Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1536 Relay

Chapter 1536 Relay
Ji Qingyuan staggered out of the tent and stood on the empty grass.

Under the bright full moon, two black shadows appeared on the distant mountains.

The two black shadows are getting bigger and bigger, and they are coming towards them quickly.

Both of them were covered with blood, and they looked extremely embarrassed, but they didn't stop and came straight to them.

"Hey, Qingyuan!"

Ying Baoyue lay on Li Ji's back, saw Ji Qingyuan, and waved to him from a distance.

The servants and servants in other tents around were startled, and they all walked out of the tents and let out a burst of exclamation.

"Who is that?"

"Practitioner? There is still this time to come? Can you catch up?"

Ji Qingyuan stood firmly on the ground, his eyes slightly hot.

Although it was late, they came anyway.

He had always believed that she would come back safe and sound.

"I knew I could wait for her by staying with you." Murong Feilan walked out from the tent behind him, "Why do you torment yourself like this?"

Looking at Ying Baoyue who was waving happily to Ji Qingyuan from a distance, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "How old is he, he still looks like a child."

Ji Qingyuan turned his head to look at the Empress Liao Prince with a complicated expression.

He vaguely guessed that Murong Feilan should already know who Ying Baoyue was.

If there was no Ying Su, this person should have been the one Lin Baoyue would have married.

The two are about the same age, talented and beautiful, and have always been hailed as the golden boy and jade girl in the royal family.

But fate made a trick, and the two became what they are now.

On the desolate grass, Murong Feilan stood beside Ji Qingyuan, calmly looking at Ying Baoyue lying on Li Ji's back.

"Okay, Mr. Ji, tell them not to stop, just go straight over."

His eyes were serious, "They were too late, there are less than six hours, and the sky will be closed."

Yixiantian will be closed?What's the meaning?
Ji Qingyuan was taken aback, but he understood the meaning of not enough time, and immediately became nervous.

Li Ji and Ying Baoyue didn't seem to have any intention of staying there either. Their figures passed by the hillside and rushed straight to the starting point.

"Baoyue, catch this!"

Ji Qingyuan tied the two bamboo cards in his arms with the map, and threw them at Ying Baoyue.

Ying Baoyue reached out to catch the package.


"Baoyue, Mr. Zhaohua, you have to be careful!"

The figures of the two passed overhead, Ji Qingyuan chased forward a few steps, and only had time to shout these few words.

"Sister, come on!"

Ji Ange, Guili and the others fell asleep before and came out late, and only had time to see Ying Baoyue's back. Guili jumped up desperately and shouted in the direction where Ying Baoyue left.

"Well! I will!"

The sound of the wind passed by her ears, Ying Baoyue turned her head and looked at the friends standing side by side in front of the tent.

The bamboo card and map in his arms still carried Ji Qingyuan's body temperature. Besides Ji Qingyuan, he could also feel Ji Jiashu's breath.

Hou Liao Xianguan, who was drowsy waiting at the starting point, saw them and got up suddenly and was about to stop them, when Murong Feilan roared from a distance.

"They have bamboo cards, let them pass!"

Ying Baoyue threw the bamboo tablet from mid-air onto the fairy official's table, and the figures of the two passed the starting point at a fast speed, heading all the way up the mountain.

From beginning to end, they did not stop.

There was no one behind them, but Ying Baoyue could feel that there were many eyes watching her from behind.

They can pass the starting point so smoothly, not only relying on their own strength, but because countless people pushed them behind them.

There is Ji Qingyuan, there is Ji Jiashu, there is Murong Feilan, there is Ji Ange, there is Guili, there are many, many people.

The map in his arms was covered with dense handwriting, Ying Baoyue looked down and pointed forward, "That direction!"

"This level is really the same as what you said before." Li Ji also glanced at the map, "The first level is really called a line of sky."

"This is not a good thing," Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, "In a few hours, this cliff will merge!"

If the sky is closed, they will no longer be able to go to other places, and their high-level ceremony will fail.

"I understand," Li Ji took a deep breath and was about to speed up, but Ying Baoyue patted him on the shoulder.

"By the way, let me down, are you about to run out of real energy?"

When he had just fought against Xi Rong practitioners, Li Ji injected a large amount of real energy into her body, and then drove such a long distance behind her back, even the landlord's family would have no food left.

"I'm fine," Li Ji didn't move, but tightened his arms.

"Since we have passed the starting point, now is the high-level ceremony, and I have to walk my way," Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, "What do you mean by carrying me behind your back?"

"You were late because of me," Li Ji carried Ying Baoyue on his back, "At least let me take you to catch up with the others."

If he couldn't see Ji Jiashu and the others for a moment, he wouldn't let her down.

This person is also terribly stubborn, Ying Baoyue can only hold Li Ji's shoulder tightly, and let him run with her on the snow mountain.

Li Ji no longer had the strength to move and move, and with every step he sank into the knee-deep snow.

The moonlight illuminates the ice and snow crystal clear, and every step can hear the sound of clicking.

Snowflakes kept falling overhead, and no one's footprints were left in front of them, and it was unknown how long Ji Jiashu and the others had passed.

The snow fell silently. For a long time, Ying Baoyue could only hear the sound of Li Ji's breathing getting heavier and heavier and the sound of the snow layer being trampled through.

After climbing for an unknown amount of time, Li Ji stepped on the ground, and his figure suddenly tilted to the side.

"Li Ji!"

Ying Baoyue was startled, but Li Ji got up quickly, "Have you met?"

"I'm fine, how about you?"

Ying Baoyue looked at his exposed neck, it was already pale from the cold.

She tore off a piece of her skirt and wrapped it around his neck, "We're almost at the mountainside, a ray of sky should be around here, please let me down."

Li Ji shook his head, carried her on his back and continued walking forward.

Ying Baoyue frowned and was about to resist, when suddenly there was a burst of screams in front of her.

No other voices were heard before, but at this time there were human screams in the deep mountains, which seemed extremely terrifying.

"what happened?"

The two looked at each other, and both saw worry in each other's eyes.

Li Ji ran forward with Ying Baoyue on his back, bypassing the boulder on the mountainside, the two of them stared at the scene in front of them, their eyes widened in astonishment.

After bypassing the boulder, the eyes suddenly opened up, and a cliff appeared in front of the two of them.

The cliff cracked from the top, as if it was only a line wide.

Seeing this place, the two of them knew that this was a ray of sky.

But according to the two people's previous speculations, with the footsteps of high-level practitioners, the team in front should have already passed the sky.

However, everything was beyond their expectations. At this moment, the narrow canyon was full of people.

A strong smell of blood came from the canyon.

Disgusting to smell.

(End of this chapter)

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