Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1408

Chapter 1408
Concubine?Yeluhua?Who is the second young lady of the Tuoba family?
Because Luoyang is just to the south of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and you can get there soon after leaving the former Qin Dynasty, Ying Baoyue didn't inquire about Luoyang's news because he was on the road these days.

It turned out that she didn't understand it for a few days, and she made such a big deal.

"Hey, that rumor is actually true," Ding Youniang listened to the discussions of the drunkards at the wine table, but she didn't look surprised. She just tightened the turban on her head and said in a low voice, "He can't wait a few more days. , at least wait until Miss Meng dies."

"Hahaha, Mr. Guanghua is really lucky. He is going to marry the princess soon, and he also brings a new concubine into the mansion. It's really fun to live in Bieyuan."

"What kind of concubine? In a few days, she will be the crown princess! With your status, you might be able to accept more!"

"Hahaha, how can I compare? If I had the face of Mr. Guanghua, there would be a lot of wives and concubines now!"

The men around were making colorful jokes, giggling and envious of Mr. Guanghua's good fortune, Ding Youniang only felt sad.

In fact, she didn't know the woman named Meng Shi either, she just felt unworthy for that woman somehow.

No matter how you think about it, it is impossible for the untouchables and princes' children, and the only ones who will pay in the end are women.

A man would have no influence at all, even if his wife died, he would still be able to continue his wife and remarry after a while of sadness.

What a sin.

Ding Youniang sighed in her heart, and suddenly looked at Ying Baoyue's expression. She knew that Ying Baoyue was always gentle and would not listen to such things, but to her surprise, Ying Baoyue sat at the table with an expression of Something weird.

"Youniang," Ying Baoyue tapped the edge of the bowl with the tip of her chopsticks, "Mr. Guanghua is still in his filial piety, right? How can he take a concubine?"

The bones of Yeluhong, the former king of the Northern Wei Dynasty, were not yet cold. It stands to reason that his sons and grandchildren must observe filial piety for three years. During the filial piety period, they are not even allowed to have sex. Yeluhua carried his concubine with such fanfare. Does this mean that no one impeached him?

She was inevitably angry when she first heard the news, but immediately felt strange after being angry.

"Oh, I heard that this is the last decree left by the late king," Ding Youniang said, "Before he died, the late king lamented that the prince's lineage was not rich in offspring, so he specially ordered the prince's lineage to keep filial piety for one day and one year, and only three days are enough. Hurry up! Marrying and taking concubines to spread branches and leaves is serious."

Yeluhong has dozens of children and hundreds of grandchildren. Compared with his father, Yelulang's son has only single digits and no grandchildren, which can indeed be regarded as not abundant.

But not many sons, after all, is not no sons, Yeluhong, who is the most ethical, will leave such a will?
What Ying Baoyue thought was strange.

"Is there anything else to say about this decree?"

"Yes," Ding Youniang was surprised by Ying Baoyue's unpredicted prophet, thinking, "The former king also said that Mr. Guanghua was his most beloved grandson, but before he died, he failed to see his grandson get married. It was a great regret in his life, and he gave him a special marriage gift." The second young lady of the Tuoba family is Lord Guanghua's main concubine, and she got married just one month after his burial."

Hehe, I was waiting here.

Ying Baoyue suddenly realized, and at the same time finally knew who the second young lady of the Tuoba family was.

The promise Mo Hua made in front of Meng Shi during the middle-level ceremony is still vivid in her memory. Ying Baoyue has a good memory. She remembered that Mo Hua said at that time that his grandfather had made an agreement with him to let him choose his own concubine.

Would this grandfather give him a concubine when Yeluhua was not present before he died?

Of course, it is not ruled out that Yeluhong may have changed his mind before he died, but if he really wanted to see his grandson marry a wife, wouldn't he be able to marry him while he was alive?Do you have to come out after death?
This decree...

"Why didn't I hear about this decree when I was in Soochow. At that time, I only heard about the death of the former king and the enthronement ceremony a month later," Ying Baoyue asked Ding Youniang, "Why didn't I hear about the marriage?"

"This decree was only made public ten days ago. I heard that it was just found." Ding Youniang sighed a little. "We people in the Northern Wei Dynasty didn't know about it before."

ten days ago?
Yeluhong's first seven days have already passed, and this will was found?
Or...was it compiled at that time?

Forging an imperial decree is a serious crime against the Jiu Clan. Ying Baoyue didn't think it was something a family member had the guts to do. She pondered for a while, "This second lady of the Tuoba family, do you understand anything?"

Ding Youniang shook her head, she was just a commoner after all, "I only know that she is the daughter of the current Patriarch."

The patriarch's prostitute, Ying Baoyue was startled, she was Tuoba Xun's half-sister.

Tuoba Xun is the concubine of the current Tuoba family head.

"By the way," Ding Youniang clapped her hands, and suddenly remembered a rumor, "I heard about it when I was selling wine in Luoyang, this Second Miss Tuoba seems to be very infatuated with Mr. Guanghua, and once swore that she would not marry Mr. Guanghua."


Is it really okay for a woman who has not been out of the cabinet to publicize these things so much?

Seemingly aware of the doubt in Ying Baoyue's eyes, Ding Youniang explained, "General, you don't know, it's not uncommon for you to say that you like Mr. Guanghua among noble girls in Luoyang."

Among the noble ladies in Luoyang City, nine out of ten talked about Mr. Guanghua before leaving the pavilion, but in the end they obediently married someone else.

After all, not everyone has the capital to force Yeluhua to marry them.

So this is still a fad?

Ying Baoyue's teeth were a little sour, and suddenly she felt that it was not a good thing for a man to be too good-looking.

Putting aside the matters of Tuoba's family, she still has one thing to care about.

"The little concubine Guanghua is going to marry, do you know her name?"

"General, why are you asking this?" Ding Youniang was taken aback, she didn't expect Ying Baoyue to pay attention to the name of a concubine, after all, most women in the world don't have any serious names, let alone a concubine with a low status.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know the name, I just want to know..." Ying Baoyue looked a little complicated, "That concubine's surname is not Meng?"

Thinking of the news that Meng Ge was kept by Yeluhua's side, Ying Baoyue clenched his fists.

If that concubine's surname is Meng...

She's probably about to grab a kiss.

"No," Ding Youniang gave Ying Baoyue a strange look, "I heard that concubine is a maid next to Mr. Guanghua, what's her name? Anyway, she doesn't have a surname."

Ying Baoyue let out a long breath.

She didn't care whether Yeluhua was genuine or not, if he really dared to take Meng Ge as his concubine to ruin her reputation, she would really dare to kill him.

Fortunately, things did not go in the worst direction.

But Ying Baoyue was still a little puzzled, what was Yeluhua doing as a concubine at this time?
Back in the Northern Wei Dynasty, since Mo Hua became Yeluhua, this person made her feel very strange.

What does he want to do?
(End of this chapter)

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