Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1420 Rivals in Love

Chapter 1420 Rivals in Love
Wang Er and his group were not the only ones chasing after Ying Baoyue and the others.

As dusk fell, Xiao Lian came out of the forest alone with a dead deer on her back. She went straight to a big tree in the forest and knocked on the trunk.

Rusting leaves fell from her head, and a cold female voice came from the tree.

"You're back."

Xiao Lian pulled down the black cloth covering her face, looked at Meng Ge who was sitting on the tree, and grinned, "I thought you would sneak away."

Meng Ge supported the trunk and sat on the highest branch. He was not tied up. He glanced at the girl in black who went hunting alone under the tree with a complicated expression. .”

Xiao Lian didn't tie her up when she left, but Meng Ge sat on the tree without moving.

In such a wilderness, she knows better than anyone what will happen to her as a helpless woman who escapes.

Xiao Lian laughed, threw the dead deer under the tree, clung to the trunk, jumped up the tree lightly, and stretched out her hand to Meng Ge.

"As expected of the stepson's younger sister, she is not stupid."

Although Meng Ge's body is weak, after getting along these days, Xiao Lian found that she was much smarter than those ladies from aristocratic families whom she met in the past.

Meng Ge has always had a very clear understanding of his situation, knowing when to hide and when to stay in place to wait for her, taking care of her is very worry-free.

Thinking back to when she was ordered to protect some young ladies from aristocratic families, the group of young ladies who had no brains and no life experience either ran around without knowing what they could do, or yelled whenever something happened, which was simply a headache.

"You dare to leave me here alone, don't you just know that I won't run away?" Meng Ge's expression was as cold as ever, but he still held Xiaolian's hand, and followed her back to the ground without holding Joe in the slightest.

"If you run away, you should probably be a meal for horse thieves by now," Xiao Lian let go of Meng Ge, and skillfully began to skin and grill the prey.

"By the way," she suddenly thought of something halfway through baking, and took out a paper bag from her bosom and handed it to Meng Ge, "you can eat this."

Meng Ge opened the paper bag and found that there were actually two crushed pastries inside.

The pastries are very cheap, but Meng Ge knows how difficult it is to get pastries in this wilderness.


"You have a small stomach, it's hard to eat meat all the time." Xiao Lian leisurely threw a piece of firewood into the fire, "Try it, although it's far from the dim sum in the county prince's mansion, who told you that you didn't want to please?" What about His Royal Highness? Now there is only this, do you like it or not."

Meng Ge pursed his lips, but without saying anything, he put a small piece of hard pastry into his mouth, let it melt slowly, and then swallowed it cherishingly.

Xiao Lian blinked her eyes in surprise, "You can endure hardship."

I'm used to seeing Meng Ge lose his temper with Yeluhua in the county palace, but I didn't expect that this girl was unexpectedly obedient and tough, and she was the most unpretentious woman Xiao Lian had ever seen.

"Who do you think I am?" Meng Ge said indifferently, "When I was young, I gnawed countless grass roots and tree bark, and the days when I could have steamed bread were few and far between."

Xiao Lian was a little surprised. After all, Meng Ge's appearance was slender and beautiful, and his whole body was very similar to those ladies she had seen. His hands were white and tender without scars, and he didn't look like he grew up eating grass roots and bark.

Meng Ge glanced at her indifferently, "Since you dare to kidnap me, you should know my background."

Xiaolian was silent, and then she remembered what happened to the Meng sisters.

Meng Shi's halo as the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty rarely reminds people of her humble origins. Even if they know that they are common people, they will think that their sisters are at least born in a middle-class family with no worries about food and drink.

But in fact, the childhood of the sisters was not as good as that of the poor.

Noticing that Xiao Lian was looking at her hands, Meng Ge slowly raised them up, "These hands are like this because my sister never gave me any hardships since she was a child."

That's right, her childhood was indeed very bitter. She fled all the way with Meng Shi, and often slept in the open air, but even if the dry food on the road was only a clump of chaff, that clump must belong to her.

If there was only one bird's egg left in their pockets, that egg must also be hers.

Even if she is suffering from hunger and cold, Meng Shi will definitely leave her the best things.

Because of her poor health, she didn't have to do any work since she was a child. Meng Shi took her clothes to the river to wash in the coldest days. She also said that she was a fire magician and was not afraid of the cold at all.

When Meng Shi became a disciple of the Sword Master and gradually gained status in the practice world, Meng Shi even gave her the best she could.

Obviously not rich, but still treat her as a young lady to raise.

Meng Ge smiled wryly. If she hadn't been dragging a sick body, she, a wild girl who grew up in the countryside, really didn't look like a young lady at all.

She is nothing without her sister.

Hearing Meng Ge's calm narration, Xiao Lian's expression was a little complicated.

She threw another piece of wood into the fire.

"You have a good sister."

"Yeah," Meng Ge said, "so I don't understand, does God really have eyes?"

"Hey," Xiao Lian frowned upon hearing the outrageous words, "What are you talking about!"

Meng Ge smiled, and suddenly leaned in front of her, their faces were very close, "Do you think my sister and I look alike?"

Xiao Lian was startled by her action, and moved her face back an inch, "It looks like it does."

When Meng Shi paraded through the streets in shackles, she was also watching by the side of the road. Meng Shi, who was wearing women's clothing again, was almost the same as Meng Ge except that she was thinner.

But Meng Shi has a very unique temperament, which makes her very special. The moment she saw it, she knew that this was the unique stepson of the common people.

"Since they look like each other, do you have the ability to use me to replace my sister?" Meng Ge knelt on the ground, staring into Xiaolian's eyes.

"If God really has eyes, it shouldn't be my sister who is locked in that tower now, but me."

"What are you thinking?" Xiao Lian was stunned when she heard this, and then she laughed, "Who do you think I am? I don't have such a great ability."

Even if she still has a Qi Concealment Talisman left, the Qi Concealment Talisman can only last for a quarter of an hour, which is not enough time for her to sneak into Ninggu Tower and find Meng Shi.

"Besides, you don't have the aura of a high-level practitioner on your body, so you still want to pretend to be your sister?"

The inexplicable look in Meng Ge's eyes made Xiao Lian feel a little dangerous, and she quickly said something to dispel her muddled thought.

"Do you think that the guards of Ninggu Tower are idiots?"

"Really," Meng Ge's eyes dimmed for a moment, and he stroked his chest, "I really can't do it?"

"Of course," Xiao Lian sighed, "At best, I can let you see your sister again, which is the best of humanity."

"But why did you do this?" Meng Ge raised his head again, his face full of hesitation.

"I wanted to ask before, why did you take me to Pingcheng? Why did you treat me..."

Why are you so nice to her?

At the beginning of the journey, she really wanted to escape all the time, and she was very hostile to this woman.But later she discovered that although the woman who called herself Xiao Lian spoke and acted strangely, she had no ill intentions towards her.

She relapsed from her old illness in the middle of the night because of her grief, and Xiao Lian gave her real energy to suppress her overnight. She thought it was her sister who came back when she was half asleep and half awake.

"Also, why did you assassinate Yeluhua?"

Meng Ge frowned.

Who is the master of this woman?Did someone make her do this?

"Is it hard to understand?"

There was a crackling sound from the fire, Xiao Lian quietly watched the burning flame, and suddenly grinned.

"Because that man and I are rivals in love."

Meng Ge was stunned.

She is confused.

No, very confusing.

Wait, isn't this person Yeluhua's concubine?Mr. Guanghua has never had a lover in the past. He said that Meng Ge only knows one person he likes in this world. Being a rival in love with Yeluhua means...

"You wouldn't be..."

"That's right," Xiaolian held her chin, squinted and smiled.

"The person I like is your sister."


  more coming
(End of this chapter)

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