Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1460 Decision

Chapter 1460 Decision
If the sound of Chunyuye's flute before was just a hallucination for Yelulang, after the sound of the flute sounded now, Ying Baoyue realized that Yelulang had completely become Chunyuye's puppet.

Even though he was unarmed, Yelulang was a high-level practitioner after all. If Yeluhua didn't resist, Yelulang could insert his finger into his son's throat.


Seeing the abnormal shape of Yelulang's body, Yeluhua almost lost his mind. Facing Yelulang's piercing finger, he instinctively wanted to resist, but at this moment, a ghostly voice rang in his ears.

"Blood poison has no solution, if you dare to move, your father will be poisoned immediately!"

There is no cure for blood poisoning?
Yeluhua suffocated for breath, and the fastest Leifa Zhe froze all his movements.


Ying Baoyue also heard Chunyu Ye's whisper, she had no time to explain to Yeluhua, she reached out to grab Yelulang's wrist again, but this time Yelulang suddenly became extremely powerful, this is simply the strength of a madman, Ying Baoyue Hearing the sound of muscles being torn, Yelulang's fingers thrust forward uncontrollably.

The situation was extremely chaotic for a while, Li Ji and Meng Shi rushed forward, Ying Baoyue's hand was swung away, she pressed back, and suddenly there was a sharp touch under her palm.


Feng Yan screamed, and Li Ji and Meng Shi stretched out their hands at the same time, and when it was too late to speak, the two of them suddenly withdrew their sword energy in a daze.

Feng Yan opened her eyes wide and stared blankly at Yelulang's hand stopped an inch in front of Yeluhua's throat, froze in mid-air.

Panting, Ying Baoyue knelt behind the two of them, and let go of Yelulang's hand behind his neck.

A cold light flashed across her fingertips, and a needle was being inserted into Yelulang's neck.

"This is……"

Yeluhua was startled, and found that this was actually the needle used by Tuoba Liangdi to control his father before. When the woman was knocked into the air, he pulled out the needle and threw it on the ground.

Ying Baoyue found the needle from nowhere, and inserted it into Yelulang's neck.

Under the tip of the silver needle, the rope-like thing swimming under the skin of Yelulang's neck suddenly calmed down.


Chunyuye took the bamboo flute from his lips, raised his eyebrows, "You actually know where to pierce."

Thinking back, it took him three full months to teach Tuoba Liangdi to poison Yelulang, and it took another three months for her to find out where to use the needle. Compared with Ying Baoyue, other people are really stupid.

The concentrated injection just now exhausted all her energy, Ying Baoyue's lips were a little pale, she raised her head slightly, looking at Chunyu Ye with a cold voice.

"This is a voodoo technique, isn't it?"

"You released Gu with the sound of the flute, controlling the movements of the King of the Northern Wei Dynasty."

Sure enough, the Xirong people made double preparations. Not only did Yelulang have blood poison on his body, but he was also bewitched.

Those rope-like objects swimming on Yelulang's neck before were Gu worms.

Chunyu Ye used the sound of the flute to stimulate the Gu worms in Yelulang's body to control Yelulang's actions.

It's just that the Gu art was born in the southwest region of the Shanhai Continent, which is a hundred and eight thousand miles away from Xirong. How could the Xirong people master the Gu art?

Ying Baoyue fixedly stared at this young man with emerald green eyes.

Who is he?

"Gu?" Chunyu Ye looked innocent, "How do you prove that I let go of Gu? That was clearly the behavior of the Northern Wei King himself."

"He wanted to kill King Beixun with his own will!"

"You bullshit!"

Yeluhua gritted his teeth, but at this moment a weak male voice suddenly sounded in front of him.


This is the call Yeluhua is familiar with, but a cry does not surprise people at all, but it is the deepest nightmare for him.

Yeluhua raised his head stiffly, looking at the man's gaze that faded from blood and became gentler.

This is the look in his father's eyes that he is familiar with.

Hearing Yelulang's shout, all the trembling officials of the Northern Wei Dynasty also raised their heads with surprise on their faces.

"Your Majesty? Have you recovered your sanity?"

As long as Yelulang regains his sanity, what they do is ordered by the king, and they have a righteous name.


Ying Baoyue's heart skipped a beat. Gu art can directly control the human body, which means that Chunyuye no longer needs to control Yelulang's mind.

Letting Yelulang kill his son in a sober state is more convincing than when he is not sober.

"Hua'er? Widow..."

Yelulang straightened up slowly, and stretched out his hand to Yeluhua, "Why do you..."

"Go away!"

However, Feng Yan who was originally on the side suddenly crawled over, protecting Yeluhua behind him like an old hen, "Don't touch him!"

"My queen! How can you be so rude!"

Some veterans shouted, and many guards rushed to Yelulang's side, showing their swords at Feng Yan's mother and son.

A smile appeared on the corner of Chunyuye's mouth, and his thin lips moved slightly.

Yelulang let out a loud noise in his throat, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab his own neck.

"His Majesty!"

Yelulang looked at his hand in astonishment, and suddenly understood his current situation.

"The widow..."

He had lost control of his body.

There were soldiers around rushing up to stop them, but when they took a step forward, Chunyuye's flute sounded a little quicker, and Yelulang's hand tightened an inch.

None of the surrounding guards and courtiers dared to step forward, after all, no one could bear the life and death of the Northern Wei King.

The palm tightened little by little, and Yelulang's face gradually turned livid.


Yeluhua suddenly got up from the ground and pointed his sword at Chunyu Ye, "What do you want!?"

If this goes on, his father will die!

If the Xirong people wanted to kill his father, why would they have to do so many tricks.

Chunyu Ye smiled.

"It's very simple." He put down the bamboo flute, and glanced at Ying Baoyue who was standing behind Yelulang, who had been waiting for an opportunity. "Let the others back off, leaving you by your father's side."

"Mo Hua, no!"

"Hua'er, no!"

Feng Yan shouted immediately.

Chunyu Ye smiled and picked up the bamboo flute again.

"Everyone step back!"

Yeluhua gritted his teeth and shouted, "Everyone back off!"

Seeing Yeluhua's painful eyes, Ying Baoyue sighed inwardly and stepped back.

But when everyone backed away, no one noticed that a small drop of water fell on the needle behind Yelulang's neck and flowed into his collar along the needle's position.

Everyone retreated three feet, and only Yelulang and Yeluhua were left in the circle formed by the crowd.

"Okay, let's invite Mr. Guanghua to step forward."

Chunyu Ye smiled and said, "It's been a long time since you talked with your father alone, right?"

Yeluhua walked towards his father step by step with a blank expression on his face.

Seeing him approaching, Yelulang suddenly showed fear in his eyes.

"Hua'er, don't come here!"

"It's better for the old man to shut up," Chunyu Ye's eyes turned cold, Yelulang's hands tightened again, and he was so strangled that he couldn't speak.


Yeluhua rushed forward and grabbed Yelulang's hand.

He turned around and glared at Chunyu Ye angrily, "I've followed what you said and did it, so don't stop!"

"Okay," Chunyu Ye chuckled, "After all, the next thing is the highlight."

The flute sounded low, Yelulang let go of his neck, and when the flute sounded, Yelulang's hand suddenly grabbed Yeluhua's neck.


Feng Yan let out a mournful cry, and Yeluhua felt his eyes go dark.

", father..."

In his blurred vision, he could only vaguely see his father's face.

Seeing the scene of father and son killing each other, many courtiers turned their heads away.

In any case, it is at least more legitimate for a father to kill his son than for a son to kill his father.

If Yelulang killed his son, they could still regard him as king, but if Yeluhua killed his father, they would not be able to put the father-killer on the throne, otherwise they would be left in the history books forever.

"Don't look at me like that, it's very common in Xirong." Seeing Yelulang's desperate eyes, Chunyu Ye laughed, "Which old wolf on the grassland doesn't need to strangle a few cubs. Letting you strangle a son to death with your own hands is nothing."


Yelulang's hand trembled violently, but he couldn't control his hand.

"Tsk tsk, look how caring we are," Chunyu Ye clapped his hands, "Your son is so powerful, he will become your political enemy sooner or later, it's better to get rid of him as soon as possible."

After speaking, the sound of his flute suddenly became sharp, and Yelu Lang's hand tightened instantly!
 To popularize science, in ancient times, it was innocent for a father to kill his son, no matter what the reason was, it was a law of etiquette and a tradition.Conversely, killing one's father by a son is one of the ten heinous crimes in ancient times. It is called "evil rebellion".

(End of this chapter)

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