Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1412 Chaos

Chapter 1412 Chaos
"What the hell is the assassination?"

As dusk fell, in a field outside Luoyang City, Ying Baoyue was sitting by the campfire, looking at Zhao Guangwen who had just returned.

They originally planned to go to Luoyang today, and according to the distance between Nanyang and Luoyang, they could arrive just before the city gate was closed at night.

But the sudden Eight Hundred Li ban by the Northern Wei court disrupted their plans.

The entire Luoyang City has been under martial law. Although there are so many of them disguised in place, it is too risky for everyone to enter Luoyang City, which is repeatedly questioned by every outsider.

So Ying Baoyue temporarily changed the plan and took everyone to camp in a wild field more than ten miles away from Luoyang City.

Looking at the lush weeds as tall as a person around, Ying Baoyue let out a sigh of relief.

In this age far from urbanization, except for the big cities, it is almost all wilderness, and it is easy to think of Tibetans.

After everyone settled down in the field, Zhao Guang and Li Ji volunteered to go to Luoyang City to investigate.If there were only the two of them, it would be easy for them to sneak into the city under the concealment of Li Ji's true energy.

It was Zhao Guang's job to inquire about the news, and when he heard Ying Baoyue's question, he took off the cloak on his head, picked up a roasted tuber and gnawed it hard.

"Forget it, the whole Luoyang is in chaos."

He and Li Ji had also come to Luoyang City together before, but this time when they returned to Luoyang, the whole city changed.

As the most prosperous capital city in the north, the streets of Luoyang were originally bustling with small stalls and vendors, but this time when they entered the city, they only saw a mess of soldiers and horses.

Almost all the stalls were overturned, and piles and piles of soldiers rummaged through shops and restaurants roughly, yelling to catch killers, but from time to time they saw valuables and put them in their arms.

The people shivered and hid aside, and when they resisted a little, the long halberd and long sword stabbed in front of them.

Seeing this scene made Zhao Guang's head explode, and it was Li Ji who held him back, so he was not impulsive.

Zhao Guang discovered that there were practitioners among the soldiers, and when young and strong men wanted to resist, the practitioners would take the lead in restraining the resisters.

"You rascal, do you have an assassin hiding in your house?"

Looking at the common people whose heads were trampled on by practitioners, Zhao Guangjian was so angry that he was almost speechless.

"It's a mess!"

"What is the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty thinking? Just let the soldiers mess around like this?"

Zhao Guang bitterly narrated what he had seen and heard, while Ying Baoyue listened silently.

The soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty were so fanatical, it must be true that Yeluhua was assassinated.

If it was just acting, that group of people couldn't be so confident.

Something happened to Yeluhua, which gave the soldiers a legitimate reason to harass the people.

But it was Yelulang, king of the Northern Wei Dynasty, who took advantage of the opportunity to exploit the common people.

This proves that the old man's control over the army has weakened, and the upright generals of the army have been squeezed out.

The army is actually an extremely conformist group. When the generals do not restrain them, evil thoughts can easily breed among so many people who have "power".

Yelulang was from the military, so it was impossible for him not to know what those generals were under normal circumstances.

It is not the actions of ordinary people in this country to allow soldiers to destroy their own capital.

Today's Yelulang really has a problem.

Zhao Guang was still bitterly cursing the evil deeds of those Northern Wei soldiers, Li Ji knocked him on the head, "Talk about Mr. Guanghua."

Zhao Guang came back to his senses, looked at Ying Baoyue, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"When we arrived at the Bieyuan, the surrounding area was surrounded, and everyone who was inside when the incident happened was sealed inside."

"So, what happened to Yeluhua in the other garden?" Ying Baoyue asked.

Zhao Guang nodded, with a delicate expression, "It's still..."


Ying Baoyue didn't understand why the other party's expression suddenly became so weird, and asked, "Where is it?"

"I didn't find out the details. It's just a rumor among the people watching the fun outside..." Zhao Guang stammered.

"It's okay to hear rumors, tell me, what happened to Yeluhua?"

Mo Hua's skill Ying Baoyue had seen it with his own eyes in Southern Chu and Eastern Wu. After all, he was the man who had defeated Meng Shi. As the future prince, he would certainly not lack guards.

Ying Baoyue couldn't understand why he would be assassinated.

Zhao Guang scratched his head, glanced at Li Ji with a guilty conscience, swallowed, and said, "People around the area are spreading rumors that Mr. Guanghua...he was assassinated on the bed."

Ah this...

The flames of the bonfire swayed, and Ying Baoyue was speechless for a while.

This way of being assassinated... can only be said to be unexpected and unexpected.

If you want to kill a man of advanced state, the bed is indeed a good place.

"So who did it?" Ying Baoyue tried to keep his face expressionless.

"I heard that it is the concubine's room that Guanghua Junxin took." Zhao Guang frowned, "It seems to be called Xiaolian."

"Assassinated by a concubine?" Chen Zichu raised his head in astonishment, "Isn't this too outrageous? Could it be a real success?"

Zhao Guang's expression was also somewhat indescribable, "It seems to have really succeeded."

"Mr. Guanghua was still somewhat conscious at first, but later I heard that the dagger that assassinated him was painted with severe pain. He was already in a coma at this time. The imperial physicians of the Northern Wei Dynasty were helpless. A notice was posted outside Bieyuan to recruit famous doctors."

This is also the reason why the news and specific details of Yeluhua's assassination spread out of Bieyuan so quickly.

This incident obviously hurt the face of the Wang family, but compared to the face and the life of his son, the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty seemed to have chosen the latter.

"Wait, since it's poisoning, wouldn't it be fine to catch the assassin and force her to hand over the antidote?" Song Qian interjected, and he was suddenly taken aback, "Could it be..."

"Could it be that," Zhao Guang spread his hands, "The assassin ran away and was not caught."

"how is this possible?"

Even Ji Jiashu was a little shocked at this moment. He originally thought that the soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty went from house to house to search for assassin accomplices. After all, the act of assassinating a prince of a country is not like a weak woman can do it alone.

But he never expected that a weak woman who assassinated Yeluhua could escape from Yeluhua and Wang's Bieyuan.

"What's going on? Are the guards of the Northern Wei Dynasty's royal family eating dry food? Just a female assassin ran away for her?" Chen Zichu stood up from the campfire abruptly.

"Is it that surprising?" On his first trip, Murong Qing sat by the fire with a bamboo tube in his hand, calmly sipping the freshly cooked soup.

She glanced at Ying Baoyue, who had been sitting quietly by the campfire, and said, "What happened to the female assassin? If the woman who assassinated on the bed was Baoyue, do you think she can't escape?"

With a puff, several teenagers drinking soup around the fire spurted out soup in one mouthful.

(End of this chapter)

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