Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1520 The Eve

Chapter 1520 The Eve
"Jiashu and the others, should they go down the mountain?"

In Chongquan Town, a small town on the border of Houliao, Ying Baoyue was lying on a small wooden bed in an inn, murmuring.

"Well," Li Ji sat at the table and looked at the oil lamp that was about to burn out, "With Mr. Qingyuan here, they should be able to arrive on time."

"Qingyuan? Shouldn't it be Jiashu?"

Ying Baoyue was stunned. In the absence of her and Li Ji, shouldn't it be Ji Jiashu who can lead the crowd?
Although Meng Shi and Yeluhua were the most advanced in the team, those two joined later, and they were not familiar enough with Chen Zichu and others.In terms of realm and prestige alone, Ji Jiashu is the leader among those who can lead the team.

"Chunhua, he can indeed do it," Li Ji said lightly, "but I don't think he can keep calm after losing you."

Will that be the case?

Ying Baoyue frowned, "Jia Shu can calm down."

Ji Jiashu's mind was far more stable than those of her peers. When Nanchu was ordered by Ji Mo to kill her, Ji Jiashu was still able to keep her Daoist mind undisturbed, which made her admire this young man very much.

Hearing the dissatisfaction in Ying Baoyue's voice, Li Ji stopped tapping his fingers on the table slightly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to slander your fiance."

Ying Baoyue was taken aback for a moment, and now she was really helpless, "Don't do this."

"I didn't mean to blame you, why did you start apologizing?"

Can this still be a good conversation?

Li Ji was stunned for a moment, and when he understood what Ying Baoyue meant, he immediately regretted it.

He found that he was a little oversensitive about Ji Jiashu's matter.

Obviously it wasn't like this before.

Before, he could calmly watch Ji Jiashu and Ying Baoyue go in and out together, he could hear other people regard them as a couple, and he could watch Ying Baoyue smile and stare at Ji Jiashu, even if it didn't necessarily come from love .

But now, he felt a little sad when he heard her mention Ji Jiashu's name.

what happened to him?
A sense of crisis suddenly rose in Li Ji's heart.

Has this experience changed anything?
He and Ying Baoyue were involved in an accident. If they survived in the end, everything would return to how it was before.

In the same room, some are no longer just the two of them.

There is Ji Jiashu, Ji Qingyuan, Guichen, and countless others.

Among them, Ji Jiashu was the closest person to Ying Baoyue in this life, and Ying Baoyue didn't feel bad for him at all.

Ji Jiashu will not give up the marriage contract with Ying Baoyue, and if there is no accident, Ying Baoyue has no reason to regret the marriage.

So what is he expecting?
In this life, he was late.

Li Ji took a deep breath, and pressed his chest to the table. He didn't dare to turn his head, and he didn't dare to approach the person behind him.

What he longed for so much is now within his reach.

But he couldn't touch it.

It was a great torture for him.

He not only cherishes every breath and every moment, but also hopes that this period of time will end soon, and he can bring Ying Baoyue back among the crowd as soon as possible.

Li Ji had lingering worries in his heart.

After going back this time, his state of mind may never return to the way it was before.

"Li Ji?"

Ying Baoyue's voice came from behind, and Li Ji said, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Ying Baoyue stared at the dimming oil lamp on the table, "I was just thinking, how long are you going to sit there?"

Li Ji froze and didn't look back.

"Is the light too bright? If it's too bright, I'll blow it out."

"No," Ying Baoyue lay on the bed, looking at Li Ji's back, which was sitting upright.

Even in rough clothes, you can still see the smooth muscle lines on the man's back, not too thick, but with a texture like green bamboo and jade carvings.

"You're not going to sit here all night, are you?"

His thoughts were noticed, and Li Ji froze.

Because the room was too small, he might not even have a bed on the floor. He was planning to sit here all night.

"I'm more used to it," Li Ji said lightly, "The physique of the heavenly cultivators is different from that of ordinary people, so they can get enough rest."

It was as if she had never been a heavenly rank before.

"It's impossible," Ying Baoyue said speechlessly, "Tianjie can not sleep, it's not that he doesn't need to sleep."

Celestial cultivators work harder than ordinary cultivators to suppress their true energy, and they need to concentrate almost all the time to fight against the body's instincts.

This means that Li Ji has been tense for at least a whole day and night.

Even hardened people can't hold it anymore.

"Don't make excuses," Ying Baoyue said lightly, "Come here."

Li Ji didn't expect that she would be so strong. He sat stiffly at the table and his mind worked quickly, and finally thought of a suitable excuse, "I know you want me to rest, but once I relax, my true essence will leak out."

His suppression of the true essence has almost reached the limit, and there is no room for the slightest breath.

"I know," Ying Baoyue let out a breath, "so I let you come over."

She half sat up from the bed, took out the needle sac from the medicine bag under the pillow, and untied it, revealing a lot of gold needles.

"Sit down, and I'll seal the acupuncture point for you."

Although sealing the acupoints with golden needles is harmful to the practitioner's body, it is at least better than letting Li Ji forcefully tense his nerves.

Li Ji finally turned his head, looking at the golden needle under the light, he hesitated to speak, "But you now..."

Sealing the acupoints with golden needles can indeed make him feel a lot easier, but sealing the acupoints is extremely labor-intensive, and it is not a small burden for Ying Baoyue who is currently weak.

That's why he didn't mention sealing the acupuncture point on the way.

"Thanks to the medicine you made, I'm much better," Ying Baoyue patted the place beside her, "Come here. If you're exhausted, who will take me to Xiling Snow Mountain then?"


He's going to last at least until that moment.

Li Ji sat on the bed stiffly.

There was a moment of silence in the room.

"Take it off!"

Ying Baoyue looked at the petrified person in front of him speechlessly, "It's not the first time, do you think I can pierce through clothes?"

Li Ji froze for a moment, then stretched out his hand stiffly to unbutton his outer shirt, exposing his upper body.

His body was exposed to the winter air, so it should have been cold, but he felt his back was on fire, and he could clearly feel Ying Baoyue's cool fingertips.

Because the oil lamp was too dim, Ying Baoyue could only find acupuncture points by palpation. After groping, she suddenly felt a hard lump on Li Ji's back near the back of his heart.

"what is this?"

She took a closer look and found that the color of that part of the skin was the same as other places, but it felt much harder to the touch.

"What?" Li Ji couldn't see his back, and after a little movement, he didn't notice anything unusual, "It's probably a scab from a previous injury?"

Speaking of which, when he rescued Ying Baoyue in Misty Ridge, he once felt pain in this position.

"Really?" Ying Baoyue was dubious, but the oil lamp was about to go out, she didn't have time to think about it, and quickly injected needles in other places.

(End of this chapter)

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