Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1487 Regret

Chapter 1487 Regret
"Sister, what is this?"

Looking at the debris falling from the top of her head, Ji Ange's eyes were filled with panic.

If this continues, will this stone wall disappear in one day?
Ying Baoyue was also stunned, she stretched out her hand, caught the debris, and said suddenly, "That's not right."

Ji Qingyuan asked, "What's wrong?"

Ying Baoyue didn't answer, but turned around and looked at Wan Liuyun who was standing on the hill in the distance.

Wan Liuyun understood, she sighed in her heart, left the others aside, and walked towards the bright red stone wall.

"Liuyun," Ying Baoyue asked, "Isn't Lingbi always like this?"

Looking at the speed and quantity of these red debris, if the stone wall has been weathered and eroded in the past seven years, she probably won't have the chance to see the wall.

Lingbi disappeared in the past seven years.

"That's right," Wan Liuyun nodded, and she stroked the jade-like stone wall.

"The locals call it the Lingbi because the stone wall seems to have a spirit."

Not only will it not be weathered, there was an official who wanted to chisel a stone from it before, and Wan Liuyun was almost mad when she found out about it, but when she arrived with her people, she saw that the official brought a stone cutter and a stone cutter. The practitioners all fell to the ground and broke their legs.

"Actually, no practitioner can get so close to the spirit wall," Wan Liuyun said, "Once someone with malicious intentions approaches, this stone wall will knock them into the air."

Not only on their side, but also on Xirong's side.

The section of the Great Wall where the Lingbi is located was much thinner than other sections due to insufficient stone materials when it was built here, but since the establishment of the Lingbi, this originally weak section of the Great Wall has become the safest section of the Eternal Night Great Wall .

Wan Liuyun once heard from Li Meiniang, who was on sentry on the Great Wall, that she once saw Xirong cavalry approaching the Lingbi from a distance, and they all fell off their horses before they reached a hundred feet away.

It was as if an invisible hand had knocked them off their horses, and they couldn't get up again.

In the past seven years, this stone wall has become the protector of the border people.

Wan Liuyun felt the coolness in his palm.

Even if the woman is not alive, she still guards this land.

She looked into Ying Baoyue's eyes, "If you weren't here today, I wouldn't be able to get so close."

"Then when did this situation start?" Ying Baoyue's heart tightened.

"Yes..." Wan Liuyun suddenly got stuck when he said this, and looked at her with an extremely complicated expression.

"I'm mentally prepared, just say what you want," Ying Baoyue took a deep breath.

"Something has been wrong since last year, but such a large-scale denudation began almost half a year ago, in the midsummer of this year."

Ying Baoyue's heart stopped beating.

This year's midsummer.

That was the time when she woke up underground in the Great Qin Emperor's Mausoleum.

Is this a coincidence?
"Baoyue, what's the matter at this time?" Ji Qingyuan noticed something wrong with Ying Baoyue's expression.

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes and said cryptically, "That was the time when I was brought back from outside the palace."

Ji Qingyuan was startled, and suddenly understood.

The former Princess of Qin, Ying Baoyue, probably changed from that time on.

"This..." He looked at the city wall made of his mother's flesh and blood, and his voice became difficult, "Is this probably just a coincidence?"

In the past six months, too many things have happened.

Not only Lin Baoyue's return, but also the accidents at the primary and intermediate ceremony, the Xirong people emerged from the shadows, the Northern Wei court was in turmoil, so many things happened in the past six months.

Perhaps Lingbi is only closely related to the fate of the country on this continent, not to her alone.

Hearing Ji Qingyuan's defense, Wan Liuyun was silent for a moment.

She didn't connect so many things at first, until she read all the information from Chamberfang's investigation at once.

Only then did I realize that almost everything revolved around Ying Baoyue.

Everything started with the girl's awakening.

If it is said that there have been countless vortexes in the mountains, seas and continents in the past six months, then Ying Baoyue is the center of the vortexes, and everything is related to her.

Of course, that doesn't mean she was responsible for all of this.

Wan Liuyun had an ominous premonition.

"Your Royal Highness," she approached Ying Baoyue, whispering in a voice that only Ying Baoyue could hear, "Have you ever wondered if something woke up with you back then?"

Ying Baoyue was stunned.

Is there anything else in that empty mausoleum?
Wan Liuyun looked at her with a complicated expression.

She just heard from Qian Bofang that Lin Baoyue had been suppressed under the Great Qin Emperor's Mausoleum all these years.

She herself has no memory of the specific process.

But being able to completely suppress the strongest Goddess except Lin Shubai back then is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

Even, that person could do all this behind Lin Shubai's back.

Because Lin Baoyue died before Lin Shubai.

Does this mean that Lin Baoyue's enemy has more power than Lin Shubai?
Then, Lin Shubai also died, still in such a puzzling way.

Who was the person who seriously injured Lin Shubai before she died in the country?
Is it the same person who suppressed Lin Baoyue?
If there is such a person, then it means that that person is still alive.

With Lin Baoyue's awakening again, she was not the only one who returned to the world.

And their enemy.

Standing in front of Wan Liuyun, Ying Baoyue looked into her eyes, feeling cold all over her body.

"The last time I saw Mei Niang, she told me that if this continues, the spiritual wall will collapse very quickly."

Wan Liuyun let out a breath.

Li Meiniang has been hiding near the Great Wall of Eternal Night for many years, she should be more familiar with the temper of the wall than anyone else.

Ying Baoyue clenched her fists, "Did Mei Niang say how long the Lingbi can last?"

Wan Liuyun took a deep look at her, "She said that if no measures are taken, it will last half a year at most."

Ying Baoyue's pupils contracted.

Half a year, exactly the time of her death.

If she fails to save her life in half a year and the spirit wall disappears completely, what will the border look like?
"General Cui Shou disappeared near the Lingbi this time. I'm afraid the people of Xirong have also noticed the weakening of the Lingbi."

Wan Liuyun looked serious, "Once this place is broken, the Xirong cavalry will rush in immediately."

Ying Baoyue raised her head quietly, "The Xirong people will not just wait for the spirit wall to be broken."

The half-year deadline may be an extravagant wish.

"Then what else will happen?" Wan Liuyun was surprised when he heard that he had never thought of this before.

"If I were from Xirong, I would start destroying the Lingbi when it starts to weaken," Ying Baoyue said calmly.

Just waiting is not the style of the Xirong people.

"Then, what should I do?" Wan Liuyun couldn't hide the fear in her heart. She thought that there was half a year, at least Ying Baoyue still had time to prepare.

Ying Baoyue is only at the fifth level now, if one day she is going to face the difficulties like her master, at least she has to wait until her level is higher.

"I didn't understand why he wanted me here, and now I do."

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath and took out the tortoise shell from his arms.

The man who failed to save her back then left a lifetime of regrets.

And now, he is going to use his last strength to make up for the regret.

(End of this chapter)

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