Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1461 Choice

Chapter 1461 Choice
Yelulang strangled his son's neck with his hands and twisted it forcefully.

Everyone wants to stop, but no one is as fast as Yelulang.

No one can save Yeluhua.

Everything could not be turned back, Feng Yan watched Yeluhua's hand slowly lowering in a daze.

Meng Shi's breathing stopped for an instant, and even her heart seemed to stop beating.

This is a moment of despair for everyone.

There were screams at that moment, Ying Baoyue took a step forward and stretched out her hand, but her hand suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Chunyu Ye, who was smiling at first, suddenly froze at the corner of his mouth.

At the last moment, Yelu Lang's hand stopped suddenly.

His hands were bulging with blue veins, resting on the top of his son's neck and trembling constantly, and countless ropes protruded from his wrists, but Yelulang's round eyes were wide open, he clenched his teeth tightly, and remained motionless in mid-air.

"Father... king?"

Yeluhua, who was dying, opened his eyes slightly, and saw beads of sweat dripping from his father's face onto his face.

Ying Baoyue stared blankly at this scene, Yelulang's laughter when he showed off his son in front of her suddenly rang in her ears again.

"It shouldn't be," Chunyu Ye narrowed his eyes, glanced at Tuoba Liangdi who was paralyzed on the ground, and said calmly, "Didn't you feed him all the Gu elixirs?
According to the weight he gave at the beginning, the heavenly rank still has the power to fight, and practitioners below the heavenly rank are absolutely unable to control the body with their own will.

"No..." Suddenly being asked, Tuoba Liangdi trembled all over, she didn't want to admit in public that she had poisoned the king, but seeing Tuoba Tao's threatening eyes, she flinched and said, "Concubine... .”

what happened?

Chunyu Ye frowned.

Seeing his doubts, Ying Baoyue took a deep breath.

He will probably never understand why.

There are always things in this world that can transcend life and death, and transcend the power of practitioners.

"Forget it," Chunyu Ye sneered and stared at Yelulang who was dripping with sweat, "I'll see how long you can last."

After speaking, he played the bamboo flute again. The sound of the flute was sharp and the tune was so eerie and eerie that even Ying Baoyue and others felt dizzy after hearing it.

"His Majesty!"

Feng Yan screamed, and Ying Baoyue fixed her body to take a look, and saw that Yelulang's exposed skin had raised lines, his hands had turned purple, his eyes were protruding, and his expression was chaotic. It looked terrible.

Ying Baoyue heard the crisp sound of Yelulang's bones all over his body, and he could imagine how much pressure he was under now.

In the case of changes all over his body, Yelulang's hands tightened uncontrollably again.


The suffocation came from the chest again, but Yeluhua no longer felt despair this time, looking at the blood red eyes of his father in front of him, he smiled in relief.

At least his father had worked hard for him.

How could such a father have the heart to give up?
Yeluhua closed his eyes.

Meng Shi stared at him blankly, losing her words and movements.

Is this person dying?

Feng Yan watched her husband clenched his hands in pain, his whole body trembling.

Chunyuye's flute sound became higher and higher and more intense.

Just when the sound of the flute reached its apex, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he took the bamboo flute from his lips.

Unless Yelulang died, he would never be able to get rid of the control.

everything is over.

The house was dead silent.

Ying Baoyue stared fixedly at the father and son embracing each other in front of her, when suddenly her pupils shrank.

The moment Yeluhua in his arms lost his breath, Yelulang suddenly let go of his hands, pulled out a silver needle from the back of his neck, and stuck it into his temple!
"His Majesty?"

No one expected this scene to happen, and no one reacted, just staring blankly at this scene.

"what are you doing?!"

For the first time, Chunyuye showed a look of astonishment in his green pupils, he stared at the man who pushed the whole needle into his temple.

The temple is the Achilles' heel of the human body, Yelulang's move is tantamount to committing suicide!

Where did this needle come from?

Chunyuye looked at Ying Baoyue suddenly, and realized that she left the needle on Yelulang's neck when she left.

It really doesn't take much effort to push a needle in, and it may be the easiest way to commit suicide for a controlled person.

However, who would have thought that Yelulang would choose to commit suicide at this time?

How did Yelulang break free from his control at the last moment?

"Cough, cough!"

At this time, Yeluhua in Yelulang's arms suddenly coughed, and slowly opened his eyes while pressing his chest.


Feng Yan cried out.

Ying Baoyue became short of breath.

Yeluhua is still alive!

"I..." Yeluhua touched the bruise on his neck, his eyes stared straight, "How can I..."

At this time, he suddenly remembered that when he was suffocated until his eyes turned black, he seemed to feel the strength on his neck suddenly lighten.

Ying Baoyue fixedly looked at the boy who came back to life and sat up.

Yeluhua is not dead, so he just fainted because of suffocation.

So Yelulang didn't kill him at the last moment.


Yeluhua sat up, but there was a heavy sound of falling to the ground beside him.

Yelulang's body swayed and slowly fell to one side.


Yeluhua got up abruptly and stretched out his hand to help his father, but his hand was covered with blood.

There was blood slowly flowing out from Yelulang's temples and seven orifices, and everyone in the room was stunned seeing this scene.

"Ah... Lang?"

Feng Yan stood where she was, staring blankly at her husband who was bleeding from all seven orifices.

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes.

No one knows how Yelulang did all this.

Just when Chunyuye's control over the sound of the flute reached its peak, he broke free from his hands, and instead of killing his son, he chose to commit suicide.

"what is this?"

Yeluhua screamed, Ying Baoyue took a closer look, and saw Yelulang's tall body lying on the ground, with countless Gu worms slowly swimming out of his nasal cavity.

This scene looked horrific, but Ying Baoyue understood that the Gu worms never die, and even the Gu worms automatically left Yelulang's body, which proved that he was really about to die.

Seeing those disgusting Gu worms disappear into the cracks in the bricks, many Northern Wei ministers jumped up in fright.

But Yeluhua was not afraid at all, he hugged Yelulang's body tightly and shook it desperately.

"Daddy! Daddy! Get up!"

Seeing this scene, the eyes of many ministers looking at Yeluhua changed.

If Yelulang is dead, then Yeluhua is the legitimate king of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

In the Northern Wei Dynasty, no one was more noble than him.

No one expected that in the end, Yelulang would choose to use his life to pave a smooth road for his son.

"This is really..."

Holding the bamboo flute in his hand, Chunyu Ye watched the scene with a gloomy expression.

He didn't understand, and it was the first time he encountered such a farce.

How could such a thing happen in this world?

Do people in the Northern Wei Dynasty have brain problems?

Ying Baoyue stared blankly at Yelulang lying on the ground, speechless.

Why did all this become like this?

(End of this chapter)

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