the Great Wall are different. Strictly speaking, they implement the noble surname system."

"What's your surname?" Mu Rongqing was startled.

"Both parents, whoever's blood is more noble, the child will take whose surname," Mu You said lightly, "that is, the noble surname."

"The Xirong people think that strong bloodlines will swallow weak ones," the old man said with a complicated expression, "This is indeed what they think."

That's right.

This custom is quite in line with the Xirong people's concept of the jungle.

Now Mu Rongqing understands, who's bloodline is more noble than the royal bloodline in Xirong?Then the child born to Princess Xirong will naturally have the surname Chunyu.


"But I remember that King Zhai of Xirong can only be in the direct bloodline," Mu Rongqing frowned. Even if the princess's child could be named Chunyu, it wouldn't be considered a direct bloodline, right?

Isn't the direct bloodline of the royal family of Xirong too much?
"In addition to the noble surname, Xirong also has a rule called the three-generation system," Mu Youdao, "The descendants of the White Wolf King can be regarded as direct bloodlines within three generations, but after three generations, they are just ordinary royal families."

Mu Rongqing understood.

In Xirong, all the direct bloodlines of the royal family are eligible to inherit the throne. This is a rule established by Xirong to ensure that the White Wolf King will always be the strongest from generation to generation.

This rule needs to ensure that there are a certain number of succession candidates, but not too large.

So there is a three-generation system.

The descendants of the current king and the descendants of the old king fought together until the last person was selected.

The way the Xirong people chose the king reminded Mu Rongqing of the story of "nine dogs and one mastiff" seen in ancient books.

In order to get the best mastiffs, the herdsmen who herd sheep on the plateau often put nine young mastiffs of the same age in a pit without food, and use hunger to arouse the blood of the mastiffs, so that they will fight and devour them.

Of the nine mastiffs, only one mastiff survived in the end, and when it devoured all of its kind, the herdsmen could get this legendary mastiff among mastiffs.

It is said that this method of refining mastiff was first learned from wolves. Thinking of the king of Xirong calling himself the "White Wolf King", Mu Rongqing felt a deep chill in his heart.

For the descendants of the White Wolf King, the identity of the direct royal family is the "food" that inspires their blood.
"Chun Yuzhan is the grandson of the previous White Wolf King, and he is within three generations, but if he fails to seize the throne, his son will no longer be a direct royal family and will be excluded from the center of power."

"That's right." Mu You glanced at her approvingly, then looked back at the portrait on the table, "I remember that Chunyu Dan is only five years older than Chunyu Ye, no wonder he can pretend to be Chunyu Ye."

"The last time I saw him, he was only ten years old. People from Xirong haven't entered the Great Wall for more than ten years. It's normal that no one knows him."

It turned out to be the case.

All the truth is revealed.

Mu Rongqing stared at the portrait.

The person who claimed to be Chunyu Ye at the mid-level ceremony was indeed not the Twelve Di Kings, but the Eleven Di Kings of Xirong.

Chun Yuzhang is also a member of the royal family, even King Zhai, so it is easy to pretend to be Chun Yuye, and the other Xirong people in the team are also afraid of him, it can be said that the clothes are perfect.

"But why doesn't this person show up with his real identity?" Mu Rongqing frowned, and looked at another portrait marked He Lianyan, "Why don't we simply declare that the Eleventh King Zhai is the leader?"

"I don't know if I'm a father." Mu You took a deep breath, "Why did the Xirong people participate in the middle-level ceremony this time? We still don't know the reason."

"Then, is this person really the Twelve Zhai Kings?" Mu Rongqing pointed to He Lianyan's portrait and frowned.

Unlike Chun Yuzhang's portrait, He Lianyan's portrait didn't even have a full face. This person never took off the mask on his face in Soochow.

Only once, he raised the mask slightly on his face.

This portrait records the scene at that time.

I saw the young Xirong boy in the painting standing on the battle stage, lifting the mask on his face, and approaching a person with his face.

The portrait didn't show the person he was facing, but the gesture actually looked like a kiss.

Who is he kissing?

Mu Rongqing was a little dazed, she looked at Ying Baoyue who was frowning tightly in front of her, recalling the few words in the battle report and Ying Baoyue's tone of mentioning Chunyu Ye, her expression was a little subtle.

No way……

At this time, screams came from the turret again, and Mu You's figure also appeared on the turret, and Ying Baoyue immediately rushed towards the turret with a serious look on his face.

But just as she rushed down the arena, her shoulders were suddenly held down.

Mu Rongqing followed her and stopped.

"Where are you going?" Li Ji looked at her intently, and he had already drawn out the Juque Sword.

"I'll go to that turret." Ying Baoyue glanced at the group of people behind him, "If we don't find the secret passage, we will probably prepare to break out later."

"The person Chunyu Ye is looking for is me. I'll go meet him and see if I can open a hole if I have a chance."

Ying Baoyue spoke very fast, "Wait, I will use Yuehua Jianhuo as my name. If you see it, run in that direction together."

When she was out of Soochow before, she had already arranged the formation for them to run away when they encountered danger. Guili Li Jinniang, Ms. Yao, and several women without boundaries were all assigned special protection, and the entire brigade could be broken down into four. The teams can also be merged into one, and Li Ji can take over as the leader when she is not around.

Mu Rongqing watched Ying Baoyue explain the breakout matter in an orderly manner, and found that the formation she arranged was not inferior to the Mu family's army formation at all, and there were even similarities in some places.

"I understand," Li Ji nodded, "but you stay here."

Ying Baoyue was startled.

"You stay here and take everyone to leave together. Is the turret right? Let me go," Li Ji patted her on the shoulder, "I have the highest realm, and I will open the way."

This principle is usually not a problem, but seeing the arrows shooting up the turret, Ying Baoyue shook his head.

Although Li Ji's realm is high, his shooting skills are not as good as Chunyu Ye's.

"He's outside," Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, "I probably won't give up until he shoots at me."

The only one who can solve the eagle shooter is the eagle shooter.

"I can defeat him even if I don't shoot at him," Li Ji's black eyes turned cold, "Are you so worried about my strength?"

"Yes, Your Highness is too dangerous, you should let Mr. Zhaohua go."

Chen Zichu and others also echoed behind.

"No, I'm just..." Ying Baoyue looked at Li Ji and hesitated to speak.

In terms of realm, Li Ji was indeed the best candidate among them to go out and deal with them, but the fact that Chun Yuye sneaked into Li Ji's illusion before made her a little uneasy.

Li Ji's weakness may have been known to Chun Yuye.

In her heart, she didn't want Li Ji to fight Chunyu Ye here.

Besides, for some reason, Ying Baoyue had those green pupils in front of her eyes, and she had a strange feeling.

That was the person Chunyu Ye was waiting for, it was her.

"I'm afraid this matter started because of me, let me solve it," Ying Baoyue smiled, and took Li Ji's hand off his shoulder, "After all, he is the person outside."

She believed that Li Ji could understand her, after all, Chunyuye was a special opponent for both him and her.

Ying Baoyue turned around and was about to go towards the turret, but Li Ji suddenly stood in front of her.

"Don't you understand?"

Li Ji stared fixedly into her eyes.

"Because it's him, I don't want you to go out."

Only Chunyuye, he didn't want Ying Baoyue to see him even once.

Li Ji's eyes stopped on Ying Baoyue's cheek for a moment, and his fists under his sleeves were tightly clenched.

He absolutely didn't want to see that man touch her again!
 Li Ji: The fist is hard
(End of this chapter)

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