Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1519 Gathering

Chapter 1519 Gathering
Under the moonlight, the tall mountain peaks stand in the sky, white and crystal clear, with brilliant silver light.

"This should be Xiling Snow Mountain."

Ji Qingyuan looked at the map drawn by Ying Baoyue in his hand, "Although we can already see it, it will take at least one day and one night for us to reach the foot of the mountain."

"Is it so far away?" Chen Zichu said in a daze, "Wouldn't it be higher if you get closer?"

Ji Qingyuan put away the map, "Of course."

"The highest peak of Xiling Snow Mountain is called Yunshou Peak, which is said to be as high as three Zihua Mountains."


Even Ji Jiashu couldn't help opening his eyes wide in surprise.

Zihua Mountain is the highest peak in Southern Chu. Standing at the bottom of the mountain and looking at the top of the mountain, it is already straight into the sky. The highest peak of Xiling Snow Mountain is actually as high as three Zihua Mountains?
You must know that the place where they are standing is already on a plateau, and there is still such a height at such a height, how thin is the air on the top of this mountain?
"No wonder it's called Yunshou Peak," Zhao Guang murmured, "Isn't this going to hit the top of the cloud?"

Ji Qingyuan looked at the snow-capped mountains in the distance, "After all, it is the number one peak in the Mountain Sea Continent."

The three most desperate situations on the Mountain Sea Continent are the most in the Mountain Sea Continent.

Yunmengze is the largest lake, Cloud Forest is the largest forest, and Xiling Snow Mountain is the highest mountain.

The highest peak on the continent on the coldest plateau.

"Even birds can't fly up to this kind of place, no wonder there's no one there," Zhao Guang hissed. He had a special physique and never suffered from altitude sickness along the way, but even he, looking at the snow-capped mountains piercing into the clouds, I also feel that it is not a place that people can get close to at all.

Among the three great impasses, the Xiling Snow Mountain is the rarest one, and there is a reason for it.

Even for people who have lived on the plateau for many years, this is a daunting mountain.

"I heard that this is the mountain where the Empress Liao Princess escaped from marriage?" Zhao Guang rubbed his frozen face.

"I wanted to die," Ji Ange, who was standing aside, glanced at him. "You men don't understand that kind of despair. Instead of marrying a Xirong man, that sister must have thought it would be better to die."

Zhao Guang's hands froze around his face, and his whole body seemed to be frozen.

"What's wrong with you?" Ji Ange asked.

"It's nothing." Zhao Guang turned his face away and coughed, "It's really too cold."

"Yeah," Ji Ange, as a fire magician, felt too cold, which made her even more worried about Ying Baoyue who disappeared outside.

"But it's really a pity," Chen Zichu took over the conversation and said regretfully, "She is the number one beauty in the north. I would like to see her again if I have the chance. She is so beautiful."

Just looking at the horror of this snow-capped mountain, even a high-level practitioner would not be able to survive, let alone a weak princess.

"Don't be sorry, our fate may not be comparable to that of the Hou Liao princess," Yeluhua walked to the side of the crowd, "Don't forget, we are going to climb this mountain."


Looking at the towering snow-capped mountains in the distance, the boys and girls were speechless.

Chen Zichu laughed dryly.

"Guanghua, are you kidding me?"

"What's there to joke about?" Yeluhua said indifferently, "It's not like there are no living people on this snow mountain."

He pouted towards the top of Yunshou Peak, "Hou Liao Guoshi is on it."

"We are going to participate in the high-level ceremony held by others, do you think they will come down?"

The most famous thing about the mountain ghost is that he never went down the mountain after he became the Son of God. He knew with his toes that he would never go down the mountain when holding a high-level ceremony.

Since the mountain ghosts can't come down, they have to go up.

Everyone fell silent, and a gust of cold wind rolled through them.

"Let me just ask," Chen Zihan, who had been silent all this time, raised his hand, "Which mountain is that mountain ghost on the top of?"

It was always said that he was on the top of Xiling Snow Mountain, but Xiling Snow Mountain is actually a mountain range, so which mountain the mountain ghost stayed on is intriguing.

Ji Jiashu glanced at him, "Which mountain do you think it is?"

Whoosh, the cold wind blows.

"No way?"

Everyone froze into stones in the cold wind.

"That's right." Ji Jiashu pointed to the peak in the middle of the mountain range that goes straight up to the sky, "I heard from my father that the son of Hou Liao lived on the top of Yunshou Peak for many years."

Everyone's eyes twitched.

"No way..." Zhao Guang was the first to speak out, with an unbelievable tone, "Is that a human?"

Even the snow leopards can't go up the halfway up Yunshou Peak, so a living person lives there all day long?
"Probably not counting people anymore," Ji Qingyuan let out a sigh of relief, "I heard that the practitioners of the heavenly rank can stay there for less than a quarter of an hour."

When Princess Hou Liao escaped from marriage, the lord of Hou Liao once sent sky-level practitioners to chase her, but the reason why she escaped in the end was that the heights of Xiling Snow Mountain were forbidden areas for sky-level practitioners.

"No wonder I heard that only Da Siming went up this mountain." Zhao Guang gave Ji Qingyuan a thumbs up with a face full of difficulty, "Your mother is the best."

The only ones who can enter and exit such peaks freely are human gods.

There is also a mountain ghost.

"Wait, the master of Hou Liao is not a fire mage," Chen Zichu frowned, "How did he do it?"

As we all know, fire magicians are resistant to cold, but mountain ghosts are wind magicians.

Chen Zichu really wanted to ask, why is the other party so good when he is also a master of wind?

In a place where the climate is extremely cold and the air is thin, even practitioners of the heavenly rank can't resist, and mountain ghosts, as wind masters, can actually live here for many years.

"This is the mystery of the unknown," Ji Qingyuan exhaled, "If you really want to know, you can climb up and ask him yourself."

If possible, he would also like to meet the first and last man in his mother's life who was willing to marry.

But when he saw Xiling Snow Mountain, Ji Qingyuan knew that he would never be able to climb this mountain in his life.

"If I can really climb up, I think I might become a heavenly ladder," Chen Zichu murmured looking at the top of the mountain.

"So this is the high-level ceremony," Ji Jiashu walked to the front of the line, standing among the trembling crowd, quietly watching the snow-capped mountains under the moonlight.

If you can climb up, you can become stronger.

He had a premonition that he would pass an extremely important hurdle in his life here.

"Come on, there's a smell of smoke up ahead, we might find a place to stay."

Everyone turned over a hill, their eyes were in a trance, and suddenly they saw countless stars appearing at the foot of the snow-capped mountain.

"This is……"

No, not starlight, but bits and pieces of fire.

Ji Jiashu opened his eyes wide, and saw countless tents appearing at the foot of the snow-capped mountains, dotted all over the grass.

Looking down, the grass seems to be covered with countless stars.

In every tent, there is the breath of practitioners.

"Hey, Kashu!"

A young man walked out of a tent in the distance, saw them appearing on the hill, and waved desperately to them.

"It's His Royal Highness!"

Chen Zichu jumped up, and the person who walked out of the tent was Jiang Yuanyuan who had led the Southern Chu practitioners away in advance.

"Then these are the tents of practitioners participating in the high-level ceremony?"

Ji Jiashu stared blankly at the countless tents flickering with fire.

In December of the seventh year of the Warring States Period, the best young practitioners in the entire Shanhai Continent gathered under the Xiling Snow Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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