Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1537 Falling Rocks

Chapter 1537 Falling Rocks
The line of sky is not so much a cliff, but more like a huge crack in the mountain peak. Not only is there only a gap at the top, but only a line of sky can be seen at the front and rear entrances and exits.

According to the map given by Ji Qingyuan, practitioners need to pass through this gap in the first pass.

Although it looks like a line from a distance, when you get close to it, you can find that the crack at the entrance is at least two people wide. It should be able to allow two people to pass side by side. As long as the practitioners line up, they can pass through in an orderly manner.

Even if everyone cares about the order of the front and back and wants to go in, it's a big deal to compete at the entrance.

Originally, Ying Baoyue expected that the entrance should be quite lively and crowded, but at this moment, she and Li Ji stood ten feet away from the entrance of Yixiantian, staring at the scene in front of them in amazement.

There were indeed dark crowds crowded at the entrance, but it wasn't that they were vying to get in, but that practitioners kept escaping from the cracks.

The practitioners who escaped were all covered in blood and looked terrified.

Dark red blood flowed quietly from the crack at the entrance, making this crack look like the big mouth of an ancient giant beast, which would devour practitioners who chewed into it.

Many practitioners who have not yet entered stand at the entrance and stare blankly at this picture, their eyes full of fear and hesitation, they dare not enter.

Among the crowd around the entrance, Ying Baoyue finally saw the familiar figure.

Li Ji saw it too. He closed his eyes and put the person on his back down.

"Jia Shu?"

A young man in the crowd suddenly turned his head and stared at Ying Baoyue with wide eyes.

He stood still, just looking at her.

Seeing his dazed expression, Ying Baoyue walked up to him, stretched out his hand and shook it.

"Why, do you know me if I don't see you for a few days?"

"No," Ji Jiashu came back to his senses suddenly, and clenched his fingers slightly under his sleeves. "I heard from Zhao Guang that people are prone to hallucinations in the snow-capped mountains. I thought..."

Ying Baoyue also heard this legend when he was stationed at the Great Wall of Houliao. It is said that if a person sees the person he most wants to see in the snow mountain and follows him, he will probably freeze to death in the snow mountain.

So, she is the person Ji Jiashu wants to meet?
"Look, I'm a living person." Ying Baoyue patted him on the shoulder, looked at the excited Chen Zichu, Xu Yishan, Guichen and others around him, "Is everyone alright?"

"Yeah," Chen Zichu's originally dignified face beamed with joy, "It's good that you come back."

"Second brother! You are finally back!"

Zhao Guang rushed towards Li Ji who was behind Ying Baoyue, unexpectedly bumping Li Ji into a stagger.

"Second brother?" Zhao Guang was stunned.

Li Ji has always been extremely stable, not to mention such a pounce, even if he hit him with all his strength, Zhao Guang never bumped into him.

"Hey," Ying Baoyue turned her head abruptly, "Don't touch him, he's injured!"

"Injured by...?" Zhao Guang finally came to his senses, and asked nervously, "By the way, where are the eight Xirong Tianjie?"

"It's already gone," Ying Baoyue said, "Master Shangui and Da Siming's scabbard work together to repel them."

"That's good." Zhao Guang breathed a sigh of relief, and the next moment his eyes fell on Ying Baoyue and Li Ji, who were in tattered clothes, "How have you been doing these few days?"

There was a silence in the crowd, and everyone's eyes widened curiously.

Ji Jiashu lowered his eyes slightly, what Zhao Guang asked was exactly what he wanted to ask but couldn't ask.

"It's all about hiding. Compared with our affairs, there are more important things now," Ying Baoyue smiled, his eyes became serious.

She pointed to the chaotic crowd in front of the stone crevice, "What's going on?"

Blood was still pouring out of the cracks in the stone, and all the practitioners hesitated in front of the cracks, and some practitioners who were obviously in a group began to push the weaker practitioners in the team to explore the way with malice.

"I heard that there are falling rocks inside," Chen Zichu said with lingering fear, "We almost went in just now, but Jiashu sensed something wrong and stopped us."

Otherwise, they probably have a part in the flesh and blood gushing out of the cracks in the stone at this time.


Ying Baoyue closed her eyes, only the sound of wind and snow was in her ears, and she did not hear the sound of rolling stones.

"It's snow."

Li Ji took a deep breath, "The falling rocks rolled from the snow and rolled into the snow, the snow absorbed the sound."

It is very difficult for a practitioner to be crushed to death by a falling rock, unless the falling rock rolls down silently.

In addition, the light in the cracks in the stone is dim, and the stone falling down silently can kill a person.

"But will people not notice it at all?" Ji Jiashu frowned, "Several people have been crushed to death inside."

Those who can come here are all top high-level practitioners on the mainland.Although the few people who rushed in recklessly just now are not of the highest level, it is hard to imagine that practitioners with sharp ears and eyes will be stoned to death.

In addition, no one expected that people would die in the first round, which caused the originally smug team of practitioners to completely panic.

"It's not just the snow," Ying Baoyue carefully watched the mountain crevice in front of him, "there's also the terrain."

The topography of Yixiantian seems simple, but it implies mystery.

Ying Baoyue had seen a similar structure in a place called Whispering Gallery before.

"If I'm not mistaken, if the falling rock is rolling down from the head, then the sound is not from the top of the person's head, but from the front or the back."

Ji Jiashu, Chen Zichu and others were startled when they heard this, "Didn't it come from above my head?"

Ying Baoyue nodded, and she looked at the pale practitioners who had escaped from the cracks in the rocks, some of them were already in tears, "I'm afraid these people wanted to warn others, but in the end they saved themselves instead."

Practitioners do have sharp eyes and ears, but it is precisely because of their sharp ears and eyes that they can quickly distinguish which sounds are coming towards themselves and which sounds are coming towards others.

Yixiantian's unique mountain structure can transmit the sound of falling rocks, thereby misleading the practitioner's sense of hearing. Those practitioners who were crushed to death may have heard the sound of falling rocks, but those sounds did not come towards them.

They chose to ignore it, but ended up smashing themselves to death.

Looking into Ying Baoyue's gaze, everyone understood what she meant.

"But, this shouldn't be a crime beyond death..."

Zhao Guang spoke stiffly.

"What if, what if those people are only strong enough to protect themselves, and feel that they can't save others?"

It is not uncommon to sweep the snow in front of the door in the world of practice. After all, this is a world of the weak and the strong, and a practitioner is considered a saint if he does not take the initiative to harm others.

"After all, it's because the strength is too weak to detect the falling rocks," Ying Baoyue sighed in his heart, "Did you all sign the life and death certificate before you came up?"

Zhao Guang nodded. He originally thought it was just a step to take to participate in the grand ceremony, but he didn't expect that the life and death book signed this time was so heavy.

Ying Baoyue glanced at the anxious teenagers and Yan Wuying and others.

"There's something wrong with this mountain range."

she said softly.

"It's still too late to look back now."

(End of this chapter)

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