Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1486 Strong

Chapter 1486 Strong
In that quarter of an hour, the Black Tiger Army was almost slaughtered.

But just when the city wall was closed again and the group of Xirong cavalrymen became shackles, the remaining dozen Black Tiger Army rode on the horses of their companions and led the remnant army to completely wipe them out.

After many people were exhausted, they fell under the bright red stone wall.

Then, the man who was always one step behind came.

Accompanied by a gust of wind, a man dressed in black appeared on the messy battlefield.

With just one glance, Wan Liuyun recognized that it was Ji Mo.

But she never wanted to see this man more than any other time.

Ji Mo stood alone on the battlefield, he didn't do anything, he just held his sword and stared at the bright red stone wall.

The one who appeared next was Xu Canghai.

They were the fastest god sons on the mainland, but none of them had time to save her.

Just after these two people appeared, the Xirong people on the other side of the Lingbi began to retreat.

The footsteps of reinforcements coming from all over could be heard in the distance, but the gap in the Great Wall had already been closed.

"Where's Shubai?"

Xu Canghai asked, but Ji Mo didn't answer.

He just stared at the wall for a long time, then turned around.

"Stop!" Xu Canghai grabbed Ji Mo's shoulder, "Where is she?"

Ji Mo didn't look back, "Can't you see where she is?"

Xu Canghai was stunned.

The officials who had recovered their lives from hiding under the city wall rushed up to the city wall to find the body of the second emperor, lay down and cried, but no one found Da Siming.

The surroundings were extremely noisy, but the air surrounding the two men was deadly still.

With a click, a thing slid down from the bright red stone wall.

Just in front of these two people.

Seeing that thing, a crack finally appeared on Ji Mo's icy face.

It was a scabbard.

The scabbard seemed to still carry the woman's warmth.

This is the scabbard of Tai'a Sword.

"Wait," Xu Canghai stared blankly at the one that fell on the ground and suddenly raised his head, "Where's Tai'a Sword?"

It was only then that Wan Liuyun discovered that the Tai'a sword that Lin Shubai had been holding in her hand before disappearing had disappeared!
But the Tai'a sword had never been integrated into the wall, and Wan Liuyun felt a biting chill on his back for a moment.

Is there still a No.3 master in the field?

The expressions of Xu Canghai and Ji Mo also became vigilant for a moment. Ji Mo fixedly looked at the scabbard on the ground, and bent down to pick it up, but the moment his fingertips touched the scabbard, a gust of wind mixed with ice and snow pierced through the scabbard. Passing through his fingertips, he suddenly picked up the scabbard on the ground and headed northeast.

"Mountain ghost!"

Ji Mo roared angrily, "Put it down!"

But just when he was about to draw his sword, Xu Canghai held his hand down.

Xu Canghai said lightly, "Are you qualified to stop him?"

There is nothing more murderous than this, even if he was standing far away, Wan Liuyun seemed to be able to hear the sound of Ji Mo's joints.

"What were you doing before?"

Ji Mo stood on the ground, holding tightly to the hilt of the sword by his waist.

Xu Canghai was silent for a while, "My daughter is sick."

Ji Mo turned her head abruptly, "What about the others?"

Xu Canghai sneered, "What about you?"

Ji Mo was startled, but did not answer.

Wan Liuyun looked at Xu Canghai staring at Ji Mo's eyes, "Why is it today? Did you know anything in advance?"

What did Jimo know in advance?
Wan Liuyun still wanted to hear it again, but the aura in the two gods' bodies was raised to the extreme in an instant, and the two faced each other tit for tat. The intense pressure of true energy made her almost unable to stand, let alone want to hear the voice.

At this moment, a horn sounded in the distance, and another group of cavalry came galloping from a distance.

The energy in Ji Mo and Xu Canghai disappeared instantly.

This time, it was the cavalry brought by Yelulang.

Everyone did not expect that the woman did not last until their arrival.

Just when Yelulang ran to the foot of the Great Wall, Ji Mo and Xu Canghai had disappeared.

Wan Liuyun stood numbly on the hill, watching the situation being brought under control, the corpses being removed, and the ministers weeping bitterly for the future of Daqin.

And that stone wall has been standing in the wind and snow, blocking the wind and rain for the border, for seven years.

Some people died, but she was still alive.

Wan Liuyun's voice was low, but Ying Baoyue, Ji Ange and others heard her narration.

"It turns out that this was really... made by my mother?"

Ji Ange stretched out her hand and tremblingly touched the stone wall in front of her.

When she was running towards this stone wall, she only felt that her blood was connected. She always knew that her mother's body disappeared after death, but she never thought that her mother, whom she had never seen before, would look like this , appeared in front of her eyes.

This is her mother, her mother sealed the gap in the Great Wall of Eternal Night with her own body.

Ying Baoyue clenched the ruby ​​in front of her chest, the ruby ​​was as warm as the heartbeat of that person.

It turned out that since this is what Ji Mo said, where her master's body is, one can go to the Great Wall of Eternal Night to know where it is.

Really just look at it and you'll understand.

This high stone wall is the body of her master.

This stone wall is transformed by the practitioner's whole body essence and blood.

"This is just the body of Master Guoshi." Ying Baoyue raised her head, trying to keep her tears from slipping out of her eyes. "The soul of your mother has left here."

Ji Ange looked at her tearfully, "Where did that mother's soul go?"

"I'm afraid he has already been reincarnated and lived happily somewhere."

Ying Baoyue spoke softly, trying to make herself smile.

Her master left this world.

No longer by her, no longer bound by the so-called responsibility.

Live happily and easily just for yourself.

This is Ying Baoyue's greatest wish at this moment.

For the sake of this world and the lives of countless people, that woman devoted herself to the last drop of blood.

Then Ying Baoyue hopes that no matter where she is, in the next life, Lin Shubai will be happy.

Her master is not a witch, and she is also the person who should not be slandered by people in this world.

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes, no matter what the truth of the past was, she must seek justice for this person.

"It turns out that Lingbi is really the mother of the eldest brother and the eldest sister," Ji Jiashu said in a daze, feeling extremely shocked.

From his standpoint, he should have hated this woman.

His mother mentioned this woman to him countless times since he was a child, talking about a witch.

But today, he realized that no matter who he is, he can no longer accuse that woman of a single word.

Because she is indeed unique in this world, a human god.

That is a great woman that no one can blame.

"So that's how it is," Zhao Guang exhaled with a complicated expression, "There is probably only that body in this world that can rival the body of a god."

The Great Wall of Eternal Night is made of dragon scale rock. Dragon scales are the scales of dragons, that is, the bodies of gods. Once damaged, they cannot be repaired.

But it was made up by a man in his own flesh.

A man as powerful as a god.

Since it can stand for seven years, it seems that this wall can really replace the original city wall.

However, at this moment, Ji Ange, who was standing under the wall, suddenly screamed.

"Wait, what is this?"

Something fell from her head, and Ji Ange suddenly raised her head.

Ying Baoyue stretched out her hand, seeing the light red fragments falling on her palm, her pupils constricted violently.

Wan Liuyun let out a breath, knowing that she had found out.

The spiritual wall is actually no longer strong.

 Echoed around

(End of this chapter)

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