Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1429 Appearance

Chapter 1429 Appearance
"Is Your Highness still asleep?"

Standing outside the main tent, Mu Rongqing asked Ji Ange.

Ji Ange nodded, and looked back at the brightly lit tent behind her, "It's been two days and two nights."

Two nights ago, Ying Baoyue came back from the outside with a blueprint, and stayed in the tent looking at the blueprint.

"I don't know where His Highness got that blueprint." Mu Rongqing probably guessed what was drawn on the blueprint that Ying Baoyue was holding.

After Ying Baoyue came back with the picture, Li Ji and Zhao Guang disappeared in the camp at the same time. She knew that the two must have gone to the place drawn in the picture to inquire about it.

"How are the preparations for the enthronement ceremony of the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty?"

The one who answered this question was Fang Shisan who was standing aside.

"The altar has been set up in the northeast of Pingcheng," Fang Shisan said, "When our people went to investigate today, they found that everything was ready."

"Really?" Mu Rongqing murmured, "There's only one last night left."

The day after tomorrow will be the enthronement ceremony of Yelulang, the new emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

According to the plan set by Ying Baoyue, they will attack Ninggu Tower and rescue Meng Shi on the eve of the enthronement ceremony.

It's just that the final plan is still being adjusted. Looking at the slender figure sitting in the big tent, as dawn is approaching, Mu Rongqing gradually became nervous.

"By the way, is Mr. Guanghua still awake?"

Fang Shisan nodded, "I heard that he was still fainting in the tent and didn't show up."

The people in Pingcheng were discussing this matter, and rumors were flying all over the city.

"Then what about the prince canonization ceremony the day after tomorrow?" Mu Rongqing frowned, "Wouldn't the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty want to change the prince?"

After all, how does a fainting prince come to the stage to accept the canonization?
The group of people standing outside the tent looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to figure out how the Northern Wei people would solve this matter.

"Regardless of Mr. Guanghua, the execution ceremony is the key to us," Murong Qing frowned, "Did you hear about Thirteen? Will the Northern Wei court plan to bring Meng Jizi to the enthronement ceremony for execution in the future, or will it be executed in Ningxia?" Sentence in Guta?"

Fang Shisan looked a little embarrassed, he shook his head.

"Our informants in the Northern Wei court haven't heard the news. I guess we can only wait for the order of the King of the Northern Wei Dynasty to react accordingly."

Mu Rongqing frowned, if the Northern Wei people would bring Meng Shi out of the tower, then the road would be the best time to make a move.

But the situation in the future is uncertain, so they can't ambush in advance.

No one expected that until the enthronement ceremony was about to begin, the method of public execution was still not announced.

"Could it be that there is only one way to directly attack Ninggu Tower?" Mu Qi's face turned pale.

Whether it was attacking Ninggu Pagoda or rescuing Meng Shi at the enthronement ceremony, both were hell-like difficulties.

The atmosphere of the crowd was a little gloomy, but at this moment two dusty figures appeared in the camp.

"Mr. Zhaohua, Your Royal Highness, are you back?"

Seeing these two people, everyone's eyes lit up, "Have you found Ning Guta?"

Li Ji raised his forehead and looked at the figure in the big tent, "She hasn't slept all this time?"

Ji Ange nodded, "My sister said that if you come back, let her know as soon as possible."

"Well," Li Ji lifted the curtain and strode into the tent.

Zhao Guang didn't follow in, but just stood outside the tent with a slightly pale face.

"Have you seen the appearance of Ninggu Tower?" Mu Qi asked him curiously, "How is the surrounding defense?"

how about it?
Zhao Guang smiled wryly, probably only hell can be used to describe it.

But one thing is certain.

Just as he was about to speak, the curtain of the big tent was lifted, and Lady Yao came out from inside, "His Royal Highness let everyone in."

Everyone looked at each other and walked into the tent.

As soon as they entered, everyone saw the blueprint that had been hung up.

Two days ago, when Ying Baoyue brought the picture in, Mu Rongqing glanced at it. At first glance, it looked like three circles intertwined with each other. At this time, the three circles were densely filled with words.

It is conceivable that this is what Ying Baoyue has been doing these two days.

"Has Zhaohua come back?"

At this time, Ji Jiashu's voice came from outside the tent, he was the last to enter the tent, but everyone didn't blame him at all.

Ji Jiashu's hard work in managing a rebel army of thousands of people these days is obvious to all.

"Well," Ying Baoyue stood in front of the blueprint, "According to the information brought back by Zhao Hua and Zhao Guang, this defense map can be trusted."

Although the two of them hid outside and only saw a rough idea, many details matched this picture.

Ji Jiashu took a deep breath and looked at the densely packed words on the drawing.

"Then our final plan, have you already decided?"

Ying Baoyue nodded, holding a branch and pointing to a road on the drawing.

"As shown in this picture, Ninggu Pagoda is thirty miles northeast of Pingcheng. We will break out of camp tomorrow and go to Ninggu Pagoda from this trail."

Everyone nodded. This path is very hidden, so getting there should not be a problem.

"We should be able to reach the vicinity tomorrow evening," Ying Baoyue said, "The next step is the real difficulty."

Just like when she notified Ying Xun and Jiang Yuanyuan before, she set the time for the attack from the beginning, and that would be three quarters of the ugly hour tomorrow night.

That is the deepest time of night, and it is also the time when the defense is most relaxed.

At the same time, there is another important reason why she decided to attack tomorrow night and did not advance the time.

"Mingye is the night of the new moon."

Everyone's expression froze suddenly.

The night of the new moon means that there will be no moonlight shining in the sky, and the sky and the earth will be completely shrouded in darkness.

This is convenient for them to attack at night, but at the same time it also makes the attack difficult.

"Jiashu, have the torches and phosphorite powder been distributed?"

Ji Jiashu nodded calmly, "I've asked the rebels to wipe the phosphorite powder on a fixed position on the right arm, with only a small mark on it, and I can't recognize it except for our people."

Mu Rongqing nodded, "The Yanwu camp is also ready."

"Okay," Ying Baoyue moved the branches to the three circles on the drawing.

"Everyone should be able to see that the defense of Ninggu Tower is mainly composed of three floors."

Everyone's hearts were raised immediately.

This picture is very concise. The three circles are the three layers of defense outside Ninggu Tower.

"The first line of defense is composed of the Northern Wei Army. According to Zhaohua and the others, there are at least 500 people."

One thousand two hundred people.

Ji Jiashu's heart contracted violently.

The number of rebels was only 1000, and although he tried his best to practice along the way, these temporarily blocked teams were absolutely unable to fight against the formal army in terms of combat effectiveness.

What's more, the number of formal troops still has an advantage.

Even if they combined with those from Yanwu Camp, they might not be able to break through this first line of defense.

And at this moment, Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Jiashu.

"Jiashu, I hope to hand over this first line of defense to the rebels."

(End of this chapter)

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