Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1535 The End

Chapter 1535 The End
Under the boundary line between day and night, the scabbard of the Tai'a Sword glows with a pleasing light.

Ying Baoyue stared blankly at the bright sword light in front of her eyes.

This is the sword of her master and the mountain ghost working together.

The scabbard in her hand was warm but not hot, she seemed to have returned to her childhood, holding that person's warm hand, no matter how terrifying the pursuer was, she was fearless.

In her previous life and this life, she was used to swallowing pain and not relying on anyone.

But there is only one person's back that allows her to hide behind with peace of mind.

No matter how long it takes, the woman who carried her out of the cold and lonely forest will protect her.

Ying Baoyue held back the tears in her eyes.

Lin Shubai will protect Lin Baoyue, this promise has lasted for 26 years.

With a bang, Wu Chanxu and the other seven heavenly practitioners flew high.

Eight splatters of bright red blood suddenly splashed out on the snow.

"do you died?"

Li Ji took a step back protecting Ying Baoyue. The death of a heavenly cultivator would cause changes in the world. Even though he hated these eight people, he didn't want them to die here.

Back then in Ninggu Pagoda, Lin Wangong used his remaining skills to suppress the sudden change of the group of heavenly ranks before they died, but there is no one here who can clean up the mess.

"I'm afraid it's not as good as you wanted."

Wu Chanxu covered his chest and sat up from the snow, his lips were stained with blood, and he smiled more and more horribly on the snow.

"My lord, the Son of God, has a good sense of proportion."

He looked at the seven companions who fell in different directions. Although a few were unconscious, most of them were safe.

The heavenly cultivators are people who use all means to save their lives, and light strikes are harmless to them, but once the mountain ghost and the chief commander strike too hard, they will choose to die here.

With the skill of the eight of them, it is no problem to blow up a mountain.

But the sword just now was just right.

It didn't make them feel unavoidable, but it actually threatened their lives.

The moment he fell to the ground, Wu Chanxu faintly heard the howling of wolves on the grassland in the distance.

This is the warning of the eight beast gods hidden in his blood.

If the fight continues, he may die.

"Big, big brother..."

This is Wu Chanlu, who also clutched his chest and got up from the ground, looking at him with a face full of retreat.

"Hmph," Wu Chanxu laughed, "It seems that Master hasn't lifted the restriction for you either."

He originally thought that his stupid younger brother was an abandoned son of the monastery, but if he was really an abandoned son, before Wu Chanlu came, the master would ask the white dog god to undo the life-saving restraint for him.

Since he didn't, it seemed that his master hadn't been cruel to the end, and didn't expect them to kill Li Ji if they wanted to.

But of course it is also because they are still useful to the monastery.


Seeing the people in black robes getting up from the snow one after another, Li Ji's whole body tensed up again.

He didn't expect that this group of people would be able to recover so quickly after receiving such a powerful move head-on.

Wu Chanxu brushed the snow off his body, and glanced at Ying Baoyue who was standing in front of him, "You can only use this scabbard once, right?"

Ying Baoyue clenched the scabbard in her hand, "Do you want to try again?"

If this group of people really didn't want to give up, then even if she tried to be backlashed, she would want this group of people to stay here forever.

"Forget it," Wu Chanxu took out the crushed gold cup from his bosom, playing with it, "Eight for one, it's really not worth it."

Even if Li Ji has what his master wants in him, Xi Rong will be seriously injured if he catches up with eight heavenly ranks at a time.

He glanced at the others staggering around him, "Go back."

"Brother..." Wu Chanlu hesitated.

Although the heavenly instinct was forcing them to leave, he knew that Wu Chanxu still had the restrictions of the monastery on him, which could resist the restrictions of the beast god.

"Don't worry," Wu Chanxu said with a faint smile, "I will bear any responsibility."

The other seven practitioners were shocked when they heard the words.

Lao Bu and others lowered their heads, "It really is a lunatic."

The punishment of the monastery is not something ordinary people can bear, and Wu Chanxu is willing to take it all on himself.

He is really not an ordinary ruthless person.

Ying Baoyue stared at the man holding the gold cup in front of her, and his laughter echoed in her ears, she was suddenly taken aback.

"Wait, you..."

Ying Baoyue frowned and looked at Wu Chanxu, "Who the hell are you?"

She found that she actually remembered the laughter.

In the depths of her memory, she seemed to have heard exactly the same voice a long time ago.

Long before she woke up from the coffin in the imperial mausoleum, it was hidden in the darkest and unknown place in the deepest part of her memory.

She had heard the man's voice.


Wu Chanxu looked at her, his gaze under the hood was slightly deep, "The former princess of Qin, there will be a date later."

They will definitely meet again.

The man's voice fell, and the figures of the eight heavenly practitioners disappeared from the snow at the same time.

Disappeared cleanly.

"and many more!"

Ying Baoyue took a step forward, only the snow covered with blood and footprints remained in front of him.

Sensing that the breath of the eight people had completely disappeared, Li Ji's tense back relaxed for the first time in so many days.

But the next moment he tensed up again.

"Hold the moon, let's go."

He grabbed Ying Baoyue's waist, and the two disappeared into the snow together.



The sun had completely set, and the moonlight shrouded the entire mountain.

The moonlight and snow color complement each other, and the whole Xiling Snow Mountain is as beautiful as a fairyland on earth.

At the foot of the mountain, many servants and servants left behind by the participants set up tents again and lit a fire.

"His Royal Highness, can you stay here?"

Ji Qingyuan looked at Murong Feilan, who was standing beside him warming up the fire, with a delicate expression.

A fire was also lit beside the carriage in front of the snow mountain stone wall, and many people looked at that place with admiration.But they probably don't know that the protagonist who should have stayed in the royal carriage is now living in his small tent.

"It's quite warm here." Murong Feilan stood by the fire and rubbed his hands, "Fire mages are good."

"Your Highness, this is your hometown," Ji Qingyuan said, "You can't feel cold, can you?"

"The people of Hou Liao will run to Xiling Snow Mountain without any problems." Murong Feilan glanced at him, "Among the Seven Kingdoms, the only ones who are not afraid of the cold by birth are probably only the people of Xirong."

Although Hou Liao and Xi Rong had the same origin many years ago, in the subsequent differentiation, the less cold-resistant branch in the south became the Hou Liao people, and the one in the north was the most physically fit and able to adapt to the harsh environment. Became a Xirong native.

The people of Xirong believe that they have the blood of the White Wolf God, and when they get colder and more excited, their blood will swell and they will burst out with unusual physical abilities.

"I have always felt that the statements about the Xirong people's physique are too true," Ji Qingyuan said lightly, "Most of them should be fabricated to make us fear them."

"Really? But there are quite a few that I think are true."

Murong Feilan looked out of the tent.

"By the way, you have been to the north."

Ji Qingyuan's face changed slightly.

The illegitimate son of the Southern Chu State Teacher has been kept at home, and very few people know that he has been to the north.

"I've seen a child beside her before," Murong Feilan said calmly, "That child is you, right?"

Ji Qingyuan's expression changed completely. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt a familiar aura.

He took a few steps forward and flung open the tent door.

(End of this chapter)

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