Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1488 Mystery

Chapter 1488 Mystery
Xu Canghai knew that such a day would come, so he let her come over.

Seeing Ying Baoyue take out the tortoise shell, everyone on the hill in the distance widened their eyes.

"Is that what Xu Guoshi entrusted to my sister?"

Gui Li's eyes were amazed, she walked down the hill and wanted to go to the stone wall, but within a few steps, she found that there seemed to be an invisible wall in front of her, blocking her way.

Ji Jiashu also walked to her side, pushed the thick air in front of him, he was slightly taken aback.

This is, the true element barrier?
"It seems that Miss Wan has a reason for letting us stand in this position."

Li Ji walked up to him, looked at Ji Jiashu's searching gaze, and he shook his head, "I can't make it through either."

Ji Jiashu was taken aback, how strong is the barrier that even Li Ji can't get through?

He looked at the four people standing under the stone wall, no one including Ying Baoyue had the ability to open such a powerful barrier.

Then, the only thing that opened the barrier was this stone wall.

Ji Jiashu couldn't hide the shock in his heart.

The aura of a practitioner can indeed be felt in this stone wall, but the stone wall is not a living thing. I am afraid that it is like his father can pour true energy into the saber. In this stone wall.

Seven years after his death, there is still such power left in this stone wall. How strong was that chief minister back then?
What's more, when she died that year, she should have been at the end of her battle.

Ji Jiashu often heard from his fathers that practitioners today are far less powerful than those of the previous era. He didn't take it seriously at first, but now he realizes that he doesn't understand what his fathers have gone through.

"Since there is a barrier, why can Her Royal Highness and the others go in?" Zhao Guang asked puzzled.

Li Ji was silent for a moment, "It's probably because they are all from Qin."

Although Ji Qingyuan and Ji Ange's surnames are Ji, they are the only two children left by Da Siming.

As for Ying Baoyue, she is the princess of Qin after all.


At this moment, Chen Zichu let out an exclamation.

Standing in front of the spiritual wall, Ying Baoyue raised the tortoise shell in her hand high, and the original black tortoise shell suddenly shone brightly, like a small sun, rising slowly.

"That is……"

Seeing the light that the sun could not cover, everyone lost their words.

At that moment, all practitioners felt the coercion contained in that little tortoise shell.

"This is the power of the Son of God..."

Song Qian murmured.

Even the afterglow of the setting sun is beyond the reach of many people in their lifetime.

All of them still remembered how weak Xu Canghai was when he poured his life's energy into Xu Bingqing's body. They never expected that even under such circumstances, Xu Canghai still poured such powerful power into this tortoise shell.

The black tortoise shell rose slowly, surrounded by countless tiny lightning bolts, gradually turning into a mass of intensely entangled lightning.

Just when the thunder group reached the top of the stone wall, there was a click, and lightning instantly enveloped the entire spiritual wall!

The purple lightning turned into a dense net, covering all the bright red jade, and then turned into tiny rays of light, penetrating into it.

The bright red spiritual wall suddenly glowed with light, and the original mottled surface was smoothed out, giving it a new look.

The sky and the earth seemed to light up.

"How can this tortoise shell..."

Ji Ange stared blankly at the scene in front of him, wondering how a piece of tortoise shell could have such an effect.

"Xu Guoshi poured his last strength into the tortoise shell," Ying Baoyue raised his head and looked at the Lingbi, and said softly, "And these strengths are all poured into the Lingbi at this time."

Those powers will become the armor shield of Lingbi, protecting it from harm.

The reason why Xu Canghai asked her to bring this piece of tortoise shell to the spiritual wall was to strengthen the precarious stone wall.

"Did that person do such a thing in the end?"

Wan Liuyun stared at the reinforced stone wall with an extremely complicated expression.

Seven years ago, the belated arrival of him and Ji Mo still lingered in her mind, but seven years later, things have changed.

Wan Liuyun bit his lip, "Xu Canghai, has he really become a useless person?"

Ying Baoyue nodded.

Wan Liuyun glanced at Ji Qingyuan's face that looked like someone, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Is Jimo okay then?"

"Not very good," Ying Baoyue touched her neck.

She still remembered Jimo pinching her neck to the wall.

At that time, she didn't understand why Ji Mo was so furious when he mentioned the Great Wall of Eternal Night. Thinking about it now, he was still deeply involved in it.

Xu Canghai had already walked out, but Ji Mo hadn't.

"Liuyun," Ying Baoyue stroked the wall in front of him, "they both came here that day, right?"

Otherwise, Xu Canghai wouldn't do this, and Wan Liuyun wouldn't mention Ji Mo here.

Wan Liuyun was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Ji Ange and Ji Qingyuan stood aside, their faces pale when they heard this.

Did their father watch their mother die with his own eyes?

Wan Liuyun glanced at them, "Don't think too much, your father didn't catch up that day."

If Ji Mo dared to watch Lin Shubai die, then even if the Black Tiger Army of the Silver Cicada Guards fought to the last, they would take these two children out of Ji's house.

But so far, no one knows why Ji Mo didn't catch up that day.

"Go back," Wan Liuyun looked at Ying Baoyue and said softly, "I will tell you what I know, what happened that day."

She also wanted to discuss with Ying Baoyue about the things she couldn't figure out.

Ying Baoyue nodded, and she looked around, "But Cui Shoujiang and the others..."

"You don't have to worry so much," Wan Liuyun said, seeing Ying Baoyue's eyes, she knew that what Ying Baoyue most wanted to ask was not Cui Shoujiang, but Li Meiniang's whereabouts.

"Now that the Lingbi has been strengthened, the missing soldiers should be much safer."

Ying Baoyue and others came here this time, and they were lucky not to be ambushed by the Xirong people. The soldiers on the Great Wall would not easily allow other people to go out of the city to find someone, especially practitioners like Ying Baoyue.

General Cui Shou was the highest-ranking general on the Great Wall. If he led troops, he would not be able to save his own life. No matter how others helped him, the defense line of the Great Wall would be finished sooner or later.

As for Li Meiniang, if she is really unfortunate enough to fall outside the Great Wall, then only she can protect her life.

Wan Liuyun spoke calmly and coldly.

"Your Highness, the person you are worried about is the one who should protect you, not the one you want to protect."

"But, Liuyun..."

Ying Baoyue glanced at Li Jinniang who was standing on the hill from a distance, her eyes flashed with unbearable pain.

How should she tell Li Jinniang that not only will she not be able to see her sister this time, but her sister is in danger and they cannot save her?
"No, but," Wan Liuyun said normally, "Even if we change places, if I am outside the Great Wall today, she is here, and she will choose to take you away."

"Your Highness, you should trust us."

Wan Liuyun looked into Ying Baoyue's eyes, and said calmly, "We can survive here, not because of you."

For the past seven years, they have survived on their own.

Ying Baoyue was startled, then said softly, "Sorry."

She insulted them unintentionally.

"It's okay," Wan Liuyun smiled, and took Ying Baoyue's hand.

"Come with me."

"At least here, let us protect you."

 In front of Yunniang and Meiniang, sister Yue is actually a soft girl, wait, something seems wrong
(End of this chapter)

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