Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1428 Self-help

Chapter 1428 Self-help


In the cold cell, a drop of water fell on Meng Shi's cheek, and she slightly opened her eyes.

"How long?"

"Four days."

A cold voice came from the next door, but Meng Shi somehow felt at ease.

"You're still there."

"What? Do you think I will be pulled out and hacked before you pass out?" Feng Yan sat by the hole by the wall and snorted coldly.

This silly girl probably didn't know that even if their heads were to be beheaded, both of them would be beheaded at the same time.

"No," Meng Shi smiled, "I'm just afraid that I won't be able to see you anytime soon."

For so many days, she has been able to maintain her sanity in this dark cell, I have to say thanks to this strange woman.

"This is what I want to say," Feng Yan said coldly, "You fainted for a longer time this time, and you won't be able to wake up next time you faint, right?"

Since ten days ago, the prison guards began to reduce the food they sent, and Meng Shi would faint from hunger from time to time.

Coupled with the fact that the pierced wound on Meng Shi's shoulder was still healing and piercing, although Feng Yan didn't want to admit it, she was worried almost every night that Meng Shi might pass out and wouldn't be able to wake up.

"It's okay," Meng Shi smiled, "I'm quite used to being hungry."

The jailer dared to do this because he knew she would not die, and doing so would only make her weak.

After all, the earth-level practitioners have not yet bigu, and they still have to eat.

Feng Yan was silent for a moment, touched her chest for the broken steamed buns she had secretly hidden these days, looked at Meng Shi who was locked on the other side of the wall, "Can't you break free from this chain?"

Even if she wanted to give dry food to Meng Shi, they were several feet away, and Meng Shi couldn't get it.

If Meng Shi didn't catch it and the jailer found steamed buns on the ground, Meng Shi would be unlucky.

"Actually, I was quite sure a few days ago," Meng Shi smiled, "This group of people probably knew that this would happen, so they reduced the food they sent."

After being locked up for so many days, and through many bloody confrontations, she gradually understood the characteristics of the chains and the formation on the ground.

She is not yet sure about the formation, but as long as she still has seven points of strength, she can probably break free from this set of chains.

Feng Yan opened her eyes slightly.

She has been watching Meng Shi's almost clumsy attempts to break free from the chain for so many days. At that time, she thought it was useless, but she never thought that this girl could actually do it.

How tenacious is this girl who can still do all this while being pierced by the lute bone?
"Then you now..."

"I can't do it now," Meng Shi smiled wryly, "I don't have the strength anymore."

Besides, even if she breaks free from this chain, it doesn't make any sense. There are still so many guards of jailors and heavenly practitioners outside, so she can't escape at all with her weak body now.

She didn't feel desperate at first, but now she is somewhat desperate.

"It seems that I can't get out," Meng Shi smiled, looking at the eye outside the hole in the wall, "But Aunt Feng, don't give up. When we execute the execution, if anything happens, you must work hard Run outside."

Feng Yan wasn't wearing any chains, and the jailers didn't treat her badly these days, so if something happened, she might run away.

Feng Yan was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and the next moment she said viciously.

"What's the surprise?"

She sneered, "If something really happened, I might have to apologize with death."

If she is going to be released, unless her son kills her husband.

But if such a thing really happened, her son, who was accused of killing his father, would never end well in the future.

"I never told you," Feng Yan slid down against the wall and said lightly, "I walked in by myself."

From ancient times to the present, if he failed to become the eldest son of the prince, he could only die.

And only if she dies can her son become the prince.

Meng Shi widened her eyes in a daze.

"Now that you know, don't worry about others," Feng Yan said indifferently.

She had originally walked in here with a desperate heart, and was already prepared for the rest of her life, but she never expected to meet such a silly girl in the last ten days of her life.

Feng Yan touched the steamed bun stuffed hard in her chest, and sighed.

"Meng Shi," Feng Yan said calmly, "I don't have the ability to break through walls. I don't care what method you use, just find a way to get near this wall."

"Or if you think about it, there is no other way to get things from this wall."

"Madam Feng, you..."

"I'm not planning to go out," Feng Yan said, "but you still have someone waiting for you outside, right?"

"come over."

Meng Shi gritted her teeth, and suddenly began to violently break free from the chain.

"Is this stinking girl crazy?" The jailer cursed from outside, but seeing Meng Shi still locked by the wall, the jailer walked away cursing again.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Feng Yan was taken aback, she didn't expect that Meng Shi would react so strongly to a word from her, and just as she was about to stop her, her pupils shrank.

A large amount of blood gushed from Meng Shi's shoulder, slid down the chain, and gradually gathered into a pool on the ground.

But the next moment, flames suddenly emerged from the edge of the pool of blood, and a vague human-shaped flame gradually formed in the pool of blood.

"This is……"

Feng Yan held her breath, staring blankly at the little flame figure who stumbled up in the pool of blood, fell down, and got up again.

Then he walked towards her slowly.



It was already late at night, and Meng Ge followed Grandma Sun and Xiao Lian's group, walking step by step to a remote hillside.

"Where are we going?"

After walking for some time, Meng Ge couldn't help asking.

Xiao Lian also looked puzzled, but resisted not to speak.

"We're almost there," Grandma Sun said calmly, and suddenly stopped at the foot of a hill.

"You are Grandma Sun?"

A voice came from behind the hillside. Seeing the person slowly walking out from behind the hillside, Meng Ge covered his mouth and stopped breathing for an instant.

"How will you be here?"

She never thought that she would see this person again in this place.

"It's a long story," the visitor smiled at Meng Ge, and then looked at Granny Sun seriously, "The things have already been delivered?"

Grandma Sun nodded, "What about others, my lord?"

The visitor sighed, "He still wants to try one last time, if he can see it, there is still a possibility of redemption."

"If you still can't see it, I'm afraid I can only do that."

Grandma Sun looked a little sad, "Why did this matter come to this, my lord, has he really made up his mind?"

"Once this thing starts, there is no going back."

"He didn't want to do this either, but there is no other way," the visitor let out a sigh of relief, "The reason why we waited so long is to find another way out."

"But now there are only the last three days left, and I really can't wait."

Grandma Sun closed her eyes, "I can only hope that the Lord can see you tonight..."

"There's no need to wait." At this time, a thin figure appeared under the moonlight. "I haven't seen anyone. There are too many soldiers blocking the outside, and there has been no order for me to go in."

Seeing that person appear, Grandma Sun suddenly fell to her knees, "Master!"

This person is the lord?
Meng Ge couldn't believe his eyes, " could..."

"Okay," the man called the lord smiled, his gaze swept over Meng Ge who was standing still and Xiao Lian who was also in a daze, and stopped on Grandma Sun.

"Nurse Sun, I've worked hard for you all this time, although I took over the position of lord not long ago, you still want to regard it as the lord."

"I am ashamed of you, old slave." Granny Sun said with a look of unbearable pain, "You really want to..."

"Well, I've made up my mind."

He said lightly, "Call all the disciples and give me your wealth and life."

"Two days later, gather at Huaishupo in the east of Pingcheng."

"Win the king and lose the bandit, in one fell swoop."

(End of this chapter)

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