Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1411 Assassination

Chapter 1411 Assassination
Tuoba Xun's calmness brought Meng Ge back to her senses, and she suddenly covered her face.


In an instant, she actually became the kind of person she despises the most.

"It's okay," Tuoba Xun smiled, "I didn't take it to heart."

If it were an ordinary woman in Meng Ge's situation, some would go crazy, and Meng Ge's just venting her anger a little bit was already considered pretty good.

"No," tears leaked from Meng Ge's fingers, "If my sister were here, she would definitely not be as embarrassing and vicious as me."

Even though she has experienced countless betrayals and sufferings in the past, her sister has always been strong, even though her body is covered with bruises, she has never lost her temper with her.

Tuoba Xun was silent.

"Meng Jizi, somewhat special."

He has great respect for that woman whose realm is higher than his, but he will not put this respect and high demands on Meng Ge's identity.

Even though they look alike, Meng Ge is not a fourth-rank practitioner, but a little girl who grew up under the protection of her elder sister.

How can the years be quiet, it's just that someone is carrying the weight for you.

Facing the crying Meng Ge, Tuoba Xun asked warmly.

"Miss Meng, I have sealed the realm, so I can't detect your appearance very well. Can I touch your face?"

Meng Ge nodded blankly, hesitated for a moment, "Okay."

Tuoba Xun stretched out his hand and gently touched Meng Ge's cheek.

"You've lost a lot of weight," he said quietly, "I heard from Mr. Guanghua that you don't eat, and it won't work if you continue like this."

Hearing the words Guanghua Jun, Meng Ge gritted her teeth. She glanced at Xiao Lian who was following Tuoba Xun with lowered eyebrows and narrowed eyes, and said word by word, "Although I don't have the skills, at least I have the backbone. Don't eat this kind of food!"

Tuoba Xun withdrew his hand and stood up.

"Bones are not used here, Miss Meng, please forgive me, if your sister were here, she would definitely not do this."

Meng Ge was taken aback.

"If you don't eat, you won't have strength, and if you don't have strength, you can't do anything."

Tuoba Xun lowered his head and quietly "stared" at Meng Ge.

Although the other party couldn't see her, Meng Ge felt that he was looking down at her from above.


"Miss Meng, your life doesn't belong to you alone."

"What did your sister enter Ninggu Tower to protect?"

Meng Ge covered her throat, and a low sob rose from the depths of her throat.

The next moment, she roughly grabbed the food on the table and stuffed it into her mouth desperately.

"Don't be so hasty," Tuoba Xun said softly, with the corners of his eyes sore, "Take your time, there is still time."

They still have time.

Xiao Lian stepped forward and wanted to serve Meng Ge to eat. Meng Ge's eyes were full of disgust, and he wanted to wave her away, but finally suppressed his hostility and said calmly, "Don't bother Mrs. Lian, the girl can eat by herself."

Xiao Lian retreated to the side, with even more jealous and resentful eyes.

Tuoba Xun had a headache, wondering how Yeluhua had the guts to pay more.

Isn't he afraid that these women will catch fire in his backyard?
"You can eat, I don't worry," Tuoba Xun said, "I will take my leave."

Tuoba Xun walked towards the door, but suddenly there was a cold female voice behind him.

"I want to kill him."

Tuoba Xun was taken aback, Meng Ge sat on the bed, put down the half-eaten steamed bun and repeated lightly.

"I want to kill that dog man."

Tuoba Xun instinctively guessed who the dog man she was talking about was.

Unlike her imposing elder sister, Meng Ge's aura was always gentle and soft when he was in Soochow, but at this moment, the originally soft girl had a strong murderous aura.

Those days in Soochow were, after all, untraceable like a dream.

"This..." Facing the girl's hatred, Tuoba Xun was at a loss for words, "I'm afraid you can't kill Mr. Guanghua when you're full."

Xiao Lian who was standing on the side was a little frightened, but she also relaxed the next moment, obviously not taking Meng Ge's threat seriously.

After all, it is as difficult for an ordinary person to kill a top level practitioner as to drown a water mage in the water.

But judging from this real killing intent, she is indeed Meng Shi's younger sister.

Tuoba Xun sighed a little.

"I know," Meng Ge lowered his head while biting a steamed bun, and said nonchalantly, "But who can guarantee that the tiger won't be killed by ants?"

The girl's voice echoed in the room.

That day, no one took her words seriously.



In the early morning of the next day, Ying Baoyue and others set off from Nanyang City again and headed for Luoyang, the capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

"Are you really not going with me?"

Standing outside the gate of Nanyang City, Ying Baoyue held the hand of Ding Youniang who came to see her off.

"I can't fight, so I'm really useless," Ding Youniang said, "I have something I can do here."

"But you are here..." Ying Baoyue hesitated to speak.

"If I can't protect myself, it doesn't matter where I go," Ding Youniang smiled. "Besides, as long as you, General, can change the world, it doesn't matter where I am."

Ying Baoyue was startled.

Ding Youniang looked at her brows and eyes with nostalgia.

If she can really overthrow Ninggu Pagoda, she can really redisplay the power of women, even in the farthest places on the border of the Northern Wei Dynasty, women can stand up straight.

"I see," Ying Baoyue laughed, "Take care of yourself."

After she finished speaking, she turned and boarded the carriage without delay.

The convoy gradually disappeared from Ding Youniang's sight, she spoke softly.

"General, Wu Yun is prosperous."

The Northern Wei Dynasty used to be her battlefield, and they were all waiting for her here, and they would help her no matter when and where.

Ding Youniang turned around and was about to return to her own battlefield. At this moment, a fast horse suddenly came from the north. The rider carried a red flag on his back and held a scroll in his hand.

"There is a major incident in Luoyang, Nanyang city guards are here to receive the order!"

"Eight hundred li ban, Nanyang quickly seals off the city, and no suspicious people are allowed to enter or leave!"



"The one who passed by just now...was the orderly soldier?"

Sitting in the carriage, Zhao Guang raised the curtain and looked in the direction the rider was running.

Carrying red flags on their backs is the symbol of a messenger. Generally, such messengers are only used for some important matters such as war obituaries. The more red flags they have on their backs, the more urgent the matter is.

"Three red flags, is this a war?" Zhao Guang was speechless.

"No," Li Ji listened to the distant voice with a solemn expression, "Luoyang City just issued a ban on eight hundred miles."

"Eight hundred miles?" Zhao Guang was taken aback. The ban was martial law, and eight hundred miles covered Nanyang City. "What is the Northern Wei court doing? What happened?"

Li Ji mobilized his true energy to the extreme, listened carefully to the voice in the distance, suddenly his pupils shrank, and he waved his hand to stop the carriage.

"Second brother, what's the matter?" Zhao Guang was stunned, but Li Ji didn't answer him, got out of the car in a hurry, and stopped the car that Ying Baoyue and the others were sitting in.

"Li Ji, what's wrong?"

Ying Baoyue raised the curtain of the car, "Is it related to the orderly who just ran past?"

"Baoyue, we might not be able to enter Luoyang," Li Ji took a deep breath, "Luoyang is under martial law."

Ying Baoyue was startled, "What happened?"

Li Ji looked at her solemnly.

"Yeluhua, king of Beixun County, was assassinated. The murderer escaped from the Bieyuan and has not been caught yet."

(End of this chapter)

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