Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1407 Concubine

Chapter 1407 Concubine
The writing on the bottom of the wine jar was extremely scribbled, as if it had been scratched hastily with a fingernail. If you didn't look carefully, you would think it was an ordinary scratch.

Ying Baoyue squinted her eyes, dipped her fingers in the wine in the bowl and smeared it, and the scratches became clear immediately.

On the bottom of the altar, from top to bottom, three characters are engraved.




Ding Youniang was also very surprised when she saw this scene. Seeing the three words written in heaven, she asked, "What does this mean?"

Ying Baoyue didn't answer, but asked Ding Youniang, "Is this left by Wan Gong? What happened at that time?"

Ding Youniang frowned, "Master Lin was drinking well at that time, but suddenly there was a commotion downstairs, saying that Xu Guoshi brought people out of the city."

Ying Baoyue was taken aback for a moment, no, it wasn't just that Xu Canghai took someone out of the city.

Instead, Xu Canghai left Nanyang City ahead of schedule with Meng Shi and others.

Although Lin Wangong is greedy for drinking, he has never caused any trouble because of his greedy drinking. It is impossible for him to stay in a restaurant and drink leisurely while knowing that Xu Canghai and others are going out of the city.

The haste of the writing on the bottom of the altar also says this.

"What else did he say?" Ying Baoyue stared into Ding Youniang's eyes, "Why did you leave this wine jar?"

"Master Lin seemed to mutter, 'It's not the end of the day', he stood up in a hurry, dropped the wine jar and was about to jump out of the window," Ding Youniang recalled, "It's just..."

"Just what?"

"Master Lin seemed to have seen something at the time, and was very surprised. Then he grabbed the wine jar on the table and handed it to me, said 'Keep it', and jumped out of the window."

Ding Youniang patted her chest with lingering fear, everything happened so fast at that time, she didn't even see that Lin Wangong was still writing on the bottom of the wine jar, she thought Lin Wangong kept the jar of wine to drink again, but when she got it in her hand, she Only to find that the wine jar was empty.

She accidentally left this wine jar behind, and she never expected to discover the secret of this wine jar today.

Ying Baoyue's eyes narrowed slightly.

Lin Wangong's sentence "It's not even the end of the day" shows that Xu Canghai did leave the city before the appointed time.

There are two possibilities for Xu Canghai to do this, one is to get rid of Lin Wangong, and the other is that there was something in Nanyang City that made Xu Canghai feel threatened.

If it is the first type, according to what Fang Shisan said, he saw Lin Wangong inside before the Northern Wei team disappeared, which proved that Lin Wangong finally caught up with Xu Canghai and the others. After all, it is not so easy to get rid of a heavenly master.

If it is the second possibility...

Ying Baoyue looked at the left book at the bottom of the altar, his gaze became serious.

"Girl, what's the matter?"

Ding Youniang asked worriedly.

"I understand the meaning of this letter," Ying Baoyue said softly.

At the same time, she also knew where Lin Wangong had gone.

She was very strange at first, based on what she knew about Lin Wangong, if nothing happened to him, it would be absolutely impossible for Meng Shi to be arrested in Ninggu Pagoda just like that. If you come to her or find other powers, you will definitely rescue Meng Shi.

To be honest, after Meng Shi's accident, many people in the practice circle ridiculed Lin Wangong, the sword master, for being a shrinking turtle, and some people connected with the death of Da Siming, saying that Lin Wangong would only hide if someone around him had an accident.

But Ying Baoyue knew that was not the case.

Now she finally figured it out.

Lin Wangong didn't disappear, but went to track down the traces of the mastermind behind the persecution of Meng Shi and others.

The reason why he didn't contact her was that the mastermind behind the scenes was extraordinary, and he might have exposed something and didn't want her to intervene.

Ying Baoyue's gaze rested on the three words at the bottom of the altar.

"Trace," is the trace, "chasing" means I go after it, and "waiting" means waiting for me.

He made her wait for him.

But what exactly did Xu Canghai and Lin Wangong see in Nanyang City back then?
What is it that makes a son as powerful as Xu Canghai change his plan in a hurry and leave the city temporarily?What is it that makes Lin Wangong only send her a letter in such a subtle way?
If it hadn't happened that the person working here was Ding Youniang, this letter might not have even reached her.

Ying Baoyue looked at the confused Ding Youniang opposite, knowing that she would not be able to ask her anything.

At that time, Ding Youniang and Lin Wangong were close at hand, but they didn't find anything amiss at all, which proved that only a heavenly master could discover the anomaly at that time.

Ding Youniang's realm has always stayed at the tenth level, and she was mainly responsible for logistics in Yinchanwei.

Ying Baoyue sorted through the information she had just obtained in her heart, and looked at the woman who was sitting awkwardly at the table.

Contrary to what everyone thinks, Yinchanwei is not only full of high-level practitioners, but also has many skilled people like Ding Youniang.

The wine brewed by Ding Youniang can not only protect the frontier soldiers from the cold, but can even purify extremely high alcohol under the guidance of her master.

Those alcohols saved the lives of many frontier soldiers.

But not everyone has enough vision. In the absence of shelter, many generals will regard her as a useless person.

The status of many military doctors on the border is extremely low, not to mention people like Ding Youniang.

"Youniang," Ying Baoyue looked at her, "how are you doing?"

Ding Youniang's heart trembled, and then she stroked her hair, her eyes wandered, "It's very good, you don't have to worry about food or clothing..."

"You said you were married, what does your husband do?"

"I..." Ding Youniang took a deep breath, looked up into Ying Baoyue's eyes, and said frankly, "I'm not married."

She was already 28 years old when she returned to her hometown. Apart from being a stepmother, she couldn't marry anyone. What's more, her family was poor. Lin Baoyue, she probably died of exhaustion on the Great Wall long ago.

If it weren't for the fact that she still saved a lot of military pay, she would probably be kicked out by the patriarch's ancestral hall when she returned home with the reputation of Yin Chanwei.

"I combed my hair myself, and adopted a nephew from my family," Ding Youniang said with a wry smile. "A few years ago, he said he wanted to come to Nanyang City to make a fortune, so I had no choice but to follow him."

"As for my nephew, I'm afraid you've already met him."

Ying Baoyue's eyes turned cold, "Is that the man pretending to be you to deceive?"

"It's not a lie," Ding Youniang's smile became more bitter, "Even if I said that I brewed this wine, most of the guest officials would not believe it."

There are no women among the well-known brewing masters in the entire Shanhai Continent, so no one believes that women have such talents.

Not only brewing wine, but being a doctor, a cook, a carpenter, and a swordsmith are all the same.

There is no place for women anywhere.

Especially in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Ding Youniang looked at the sky in all directions outside the window.

A woman can't stand on her own, she has to live with her nephew, and the reputation of wine making can only be given to her nephew.

Ying Baoyue looked at Ding Youniang and hesitated to speak, but Ding Youniang interrupted her, "General, don't talk about me, are you okay?"

Ding Youniang didn't want to complain, because she knew that even the world of practitioners was equally cruel to women, or even more cruel.

"General, why did you come to the Northern Wei Dynasty?"

"I want to save someone, and I want to do one more thing."

"Who?" Ding Youniang asked.

Ying Baoyue was about to answer, but the loud noises of the drinkers around the two caught her attention.

"What? Take a concubine? Who wants to take a concubine?"

"Hey, don't you know yet? Besides our future His Royal Highness, who else can make such a big move?"

Ying Baoyue suddenly stood up from the wine table.

The drinkers at the next table laughed loudly.

"It's spread all over Luoyang City. Mr. Guanghua will bring his concubine into the mansion tomorrow, and the second lady of the Tuoba family is so angry that she wants to hang herself!"

(End of this chapter)

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