Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1445 Faith

Chapter 1445 Faith
"Embrace the moon!"

At the moment when thunder rumbled on the tower, Ji Jiashu saw Xu Canghai's figure on the balcony outside the eighth floor.

He watched helplessly as Xu Canghai knocked Ying Baoyue down from the eight-story tower with one sword, and Li Ji jumped down after him.

From a height of hundreds of feet, the two fell straight down.

In the end what happened?
All that happened so fast that Li Ji couldn't see or hear anything.

The moment Xu Canghai moved his sword, Ying Baoyue's figure appeared in midair, and he only had time to see her outstretched hand outside the balcony.

Then he held this hand and pulled her into his arms suddenly. The next moment his ears were filled with the sound of wind, followed by a strong sense of weightlessness.

"Mr. Zhaohua? Your Royal Highness?"

At this time, Xiao Lian, who had just solved the lock on the lower floor, just climbed up to the eighth floor, and saw Ying Baoyue and Li Ji being beaten down as soon as she came up.

She grabbed Meng Ge's hand and rushed towards the terrace in astonishment. Her eyesight couldn't keep up with the speed of the heavenly cultivators, and she only saw Li Ji and Ying Baoyue disappear from the terrace as soon as Xu Canghai drew his sword!
Seeing this scene, Xiao Lian was so frightened that her liver and gallbladder were torn apart, she was in a daze for a moment, but the next moment there was a scream in their ears, and Xu Bingqing's figure was dragged from them to the balcony, and was pulled to the edge of the stone platform in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Lian discovered that Xu Bingqing's ankle was actually tied with a translucent ribbon!
A flying knife was tied to the end of the ribbon, and it was this flying knife that flew out and wrapped the ribbon around Xu Bingqing's ankle.

"Celestial silk?"

Xu Canghai turned his head abruptly, and finally realized what Ying Baoyue was doing with the last gesture of reaching out his hand before falling down.

Just when he knocked the girl off the balcony, her last move was to tie the flying knife around Xu Bingqing's ankle with a celestial silk ribbon!

"Daddy, save me!"

Xu Bingqing was scared out of his wits, Xu Canghai swung his sword violently to cut off the ribbon, but the silkworm silk was impenetrable by fire and water, and resisted the sword, Xu Bingqing was dragged down from the balcony just like that.


Xu Bingqing's scream came from below, Xu Canghai frowned, and appeared on the edge of the terrace, seeing his daughter falling below, he immediately jumped off too.

"Take advantage of it now!"

The familiar voice came from below, and Xiao Lian woke up like a dream.

This is Ying Baoyue's voice.

Even if they were kicked off the balcony, Ying Baoyue still opened a way for them.

"follow me!"

Seeing Xu Canghai's figure disappear on the stone platform, Xiao Lian grabbed Meng Ge's hand and led her up to the ninth floor.

"Xiao Lian, Her Royal Highness and the others..."

Meng Ge staggered and asked hurriedly.

"There's no time to worry about them now!" Xiao Lian roared fiercely, "You really want to be worthy of Her Royal Highness' efforts and save your sister!"

Ying Baoyue and Li Ji were knocked down from the tower, and now they are the only ones who can rescue Meng Shi!
Meng Ge's heart constricted, with tears in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and climbed up with Xiao Lian desperately.

Just when her legs were so sore that they were about to break, a huge prison door appeared in front of them. As long as the door was opened, the ninth floor of the prison would be in front of them.

Seeing this prison door, Meng Ge's heart jumped.

"Take a step back!"

Xiao Lian pulled her behind, and slashed her sword at the lock on the prison door.

Bang!Sparks flew from the huge iron lock, but it remained motionless.

Xiao Lian looked at this scene in astonishment, feeling so annoyed that she almost wanted to die.

It's all come to the last step, Ying Baoyue tried her best to send them here, but she can't open the lock?

Or is it because she is too weak?
"Xiao, Xiaolian, this lock..."

Seeing Xiao Lian trembling in front of the iron lock, Meng Ge's body was covered in cold sweat, and the two of them were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. At this moment, a female voice suddenly came from inside the door.

"your Highness?"

Hearing this weak but familiar voice, Meng Ge's eyes widened, with countless emotions clogging her throat, she covered her mouth and was speechless.

Xiao Lian was a little calmer than her, and she knew whose voice it was from Meng Ge's reaction.

"Is it Meng Jizi?"

"I am," the insider quickly responded, "Aren't you Your Highness the Princess? Who are you?"

Is she waiting for Ying Baoyue?

"I'm the one sent by the former Princess Qin to rescue you," Xiao Lian gritted her teeth, thinking of Ying Baoyue who fell down the tower with Jun Zhaohua, and said, "Can you come out now?"

"I'm trapped by the blood formation, I can't move," Meng Shi's voice came from the inside.

Sure enough.

Xiao Lian gritted her teeth, "I brought someone who can rescue you, but I can't open the outermost lock right now."

Looking at the cold door lock in front of her, Xiao Lian punched it bitterly, "Damn it!"

"Calm down," Meng Shi said calmly, "tell me about the shape of this lock."

Xiao Lian was taken aback when she heard the words, she didn't know how she had time to do this in such an extremely urgent situation, but she suppressed her impatience and described it to Meng Shi in detail.

"I see. Can you see if there is a vertical casting mark three inches above the left side of the lock cylinder?"

Xiaolian's fingers fumbled eagerly on the cold iron lock, and she nodded tremblingly the next moment.

"Yes, there are."

"Okay, let's chop towards that trace, you are at rank six, right? Use seven points of true energy."

"Calm down and take a breath before chopping."

Xiao Lian was confused, but still took a deep breath, and slashed towards the vertical mark with her sword.

With a click, a crack appeared in the originally hard iron lock, and the lock ring just broke and fell from the chain with a snap.

Xiao Lian and Meng Ge stared blankly at this scene, and the next moment they jumped up and pushed open the iron gate.

The last iron door opened, and two cells side by side appeared in front of the two of them.

Finally seeing the person they had been thinking about day and night, Xiao Lian and Meng Ge immediately saw the figure in the innermost cell.

A bloodied woman was chained against a wall with her back to them.

Looking at the bony figure from behind, Meng Ge suddenly covered his mouth.

Because of the sight problem, Meng Shi didn't see her. Hearing the footsteps of the practitioner behind her, she raised her head with difficulty and turned back.

"Are you the practitioner who just unlocked the door? Thank you for coming to save me, but I have no solution to this formation. Compared to me, has something happened to Her Royal Highness just now? She..."

Meng Shi's voice stopped abruptly.

Xiao Lian took a step back to let Meng Ge burst into tears after she passed away.

"I said, I brought someone who can save you."

The formation under Meng Shi's knees is the blood formation of the four spirits, and only the blood of close relatives can unravel this formation.

Xiao Lian stood aside, watching the twin sisters with similar faces staring at each other through the cold iron gate.

When she was at Feiyanmen, she had heard of many things Meng Jizi had done for her sister.In the eyes of the Feiyanmen sisters, Meng Shi would not have worked so hard if she hadn't been dragged down by such a frail and sickly sister. With her skills, it would be easy to escape alone on the border of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and she would never be caught.

But who would have thought that this frail and sickly sister, who had been protected by Meng Shi, would go through countless killing difficulties with them this night and come to her sister's side.

"elder sister."

Meng Ge walked to the prison door, grabbed the cold chain, and tears hit the back of her hand.

"This time, it's me."

This time, it was her who protected her.

 To popularize science, Baizhang is about 300 meters, which is equivalent to the height of the Macau Tower. If it is replaced by ordinary floors, it is about [-] floors high.

(End of this chapter)

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