Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1419 Rebels

Chapter 1419 Rebels
Seeing the young villagers kneeling on the ground, everyone was stunned.


Looking at this scene, Chen Zichu suddenly felt a little hot. Could this be what the history books said about the uprising and the people's obedience?

He was about to say something excitedly, but was stopped by Ying Baoyue.

"What happened?" She looked at the head of the village head's son, and said calmly, "Now the world is not so bad that we can't survive. Do you know who we are, and dare to follow us as rebels?"

The young and strong kneeling on the ground all trembled and looked at the young man at the head in bewilderment.

"We..." The young man at the head turned pale, but he still raised his head and bravely looked into Ying Baoyue's eyes, "The horse thief is back again."

Ying Baoyue was startled, and the next moment his eyes sharpened, "Before we left, we told you that even if you are a beggar, you have to take refuge in a nearby city, right?"

"The villain knows," the young man gritted his teeth, "my father left the village early in the morning, leaving us young and strong to go to the ancestral grave in the village for the last time, but as soon as we arrived at the cemetery, we were killed again." Some of the rest of the group of horse thieves are on their way."

"That group of people yelled at us to be horse thieves too, otherwise they would dig up our village's ancestral grave."

"And then?" Ying Baoyue asked quietly.

"Then...we ran away," the young man swallowed, "I remember the direction my benefactors left yesterday, and I led them to run as hard as I could. I happened to meet a river, and the group of turtle grandchildren couldn't get across on horseback. It's also good luck to catch up with Engong."

Ying Baoyue was a little surprised, "You're quite clever."

"But what about the ancestral graves in your village?"

You must know that for these villagers, the ancestral graves are extremely important, otherwise they would not have asked the young people in the village to go to the graves when the whole village was evacuated.At the critical moment, this young man knew how to run with everyone instead of fighting recklessly with horse thieves. As a mountain man, it is already commendable.

"I can't help it." The young man looked at the dozen or so young people behind him and gritted his teeth. "If we really become horse thieves, it will be a scandal that shames our ancestors!"

Winning the forehead of the moon.

It's a trinity.

"The group of horse thieves are circling around there now," the young man took a deep breath, "We can't go back now and we can't enter the city, so the few of us discussed it and decided to come and join benefactor."

Although the identities of Ying Baoyue and others remain a mystery, the news that a mysterious team of practitioners is killing horse thieves along the road has spread from the south to the north these days.

The young man secretly looked at the girl in front of him. Rumors said that this team called itself the "Rebel Army", and the biggest sign was that the leader was actually a young woman. There were even rumors that the girl was a princess.

Many mountain people have secretly called this team the "Princess Army".

When he heard it for the first time, he simply scoffed. How could it be possible for a woman to lead an army?

Everyone in the village took this as a joke, and felt that even if there was a princess, it was probably just a cover, and they probably sat in the sedan chair to watch the excitement behind.

But last night when he stood in front of his father and was about to be stabbed to death, it was this young girl who knocked down three horse thieves with a single sword, leaving him stunned.

Only then did he realize that the so-called "Princess Army" was worthy of its name.

Noticing the young man's eyes, Ying Baoyue asked, "You said you want to join us?"

The youth nodded.

"What's your name?"

The young man lowered his head, "The villain is the second child at home, everyone in the village calls me Wang Er."

"Okay, Wang Er," Ying Baoyue said, "We are not from the Northern Wei Dynasty, but a group of businessmen passing by, and what we did was not specifically to deal with horse thieves. You may have misunderstood us. Take the people from your village back. Bar."

Wang Er was a little dumbfounded. Ji Jiashu and the others did not expect that Ying Baoyue would refuse so straightforwardly.

"Small, villain..." Wang's second hand was at a loss, blood slowly flowed from his broken forehead, but he didn't look back, and the next moment he gritted his teeth and reached out to grab Ying Baoyue's ankle.

"Hey, you..." Gui Chen was furious, and strode forward to pull Wang Er away, but someone pressed his shoulder.

Gui Chen was taken aback, and looked at Li Ji beside him, Li Ji didn't finish speaking, but just raised his chin in the direction of Ying Baoyue.

Someone grabbed her ankle, but Ying Baoyue didn't move.

She just looked down at Wang Er and let out a slight breath.

"What do you want to do?"

Wang Er gritted his teeth and pulled open his skirt, exposing his chest full of saber scars, "Since Engong said you are businessmen, the villain dares to... want to make a deal with Engong."

"trade what?"

"I'm waiting for my life," Wang Er blushed, his eyes were amazingly bright.

"We really have nowhere to go. If we want to be horse thieves, we might as well smash them all to death in front of the ancestral monument."

"No matter what kind of person benefactor is, as long as what you do is not evil, you can buy our lives."

"Benefactor gave me a place to stay, and I will be driven by benefactor," Wang Er racked his brains, and finally remembered a word he heard from an old man in the village, "Yes, mercenaries! We are willing to be benefactor's mercenaries." !"

Ying Baoyue smiled faintly, "It's a pity that your combat ability is not mercenary."

Wang Er was stunned for a moment, the blood in his chest became cold, and he felt a little desperate.

He knew that their status was humble, could it be that there was really no way out?
But at this moment, a slender but callused hand was handed over to him.

"However, if you really want to trade with me, stand up and talk."

Looking at those white hands, Wang Er was stunned. He stretched out his hand awkwardly but saw that it was covered with blood. He quickly retracted and wanted to wipe it off his body, but someone had already grabbed it.

Ying Baoyue pulled him up, "Have you thought about it? Are you really going to trade with us?"

Wang Er nodded.

"It's not like we can't accept you, but we already have a lot of people." Ying Baoyue looked at the dozen or so mountain people who were cramped in front of him, and felt a little headache about how to settle them down. If we just leave it to Mu Rongqing, then Her burden was a little too heavy.

At this moment, Ji Jiashu's voice came from behind her.

"Baoyue," Ji Jiashu walked behind her, "If you're at ease, leave them to me."

Ying Baoyue was startled, then turned around, and Ji Jiashu looked at her with a smile.

"Why, do you think I can't manage well?"

Ying Baoyue shook his head.

Ji Jiashu smiled, he didn't know if he was a general, but he had a premonition that Ying Baoyue was a handsome talent.

One day, she might be able to lead countless generals, a general above generals.

Then he has to work hard too.

Ji Jiashu walked up to Wang Er and held out his hand to him, "Hello, I am this girl's fiance, and my surname is Ji now."

"My real name, I will tell you after I judge that you can trust it."

"Although you are mercenaries, if you betray, I will punish you mercilessly."

Ying Baoyue nodded to Wang Er.

Wang Er came to his senses and bowed his head to Ji Jiashu, "The villain Wang Er has seen the young master, we must obey the young master's orders."

Ji Jiashu helped him up, looked at the simple and firm gaze of the man in front of him, and spoke softly.

"We may not be considered rebels."

"But you are the original rebels."

(End of this chapter)

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