Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1502

Chapter 1502
Blood from fingertips splattered on the snow.

But the moment Ying Baoyue's fingertips left the crack in the rock, she grabbed Li Ji's sleeve.

What is this man trying to do?
Li Ji was stiff all over.

The decision comes in an instant.

Li Ji had no time to talk to her anymore, out of the corner of his eye, the black-robed old man on the opposite side looked like a cat playing with a mouse, and he cut off his sleeve with a sword!

But at the same time, there was another black sword light.

Snowflakes fell all over the sky, and at the same time shattered the rocks under Ying Baoyue's body.

"Embracing the moon?"

Just as Li Ji cut off his sleeve with a sword, a sword light lit up behind the black-robed old man, and someone swung a sword at Ying Baoyue.

Li Ji's heartbeat almost stopped until his feet sank.

As the snowflakes fell, a large piece of the flat mountain rock was chipped away, and a large piece of rock fell into the valley. Ying Baoyue's original location almost turned into a cliff.

"your Highness!"

Ji Jiashu, Zhao Guang and others watched from below with their eyes wide open.

Ying Baoyue held Li Ji's ankle and hung in the air. There was a huge sword mark on the stone surface outside the side face.

She just dodged the sword sideways.

"As expected of you."

"This fate is really big."

At this time, a chuckle came from behind the black-robed old man.

Li Ji's pupils shrank. This was the man in black standing at the end from the beginning.

At this time, a golden light flashed across the snow, shooting from the gap between the black-robed crowd, Li Ji was taken aback, this person actually held a golden cup in his hand?
"My lord, don't you still do it?"

At this moment, the old man in black robe looked back in fear.

"It's a good aftertaste, but this woman's master said it's useful to keep it, so let's send this kid on the road first."

The man in black twirled the golden cup in his hand, with a gentle smile on his lips.

In this world, it's really a turn of events.

Half a year ago, Ying Baoyue would have to die, but Zhaohua Lord Li Ji would still be useful if he kept it.

As a result, the order from above changed after Mr. Gui Hua made arbitrarily asserted actions outside Mu's house and attacked Princess Qianqin.

The former Qin princess Ying Baoyue can let her live until after the high-level ceremony, but Zhaohua Lord Li Ji must die now.

These two people can only live as one forever.

"It's just my lord, if it gets involved..."

The old man in black robe glanced at Ying Baoyue who was hanging at Li Ji's feet.The aftermath of the battle between the sky-level practitioners was huge, and it was easy for them to kill Li Ji, but the ground-level practitioners were as fragile as an ant, and it was not so easy to avoid Ying Baoyue without killing him.

"It's okay, if she courts death, Master will not blame us."

Ying Baoyue can let her live, it doesn't mean they still have to protect her.

The man in black looked coldly. To the man behind the Buddha statue, anything in this world that cannot survive by itself is of no value at all.

If they don't kill her, she's still dead, no one's to blame.

Besides, with Li Ji's madness, he would not let her die.

The man in black squeezed the gold cup in his hand and wrote lightly.


The moment the golden light went out in the hands of the man in black, Li Ji's breathing also stopped.

Time became extremely slow, and he knew that it was too late for him to say goodbye to her.

Li Ji doesn't know if there is really a life-saving restriction on the heavenly practitioners.

If so, how did she undo the restriction when Li Zhao left in her previous life?

At the moment when the eight sword lights lit up at the same time, Li Ji only had time to grab Ying Baoyue's hand and push her away.

He couldn't even bend down to block her with his body, because he didn't know whether those sword lights would hurt her after he was chopped into pieces.

He could only push her away, the farther the better.

If he had known that there would be today, he shouldn't have approached her again.

A stabbing pain of being cut came from his waist, but Li Ji could only see his fingertips.

After all, Ying Baoyue was still no match for the strength of the heavenly cultivator, and was thrown out by him. Watching her fall far away in the direction of Ji Jiashu, Li Ji smiled.

But the smile on the corner of his mouth froze in the next moment.

Li Ji's ankle tightened, and he did not know when he had already tied a rope.

The other end of the rope is in Ying Baoyue's hands.

Li Ji's pupils contracted violently, and he was about to swing his sword again, but the next moment, there was a chi-chi sound on the snow.

"This is……"

The moment Ying Baoyue was thrown out by Li Ji, countless black things rolled out from under her body.

At first glance, it looked like stones, but when the man in black took a closer look, he found that they were actually many small black bamboo pots.

At this moment, Ying Baoyue pulled out the Sunset Sword abruptly.


Dazzling sword fire was reflected in Li Ji's black eyes in the mask.

On the snow mountain, Ying Baoyue used the fire sword for the first time.

The bright red fire dragon swallowed all the small bamboo pots, and there was a deafening explosion!
"It's the gunpowder that Young Master Ye said!"


Countless snowflakes, rocks, and soil flew up, and the rocks under the feet of the people in black were shaken. The entire mountain collapsed in an instant, and Ying Baoyue, Li Ji, Ji Jiashu and others all fell into the valley in an instant.

"Leave that kid!"

The eight sword lights lit up again, and in mid-air, Li Ji looked at the rope tightly tied to his ankle, and bit the tip of his tongue violently.

He can die, but he can't drag her to die with his friends!

A dazzling blue light burst out in the valley, and there was a loud noise below the valley!

The snow that had piled up in the valley was blown away, Ji Jiashu and others slammed their swords into the rock wall to stop the fall, Li Ji also swung his sword at the mountain wall, but at the moment he swung the sword, that Eight sword lights chased after him.

Li Ji turned sideways suddenly in mid-air, and the sword light hit the rock wall, the thin rock wall shattered, revealing a big mouth.

Under the big mouth, a bottomless black hole suddenly appeared.

Seeing this scene, Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide in astonishment.

Such a deep hole couldn't have just been punched out by the man in black. There was actually a hole here?

However, she had no time to think about where the hole led.

"Li Ji!"

A large amount of snow and wind were sucked into the black hole, and Li Ji was suddenly sucked into it.

"Embrace the moon!"

Just after Li Ji was sucked into it, Ying Baoyue was also brought into it by the rope, and just when she was about to be completely involved, Ying Baoyue grabbed the edge of the rock wall violently.

"Embrace the moon!"

Ji Jiashu's heartbeat almost stopped, he drew his sword and plunged into the rock wall on one side and moved towards Ying Baoyue's position.

"come out faster!"

The big black hole was like the giant mouth of a monster. Li Ji fell into it and lost all sound.

No one knows what's in the hole.

The gust of wind behind her was still rolling inward, and she clung to the edge of the cave.

Ji Jiashu had already moved to a position close to the rock wall, desperately reaching out to her, his fingertips were about to touch Ying Baoyue's hand, "Huayue, reach out!"

Suddenly, Ying Baoyue loosened her hand, and the rope she was holding had been cut from the other end.

Ying Baoyue lowered her head, staring blankly at the broken rope held in the other palm.

He just left?
"Hold the moon, reach out!"


Ji Jiashu's call brought her back to her sanity, Ying Baoyue raised her head, looked at Ji Jiashu who was struggling to climb up to her, and stretched out a hand in a daze.

But at this moment, another gust of wind blew into the cave behind her.

The moment Ying Baoyue let go of her palm, her body was thrown up.

A cut rope flashed in front of Ji Jiashu's eyes, and the fingertips of the two intertwined in mid-air.

Ying Baoyue's figure disappeared into the black hole.

(End of this chapter)

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