Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1444 Fall

Chapter 1444 Fall
On the day of the last round of the Intermediate Ceremony, Xu Bingqing disregarded his previous warning and tore his soul apart, and when he saw the girl was engulfed by the fire but was still safe and sound, Xu Canghai finally made up his mind.

That water magician is really her.

Water and fire are incompatible, but for her, water and fire can also melt together.

Right after the battle was over, the moment Xu Canghai touched Xu Bingqing, Xu Canghai found that his spirit and soul had returned to Ying Baoyue, but the poison remained in his daughter's body.

Xu Canghai took a deep breath.

This matter has nothing to do with Ying Baoyue from the beginning to the end, and he is not going to blame anyone.

But Xu Bingqing is his daughter after all.

He couldn't watch her die.

"leave here."

Xu Canghai clenched the sword in his hand, looked at Ying Baoyue and said calmly.

"If you don't step forward, I won't draw the sword."

"Daddy, what are you talking about?" Xu Bingqing grabbed his back in astonishment, "That person clearly said that the antidote would only be given to me if you killed the former Qin princess. How could you..."

"Shut up." Xu Canghai didn't turn his head, "Your father is not dead yet, so it's not your turn to talk here."

Standing here is the greatest compromise he can make.

Ying Baoyue looked at Xu Canghai with a complicated expression.

From this point of view, Xu Canghai was indeed threatened by someone who poisoned Xu Bingqing.

Although it seemed that Xu Canghai still retained part of the bottom line and did not obey the poisoners, his blocking here was the biggest obstacle to their action this time.

"I won't leave," Ying Baoyue also gripped the sunset sword tightly, "I must go up."

She was just short of the last floor, as long as she crossed this floor, she would be able to see Meng Shi.

Meng Shi should be trapped on the ninth floor by the formation, she must take Meng Ge up to save Meng Shi.

"If you insist on going forward, don't blame the old man for being ruthless," Xu Canghai said lightly, "I've said everything I need to say. If you still want to die, that's your own choice."

He didn't want to kill her, but this person was too stubborn and too overwhelmed.

If she is not so stubborn, with her ability in her previous life, at least she can protect herself.

"What can you do up there?" Xu Canghai said calmly, "Even if you rescue her today, what can you do?"

"The king's orders cannot be violated. Even if you rescue her today, His Majesty can kill her thousands of times."

Before the person holding Xu Bingqing's antidote appeared, he never realized that the political arena of the Northern Wei Dynasty was already in deep trouble.

Those people have been arranged by Yeluhong Yelulang for 20 years, even if he found out now, what can he do?
You must know that seven years ago, Shubai was also unable to recover.

Xu Canghai stared deeply at Ying Baoyue.

Even she and her master didn't realize that she was involved in a situation that lasted for decades. What can she do who is so weak in this life?
His eyes stopped on Ying Baoyue's wrist, she's already dying in this life, isn't she?

He doesn't understand.

He didn't understand why the woman she and he fell in love with for the first time in their lives would always choose the most difficult path.

Aware of Xu Bingqing's hand tightly grasping the skirt of his shirt behind him, Xu Canghai had a complicated expression on his face.

Young Lang is always naive, but reality will teach him everything.

Twenty years ago, he made a choice that an ordinary man would make.

He knew very early on that Lin Shubai would not belong to him.

Whether it was Ji Mo, Emperor Ying or Song Zhai, she would belong to other people, but it was impossible for her to belong to him.

In the royal blood of the son of the aristocratic family, there is no place for the untouchables.

So he chose the wife who was best for his future.

It was such a choice that changed his life after that.

He didn't regret such a choice. The only thing he regretted in his life was that rainy night seven years ago. Why did he believe that Ji Mo could protect her?

Xu Canghai stared at the girl with a firm expression in front of him.

She is the only one who will protect Shubai from beginning to end.

Only her.

"You really know that the King of the Northern Wei Dynasty has a problem," Ying Baoyue stared into Xu Canghai's eyes.

Xu Canghai was noncommittal, "As long as His Majesty is in power for a day, Meng Shi will not be able to escape, so don't do any useless work here, get down from the tower quickly."

"It's impossible for the current Majesty," Ying Baoyue said lightly, "but what about another Majesty?"

Xu Canghai's pupils shrank slightly.

"We're serious," Ying Baoyue watched him calmly, "everything will change, if you want to subvert it, subvert everything."

It's not just this tower that will be brought down tonight.

And the entire Northern Wei Dynasty political situation.

"A group of children want to change everything," Xu Canghai wanted to laugh, but he couldn't smile.

Did he ever have such courage?

The courage to fight against the world at all costs for the ones important to you.

"What about children?" Ying Baoyue looked at the middle-aged man who had resigned to his fate, and said softly, "We were all children from the beginning."

When her master rescued her, she was 15 years old.

He was 17 when they met him.

When Jimo and Master parted ways,

When Master and Emperor Ying agreed to conquer the mainland one day,

When she said goodbye to Ying Su, she was 17 years old.

"Don't block here, Xu Canghai," Ying Baoyue said softly, "You can't stop me, I want to go over."

"Can't stop you?" Xu Canghai looked at her, closed his eyes, and swung his sword suddenly.

"Embrace the moon!"

Ying Baoyue's figure suddenly flew up, and was blown straight out of the wall!

Half of Li Ji's body was numb, and the sword energy of Xu Canghai's Thunder Sword could actually turn.

At that moment just now, Xu Canghai's sword energy bypassed him and hit Ying Baoyue directly. Ying Baoyue's figure fell directly on the terrace protruding from the tower, and the stone platform was shattered every inch of it. Ying Baoyue's heel retreated to the edge of the stone platform before stopping.

"Your Highness!"

The terrace outside is hundreds of feet high, like a cliff. Seeing that Ying Baoyue's foot almost stepped on the edge of the cliff, Xiao Lian and Meng Ge almost stopped breathing.

Li Ji's figure immediately appeared on the outer terrace, and he reached out and grabbed Ying Baoyue's shoulder tightly.

Xu Canghai walked down the stairs and walked to the two standing on the edge of the stone platform step by step.

"Boy," he said lightly to Li Ji who was still in shock, "you should know by now that if I want to kill her, there is nothing you can do."

"If you want her not to die, take her away now."

Li Ji's black pupils contracted violently. At that moment just now, he had fully realized the gap between the third rank and the second rank. He knew that Xu Canghai's move was to force him to take Ying Baoyue away.

Ying Baoyue didn't leave by herself, so she asked someone to take her away.

this man...

Li Ji looked at Xu Canghai, and slowly tightened the fingers pinching Ying Baoyue's shoulder.

"A Ji!"

Sensing Xu Canghai's intentions, Ying Baoyue immediately began to break free from Li Ji's hand. At this moment, a faint cry came from above the two of them.

"Yue... sister?"

It was Meng Shi's voice.

Ying Baoyue raised her head suddenly, and Meng Shi's cell was actually above the balcony!

"Little poem?"

"Are you up there?"

Ying Baoyue stretched out her hand upwards, just a little bit, just a little bit so she could see her.

Seeing Ying Baoyue's outstretched hand, a dark look flashed across Xu Canghai's eyes.

He closed his eyes, and the next moment Wanjun Thunder shot out from the sword!

"Embrace the moon!"

Below Ninggu Pagoda, Ji Jiashu, who was fighting among soldiers, suddenly felt a palpitation.


Screams rang out from the soldiers.

Ji Jiashu raised his head, and an arc crossed his eyes.

He stared at the two figures in a daze, falling from the top of the eight-story tower.

(End of this chapter)

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