Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1462 New

Chapter 1462 New
When the political situation in the Northern Wei Dynasty changed dramatically and Yelulang behaved strangely, Ying Baoyue knew that if the political situation in the Northern Wei Dynasty was to be reversed, Yelulang himself would probably be in danger.

But she never thought that Yelulang would choose to end his life in such a way.

She hasn't recognized him in this life, is he going to leave?

"Father! Wake up!"

In the huge room, everyone had different thoughts, and only Yeluhua's voice could be heard.

He hugged his father tightly in his arms, his eyes shaking absently.

"His Royal Highness, please mourn, put His Majesty down, Weichen and others are still waiting for His Highness to preside over the overall situation..."

An old official boldly stepped forward to pull Yeluhua's sleeve, but Yeluhua swung him away.

"My father is not dead yet!"

He roared angrily, turned his eyes to Yelulang's still breathing body, took a deep breath and poured his true essence into his father's body continuously.

"Your Highness, no matter how sad you are, you cannot ignore your own body..."

The old minister who was thrown away was a little embarrassed, but he still leaned against Yeluhua with a sad face and whispered admonishment. Ying Baoyue heard a minister hiding in the back whispering.

"Guanghua-jun is good at acting..."

"It's impossible to be really sad, but I'm relieved. If His Majesty is really still alive, he will be in bad luck..."

Ying Baoyue's eyes were slightly cold.

The Wang family has no father and son, and these courtiers probably think that Yeluhua is more happy than sad.

Just looking at the age of these veterans, most of them should have served Yeluhong.For Yelulang, this group of people has no friendship at all, and the only thing they think about at this time is to make a good impression in front of the new king.

"Hug the moon."

No matter how much real energy was input, his father's body was still getting cold inch by inch. Yeluhua hugged Yelulang and looked at Ying Baoyue with eyes full of helplessness, "Do you have a solution?"

"I..." Ying Baoyue was silent for a moment, and walked towards Yelulang, but just as she took a step, someone grabbed her wrist.

Li Ji stood behind her and shook his head slightly at her.

Yelulang's body was already riddled with Gu worms, and he stabbed the silver needle into his dead point. Anyone with a discerning eye would know that it was hopeless.

If Ying Baoyue went up at this time, he would not be able to save Yelulang, but would only set him on fire.

Even if it was just a pulse, those brazen courtiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty would probably blame her for Yelulang's death.

However, Ying Baoyue smiled and gently took Li Ji's hand.

"I gonna go see."

She was extremely fast, and before everyone could react, they had already arrived at Yelulang's side. As soon as they put their hands on Yelulang's pulse gate, Ying Baoyue was startled.

"what happened?"

Yeluhua asked nervously.

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes and shook her head at Yeluhua.

She was surprised, because she found that not only the Gu worms had left, but also the blood poison in Yelulang's body had decreased a lot, probably because he directly inserted the silver needle into the temple and caused the seven orifices to bleed.

The temple is called "extra meridian point" in medical books, and it is true that using needles only on the outside can cure diseases, but there are too many blood vessels in the brain inside the temple, and Yelulang inserted the whole needle in this way, which has already caused intracranial hemorrhage.

Many of the nerves that control the human body are located in the brain. In Yelulang's situation, even if he is healthy and can be saved, he will probably be a quadriplegic.

What's more, Yelulang still has blood poison in his body.

Seeing Ying Baoyue shaking his head, despair appeared in Yeluhua's eyes. He suddenly stood up and pointed his sword at Chunyuye who was watching coldly from a distance, "Guihua!"

"Why, do you want to take revenge on me?"

Chunyuye smiled faintly, "I advise you to be honest, otherwise your father won't even be able to leave the whole body behind."

"Those poisoned by blood will fester all over after death, and only I can detoxify your father's poison."

Yeluhua's eyes were wide open, and his teeth were gritted.

"However, is the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty going to change again?" Chunyu Ye regretted, "It's a pity that Mr. Lang didn't leave an edict to pass on the throne. I don't know who the next king of the Northern Wei Dynasty will be."

The ministers were astonished.

"What are you talking about? Of course..."

"You mean Lord Guanghua?" Chunyu Ye shook his head, "That's not necessarily true. After all, before the king died, he was not identified as the next king of the Northern Wei Dynasty."

"You thief!"

Someone in Yeluhua's camp scolded, "You're still stubborn when you're about to die, do you really think you can get out of here today?"

"Why am I so stubborn?" Chunyu Ye spread his hands, "We Xirong are more optimistic about Mr. Yeluqi, and he is the son of King Wu just like Mr. Lang. Isn't it good to be a brother?"

Ying Baoyue's eyes were slightly cold.

Yeluhong's posthumous title was "Wu" after his death, and Yeluqi was Yeluhong's beloved youngest son.

She remembered that the last time she saw this man was when she beat him half to death in Nanchu.

Xi Rong has made up his mind to meddle in the political situation of the Northern Wei Dynasty and support a puppet king.

"Nonsense! Mr. Qi is just a bastard, if you want to establish him, you might as well be Mr. Lixian!"

Yeluxian is the second son of Yelulang, also Yeluhua's half-brother.

"Wait, Gui Huajun, didn't Xirong agree to help us Tuoba clan regain the throne? You can't be so treacherous!"

There was a quarrel in the house, and all parties even wanted to fight.

Ying Baoyue looked at Yelulang who had not yet swallowed his last breath, and Yeluhua standing beside him, feeling a little sad in his heart.

Before Yelulang died, this group of people began to quarrel over the throne.

"Everyone be quiet!"

At this time, an old minister shouted and wept, "Let us send His Majesty the last journey first."

This group of people probably finally realized that the current quarrel was a bit unsightly, and there was a sudden cry in the room, and many veterans even fell to the ground in grief, crying and slapping the ground.

However, amidst all the crying, Feng Yan suddenly walked quietly to Ying Baoyue's side.

Ying Baoyue noticed that she didn't shed a single tear.

"You cruel woman..." Some veterans wanted to scold, but suddenly realized that Yeluhua still had the greatest chance of succession, if Feng Yan survived and became the queen mother...

The veterans held back the insults, blushing.

"My queen."

Ying Baoyue looked up at Feng Yan, feeling a little complicated.

With the existence of Tuoba Liangdi, she didn't think Feng Yan, the crown princess, and Yelulang's husband and wife would have a deep relationship.

Looking at her dying husband at this moment, what mood does Feng Yan feel?
Feng Yan squatted down and touched Yelulang's veins with her fingers.

Seeing her actions, Ying Baoyue was a little surprised.


Yeluhua turned her head and stared blankly at her mother.

"Okay," Feng Yan glanced at the faces of the courtiers in the room, "you don't need to cry."

She said lightly, "People can still be saved."

The ministers who were crying were stunned for a moment, and Ying Baoyue opened his eyes slightly.

Not only because of Feng Yan's saying that people can be saved, but also because of her choice to save Yelulang.

When Yeluhua's life was threatened before, Feng Yan chose the latter without hesitation over the lives of her husband and son.

This is also human nature.

Yeluhua would not harm his mother, no matter whether it was of his own will or not, Yelulang once ordered Feng Yan to be executed.

At this moment, Feng Yan looked at her husband who was a stranger to her on the ground, and spoke calmly.

"He once promised me that Hua'er's throne will be sealed by him himself."

(End of this chapter)

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