Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1503 Desperate

Chapter 1503 Desperate
The wind is cold.

Snow is cold.

Ji Jiashu's face became farther and farther away, and for a moment, Ying Baoyue seemed to see tears flashing by his eyes.

Why is he crying?
She stretched out her hand to the young man at the entrance of the cave in a daze, but the next moment, the intense weightlessness hit, and the entrance of the cave turned into a small light spot, which quickly disappeared.

Then, Ying Baoyue's vision was swallowed by darkness.

There was only the sound of wind and snow particles around, and there were extremely sharp and jagged stalagmites hanging around the cave, Ying Baoyue tightly hugged himself into a ball to protect his vitals.

The wind in the cave was too strong. She tried to grab the cave wall, but her palm was cut open in an instant, and she could only let it go and let herself continue to fall.

Perhaps, this is the last period of her life.

Based on the time of the fall, Ying Baoyue judged that the length of the cave might have exceeded the height of the entire mountain. She walked through the cave with the hurricane like passing through the belly of an ancient giant.

The limbs protecting her outside were already drenched with blood from the cave wall, but her body still did not stop, and the slope of the fall began to slow down.

From falling vertically, it begins to roll sideways.

How long is this hole?
In addition to the sharp stones on the cave wall, you can occasionally encounter bones embedded in it on the rock wall. Although you can't see it, Ying Baoyue found that these bones are ring-shaped, and each piece is bigger than her whole body. , like the bones of a giant snake or dragon.

She suddenly understood how the hole was formed.

I am afraid that a long time ago, a giant snake or dragon got into this mountain, and then died in this mountain.

The beast god's body decayed, and the hollow body formed the hole.

But where does this hole lead to?

Since there is such a strong suction and wind, it means that the other end of the hole must be leading to the outside world.

In the darkness, there was no one else except the sound of the wind.

What about Li Ji?
This hole is only as high as one person, and it is impossible for two people to pass through at the same time, but Ying Baoyue has never touched Li Ji since he fell down.

None of his people were touched, nor his body.

Ying Baoyue didn't know whether to be thankful or worried.

If only he survived.

This was the only thought left in Ying Baoyue's mind. As her body lost temperature due to blood loss, her vision also became blurred.

Can't she hold on anymore?

It is so tall and so long, even if there is an exit, but the moment it hits the ground, she will fall to her death, right?
Gradually in the darkness, she faintly felt a little light appearing in the distance. Ying Baoyue wanted to move her hands and feet to resist the impact later, but found that she could not move.

However, she cannot die yet.

The light was getting closer and closer, and Yingbao crunched the crescent moon, like breaking open a dry tree trunk, biting the flesh on the back of his hand and pulling his hand out.

Someone had promised her that she would live at least another year.

Now, it's not her time to die.

She still doesn't know if he survived.

it's too cold.

The colder air came from Ying Baoyue's back than before at the entrance of the cave, as if what was waiting for her was a thousand-year-old ice cellar.

How can it be so cold.

Ying Baoyue's hands and feet, which had just been moved, lost consciousness again in an instant, and she heard the sound of her teeth chattering.

The light outside is getting closer.

Is she going to fall to her death like this?
The next moment, with a plop, Ying Baoyue fell into the icy lake.

At the moment of falling, although she hadn't adapted to the brightness outside, she vaguely saw the thick ice surface.

It turns out that there is a frozen lake under the cave.

There was a thick layer of ice on the surface of the lake, and she should have fallen directly onto the ice, but just below the entrance of the hole, a hole was broken in the ice lake, and there was still blood on the edge of the hole.

It's Li Ji.

Ying Baoyue fell straight from the cave into the ice cave. The moment she fell into the lake, Ying Baoyue smelled the smell of blood in the air and breathed a sigh of relief.

This is not the smell of dead man's blood.

Li Ji is still alive.

At least he was alive before falling into the frozen lake.

She fell into the water with a plop, and the biting cold water immediately filled her nostrils.
Water was originally the closest thing to her after she was reborn in this life, but at this moment Ying Baoyue has never felt that water is so scary.

it's too cold.

The moment the wounds on the whole body were scratched by the rock wall, the moment it touched the ice water, it hurt like thousands of steel needles piercing the body.

But what was even more frightening was that after the momentary sharp pain, she could no longer feel any pain.

Pain is not terrible, because pain means that you are still alive.

But she couldn't feel the pain anymore.

In the floating lake water, Ying Baoyue watched her limbs curled up with water-soaked white flesh, her arms had completely turned black, and if this continued, her limbs would be frozen off.

In sub-zero temperatures, people would quickly lose their temperature and go to the end. She had to leave the lake as soon as possible.

Ying Baoyue tried her best to go upstream, and then hit her head hard on the ice.

The moment she fell, she had already rushed extremely far under the ice surface, leaving the hole just now. At this time, the top of her head was covered with ice that was harder than stones.

This is a cage made of ice.

The entire lake was covered in ice.

After hitting the ice layer more than a dozen times, Ying Baoyue was completely exhausted and sank into the deep bottom of the lake.

Is it over here?

The feeling of suffocation spread from the chest to the whole body.

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes slightly, only to see the faint water-like ripples on the ice surface.

Is it dawn soon?
The morning light penetrated the ice and fell on the face of the girl under the ice.

Ying Baoyue stretched out her hands, but she couldn't reach the sunlight.

She sank deep to the bottom of the lake.

Can we just go here?
Ying Baoyue's consciousness was a little fuzzy.

What about Li Ji?
The moment this thought crossed his mind, Ying Baoyue struggled and turned over in the lake.

She gazed at the bottomless bottom of the lake.

No other ice caves were seen on the water, and Li Ji didn't go up, so where did he go?

At this time, in the lake water not far away, Ying Baoyue saw the rising blood.

Her pupils constricted violently, and she dragged her pale limbs to swim towards the direction where the bloodstains rose.

But before she got close to the streaks of blood, her body completely lost consciousness.

Ying Baoyue slowly raised her head, looking at the completely uncontrollable hands floating in front of her eyes.

Could she not reach him?

Tiredness hit her like a tide, and she slowly closed her eyes.

Under the cold and vast icy lake, a girl covered in blood quietly floated in the water, as if she had fallen asleep, her body was covered with ice.


Just when the thin ice was about to cover her whole body, a colorful little flower snake suddenly rushed out from her sleeve.

The little flower snake swam around the girl's face, patting her face desperately with its tail, but the girl didn't notice it.

Looking at the girl who has closed her eyes and is sleeping peacefully, Xiao Hua Snake's round eyes are glistening, desperate and sad.


But at the next moment, the little flower snake opened her vertical eyes, bit Ying Baoyue's cuff, and dragged her to the bottom of the water.

 Little flower, forever
(End of this chapter)

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