Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1410 Conspiracy

Chapter 1410 Conspiracy
concubine room.

Tuoba Xunju sat on the futon with a calm expression.

It is not uncommon for the children of aristocratic families to take concubines, but it is not uncommon for the king of Beixun County to take concubines.

These days, Yeluhua has changed from his usual unfemininity, and the rumors of being extravagant and promiscuous and accepting beautiful women in the other garden are spreading in Luoyang City, so he has naturally heard of it.

Many ministers and families who supported Mr. Guanghua before were very disappointed because of this. Originally, there were children from ministers and families who came to visit from time to time outside the Bieyuan.

Even he, who was able to enter it to visit Mr. Guanghua, was considered by many people as a traitor who induced Mr. Guanghua to degenerate.

Two days ago, when he went out, a child threw melon rinds at him.

However, when he heard that the "famous" concubine was outside the door, Tuoba Xun just smiled.

"Your Highness knows that I'm blind," he said with a smile, "No matter how beautiful this beauty is, I will not be able to share my blessings with you."

"Hey, what's the matter?" Yeluhua also smiled and said, "You met this person when you came here before, and you are all acquaintances."

The corner of Tuoba Xun's mouth was smiling slightly, Meng Ge was still sitting in the corner when he came last time, but when he came this time, Meng Ge was no longer there.

Just when his heart was raised, Yeluhua took the initiative to open the paper door.

There was a fierce clashing sound of rings outside, Tuoba Xun's heart constricted, but he immediately relaxed, this was not Meng Ge's breath.


In the Northern Wei Dynasty, women would wear step shakers after they got married. If they walked too much, the step shakers would shake continuously. Therefore, noble girls from aristocratic families have to practice their manners since childhood. The head is still moving, the ring is tinkling, but it is not noisy at all.

But now the sound of walking outside the door is almost a mess, this woman is definitely not from a high family background.

For a royal family like Yeluhua, concubines are required to have a certain status, and ordinary civilians can only be concubines. Who is the woman outside this door?
"Your Highness..."

A woman's voice calling for help came from outside the door, Yeluhua laughed out loud.

"If you can't wear this lame, just take it off."

"Aunt Ke Luo said that if I still dress up as a court lady before, I will embarrass Your Highness..."

The girl's delicate voice sounded, and she moved into the room with great difficulty.

Tuoba Xun was startled, this voice was...

"Come on, Xiaolian," Yeluhua took her hand intimately, and led her to Tuoba Xun, "This is Mr. Tuoba. He comes here often these days, and you have seen her before."

The maid Xiao Lian looked at the young man who was still handsome even though he was bound in white silk, her face was slightly red, she dragged her unaccustomed brocade clothes and bowed to Tuoba Xun in salute.

"Xiao Lian, I have met Mr. Tuoba."

Although I don't know what kind of person it is, but the surname Tuoba is very popular in Luoyang these days, not to mention that her future mistress will be named Tuoba, how can she not panic.

Hearing the trembling of the woman in front of him, Tuoba Xun smiled.

"Sure enough, I'm an acquaintance, so there's no need to be polite."

He remembered this little Lian because she was the only personal maid who stayed by Yeluhua's side these days.

I heard that she came out of the palace, which also means that this woman is a spy sent by the palace to monitor Yeluhua.

In the circle of aristocratic families, asking a concubine to salute a guest is considered humiliating, but Yeluhua has become more and more disrespectful these days, so he didn't take it to heart.

"Why didn't I see Miss Meng this time?" Tuoba Xun asked calmly, "How is Xiao Ge recently?"

"She's been on a hunger strike these days," Yeluhua said calmly, "Yesterday she fainted, and I asked someone to move her to the next room, and asked the medical officer to take care of her."

Tuoba Xun clenched his fist slightly, "Then can I go and see her?"

"You're welcome," Yeluhua smiled, making way for him.

Tuoba Xun got up and passed by Yeluhua, who suddenly grabbed his hand.

Tuoba Xun's heart skipped a beat, but Yeluhua did not write on his palm as usual.

Maybe it's because Xiaolian is here.

"Little Lian, go and take care of Ms. Meng too," Yeluhua withdrew his hand and ordered lightly, "Ms. Meng's food will be handed over to you in the future. If she doesn't eat anymore, she will be fed."

A trace of jealousy floated in Xiao Lian's eyes, but she still nodded obediently.

Before the second lady of the Tuoba family entered the door, she was the only woman with status beside Mr. Guanghua. She was the hostess of this other garden, and she should take care of this guest, Meng Ge. gesture.

"What are you using this little concubine for?" Tuoba Xun turned around and smiled at him.

"This woman, after I get it, I don't know why it doesn't taste good." Yeluhua looked back and forth at his palm, and the smile on his handsome face actually had a hint of evil, "I'm going to try two more in the next two days. "

Xiao Lian crossed the threshold and almost tripped over the hem of her clothes. Tuoba Xun stretched out his hand to support her, and heard the woman in front of him sobbing slightly.

"Your Highness, do you want to play so big when you start to play meat?" Tuoba Xun said indifferently, "If you continue to do this, the humble minister will be thrown rotten eggs by the people when he goes out."

After all, he is the only one who can get in and out of Yeluhua these days, and he is naturally the only one who taught Yeluhua badly.

Who would have known that he has become more and more unable to understand Yeluhua's every move these days?
"Practitioners won't die if they are thrown one or two times," Yeluhua grinned. "The more you are hated by the people, the more your father will be more willing to let you come, isn't it?"

Tuoba Xun was startled, it really is so.

Originally, he had to swear an oath in front of his father to enter this garden by proclaiming himself a realm, but these days, as the reputation of him and Yeluhua became more and more bad, his father became more and more pleasant to him.

Before, I asked him if he wanted to take some beauties too, or bring some over after finding out Yeluhua's taste.

Occasionally when I go out recently, I forget to check whether he has sealed the realm.

Tuoba Xun turned to Yeluhua, opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Yeluhua closed the door with a bang.

"I had a lot of fun last night. I'm going to sleep. You can go back after watching Xiaoge. By the way, next time, come and show me some beauties from your Tuoba family."

Tuoba Xun stood quietly in front of the door.

"Master Tuoba?" Xiao Lian's voice sounded in his ear.

This woman no longer cried, but Tuoba Xun could faintly sense resentment from her.

"It's okay." Tuoba Xun shook his head, "Let's go see Miss Meng."



Meng Ge's room is next door.

When Tuoba searched in, she was sitting on the bed staring blankly at the sky outside.

Seeing Tuoba Xun coming in, she didn't move, but just glanced at him lightly.

"Miss Meng, I'm relieved to see that you are in good spirits." Tuoba Xun put down the blind stick beside her bed, and said quietly.

"Okay?" Meng Ge replied hoarsely, "Which eye of yours is okay to see me?"

"By the way, I forgot that you can't see it at all."

This ridicule is inevitably vicious, but Tuoba Xun's expression remained the same, "Miss Meng is joking."

 Understand Meng Ge, she is also about to collapse, the spirit of practitioners is generally more tenacious, after all, they will not be able to rise if they are not tenacious.

(End of this chapter)

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