Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1463 Dust

Chapter 1463 Dust
When she realized that the Xirong people wanted to control Yelulang to kill her son, Feng Yan thought about not saving him.

When Yeluhua was in the most danger, Feng Yan even thought that she would rush over and die with Yelulang.

In the past ten years, the two of them have tortured each other, enough is enough.

But he didn't expect that at this moment, the only person here who could save him was himself.

Feng Yan sat down beside Yelulang calmly.


Yeluhua stared blankly at his mother who was neither happy nor angry, even the concubine mother forgot to shout.

Ying Baoyue was also very surprised. Yelulang's body organs were eroded, and the first thing to do was to detoxify, but the blood poison had no solution. How would Feng Yan save Yelulang?
Feng Yan took down a jade pendant from her neck. The jade pendant was in the shape of a water drop, bright red like a drop of blood.

"This is probably fate."

She looked at the jade pendant and sighed softly.

If Yelulang had executed her in the first place, this jade pendant would have disappeared into the world with her, and no one could cure the blood poison on his body.

"Mom, this is?"

Yeluhua had seen this jade pendant before, and he remembered that it was something that his mother always wore around him when he was sensible.

"This is something left by your grandmother," Feng Yan said.

Her aunt, that is, Yelulang's mother, died of illness not long after Yeluhua was born. Before she died, she suddenly called her to the sick bed and gave her this jade pendant.

"The women of our Feng family have a hard life. Although I escaped a catastrophe in my life, I brought you into this hell."

"You take this well. If there is an emergency, you can at least decide how to die with dignity."

Feng Yan fixedly looked at the pendant in his palm, and smashed it on the ground.

A bright red pill rolled out of it.

Ying Baoyue was startled, and asked softly.

"This medicine is..."

"This is the dead medicine secretly prepared by the Feng family," Feng Yan said lightly, "after taking it, it can make people die with a normal complexion."

Death medicine is common, but the death of people who take poison and die is inevitably terrible.

This elixir can concentrate the toxin in a certain part after a person is poisoned, so that the person can leave this world with dignity.

Feng Yan picked up the dead medicine and gave it to Yelulang.


An old minister rushed forward angrily, "As a queen, you actually feed your majesty the medicine of death, what is your intention!"

Feng Yan signaled Yeluhua to ask someone to stop the group of outraged veterans, and knelt on the ground to glance back at them.

"I said, I was saving him."

"Nonsense!" The veterans were furious, "You femme fatale, you clearly want to put His Majesty to death!"

It's because they got it wrong, this woman wants her son to be the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty, so how could she still have good intentions towards Yelulang.

Even if Yeluhua might ascend to the throne in the future, this act of murdering the king in public is enough for Feng Yan to die [-] times, let alone become the queen mother.

"Stop them."

Feng Yan said calmly, "You don't need to be so excited, at worst, I'll kill him."

"A mere woman, your life is not as valuable as His Majesty's!"

Hearing the yelling of the people behind, Feng Yan just smiled nonchalantly, stretched out his hand and stuffed the medicine into Yelulang's mouth.


Yeluhua couldn't help but shouted.

"Why," Feng Yan paused without looking back, "You also think I will harm your father?"

"No," Yeluhua gritted his teeth, "My son, I can't lose my mother anymore."

"Really?" Feng Yan knelt quietly in front of Yelulang, not knowing what mood she was in, she suddenly raised her head and glanced at Meng Shi who was standing behind Yeluhua holding a sword.

Sensing Feng Yan's gaze, Meng Shi was shocked.


"It's nothing." Feng Yan lowered her head and smiled softly, "Mother just thinks that you have a good eye."

If the two of them were to talk, they would definitely not take the path between her and her husband again.

Feng Yan closed her eyes, helped Yelu Lang up, and pushed the pill into Yelu Lang's throat with her fingertips.

"His Majesty!"

The screams of the ministers sounded all around, but Feng Yan turned a deaf ear to it and hit Yelulang on the back to make him swallow the medicine.

As soon as the pill entered his stomach, Yelulang's face instantly turned blood red.

The next moment, the blood faded again, and at the instant it faded, Ying Baoyue noticed that the purple lines on Yelulang's neck also faded at the same time!

As if being carried away by the tide, Ying Baoyue watched the toxins go from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom, Feng Yan pulled off Yelulang's shirt, pulled out a few silver needles from his waist, and stuck them on Yelulang's body. In several places on the chest and abdomen, the toxin retreated when it met the silver needle, and was gradually forced to Yelulang's left arm by her.

Seeing Yelulang's left arm turn black, Ying Baoyue realized Feng Yan's purpose.

In the absence of an antidote, blood poisoning is indeed unsolvable.

Xu Canghai chose to use his whole life's power to force out the toxins in Xu Bingqing's blood. Although Feng Yan's elixir did not have the effect of forcing the toxins out of the body, it could concentrate all the toxins in one place.

The next thing to do, I am afraid, is that the strong man cuts off his wrist.

Feng Yan clenched her teeth, and continued to inject needles into Yelulang's left arm, trying to concentrate the toxin only in the hand, but she couldn't suppress it no matter what, let alone force it out from the fingertips.

Sure enough, it is impossible to vent the poison.

After all, not everyone has the skill of Xu Canghai.

Seeing that the suppressed toxin tended to rise from Yelulang's left arm, Feng Yan gritted her teeth and looked at Yeluhua, "Hua'er, give me your sword."

"No, mother," Yeluhua looked at his father's black left arm and took a deep breath, "Let my son come."

"Be obedient! Give it to me!" Feng Yan snapped.

Even if it's just to cut off an arm, Yeluhua must not be allowed to take action. His reputation will be damaged if he commits the following crimes.

"You think mother can't use a sword, so let someone else do it," Feng Yan looked at the surrounding warriors, but all the practitioners lowered their heads, trembling with fear.

After all, who dares to use a knife on the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Yeluhua showed a helpless smile.

He drew his sword and walked to Yelulang's side, saying softly.

"The son's hand is quick, so that the father and king will suffer less."

Feng Yan let out a long breath and closed her eyes unbearably.

At this moment, Yelulang's closed eyes slightly opened because the toxin was far away from his head.

The first thing that caught his eyes was Feng Yan's face.


He stared blankly at his wife next to him, his voice hoarse, "Why do you..."

"Stop talking nonsense," Feng Yan glanced at him coldly, "I forced your left arm into your poison, and your son wants to cut it off now. If you have any conscience, tell him to cut it off quickly!"

Yelulang froze for a moment, looked down at his black left arm, and understood everything instantly.

He had seen his colleagues cut off his hands and feet in order to survive on the battlefield, but he didn't expect that one day it would be his turn.

For a moment, Ying Baoyue saw a familiar look in Yelulang's eyes.

She seemed to see the young general galloping on the battlefield again.

"Hua'er," Yelulang looked at him, "Father is fine, you can do it."

Yeluhua raised his sword, his hand trembled suddenly.

Yelulang's eyes showed a stern look.


A sword light lit up, and blood spattered.

 To be honest, I really like Feng Yan's character, he has the sassy spirit of a northern girl.

(End of this chapter)

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