Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1553

Chapter 1553
"Will people die?"

"Is it that dangerous?"

Ying Baoyue stopped, and suddenly looked at Huali who was holding her hand.

"Of course." Huali raised her head, her round eyes were as clear and innocent as colored glaze, "The second level you are going to pass is called Qingliang Terrace, you don't call me Huali."

That's true.

Ying Baoyue smiled wryly.

The existence of Huali was a disaster for everyone. Who would have thought that they were almost killed before they had time to climb the mountain.

Originally, the Qingliangtai was the main course of the second level.

If the Qingliang Terrace could be climbed so easily, it would not be called the second level.

Thinking of the monsters he encountered in the first stage, Ying Baoyue frowned, "Then what's the difficulty on the Qingliangtai?"

"Well," Huali dragged her voice out, looking at her mischievously, "You ask me, do you expect me to let you know?"

This guy is definitely some kind of natural black.

Glancing behind Zhao Guang and the others who were eagerly counting on her to ask questions, Ying Baoyue cursed in her heart.

"We encountered a second difficulty at the foot of the mountain." Ying Baoyue looked at the smiling little girl beside him, "Since we have paid the price, the examiner should give us some hints."

"That's right," Huali rubbed her face, "There are not many people in this world who dare to fight against my real body. You and that little girl named Meng Shi have the guts."

Meng Shi smiled wryly as she listened from behind. Who would have thought that she would have fought against the mountain god before climbing the mountain.

"Well, this is an opportunity earned by you and those two little girls, so I'll make an exception and tell you both," Huali turned around and waved to Meng Shi.

Meng Shi stepped forward tremblingly, Huali stretched out her hand to pull her, and the three of them formed a circle.

"Listen well, Qingliang Terrace is the flat land on Feixian Peak. Because the peak is flat, it is called the Terrace."

"As for why it is called Qingliang Terrace, because the road leading to the top of the mountain is called Qingliang Road."

Meng Shi shivered slightly.

She had a premonition that this cool road might not be as simple as "cool".

"You guys came from Yixiantian, right?" Huali glanced at the wound on Ying Baoyue's face, "You met falling stones and blood vines, right?"

Meng Shi opened her eyes wide, "Senior, how do you know?"

"Because every level on your map has a difficulty."

Huali smiled and said, "Speaking of the sky, it's Luoshi and Xuevine."

Ying Baoyue was silent, and she knew that the high-level ceremony was not just as simple as climbing a mountain.In human language, that is to say, each level has a theme.

Now that she knows the theme of Yixiantian, what's on the cool platform?
"Then where is the difficulty of Qingliangtai?"

"The difficulty of Qingliangtai is not on Qingliangtai, but on this Qingliang Road." Huali looked at the white snow on the top of the mountain, "There is no way up, you can only climb the rock wall, but this is not The biggest difficulty."

"Although I don't feel anything, the biggest difficulty on the Cool Road should be the extreme cold."

Meng Shi's eyelids twitched, as expected.

bitter cold.

She took a breath of icy air, and she actually had a premonition when she was down the mountain.

Compared with the first mountain before, the temperature of the wind blowing down from the top of this mountain is already so high that even the fire mages can't bear it.

How cold is a road that can be called extremely cold by a god?
"Really," Ying Baoyue was not surprised when she heard the words, "I heard that the best snow lotus can grow only in extremely cold places. This sentence is indeed true."

"Well," Huali nodded, "Feixian Peak is colder than Yunshou Peak."

"However, the reason why Qingliang Dao is so cold is also because all things restrain each other."

"Xiangke Xiangsheng?" Ying Baoyue was taken aback when he heard this.

"Isn't there such a thing often?" The old god, the girl in white, said, "An antidote grows beside the poisonous weeds, and there are also hot things growing beside the coldest things."

Huali's eyes fell on Ying Baoyue, "Especially you, although it's dangerous to go up Qingliang Road, you really should go to Qingliang Terrace for a night."

Ying Baoyue is a water magician with a cold physique. Let her live in the coldest place for one night. Is this trying to kill her?

Meng Shi couldn't help but speak.

"Senior, do you want to kill her?"

"What do you know!" Huali glared at Meng Shi with dissatisfaction, "On the cool platform, in the sea of ​​lotus flowers, there is a hot spring."

Now even Ying Baoyue couldn't help being surprised, "Is there a hot spring in this place?"

"That's why I said, in the coldest place, there must be something that can restrain it."

Huali proudly puffed up her chest, "Snow lotus is one, and hot spring is also one of them. These are the two treasures of Feixian Peak."

Ying Baoyue understood that snow lotus grows in the coldest place, but it has the effect of dispelling cold and dehumidification, strengthening muscles and activating blood.

Therefore, there is a place to warm up like a hot spring on the road that passes through the extreme cold.

"Your body is almost freezing." Huali looked at Ying Baoyue's body up and down, "You must go to the hot spring for a dip, otherwise you will turn into a block of ice before you reach Yuezhang Lake .”

Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, under such a tense time, is she actually going to be arranged to go to the hot spring?
Huali saw her hesitation and said nonchalantly.

"You guys haven't slept all night, where are you going to sleep? You just go to the hot spring and take a nap."

"We originally planned to rest by the Moon Marsh Lake," Ying Baoyue glanced at the team behind him.

"Go to Moon Marsh Lake to rest?" Huali's eyes widened slightly, her expression a little subtle, "I suggest you don't."

Ying Baoyue was startled, "Is there anything over there?"

Moon Marsh Lake was the third level, and it was also the level she was most confused about.

"I can't say that," Huali frowned, "That place is not under my jurisdiction, and it would be too much to reveal the topic. Besides, I don't know what has become now."

Ying Baoyue nodded. She knew that there were territorial divisions among the beasts, and it was really difficult for Huali to speak to other hills.

"However," Huali looked at Ying Baoyue seriously, "I suggest you, don't rest there."

Ying Baoyue was startled, then nodded, "Then we will follow your suggestion and rest on the balcony."

"It's just," Ying Baoyue looked at the steep rock wall ahead, "How do we go up there?"

Since it is the severe cold that even fire magicians are afraid of, there should be other ways besides being reckless.

This is also the reason why she begged Huali to vent her questions. This native mountain god must understand the key.

"Hmph, I knew you wanted to ask this," Huali puffed up her cheeks, "I'm only saying this for the sake of passing my test before you guys."

She grabbed Meng Shi's and Ying Baoyue's hands and folded them together.

"If you want to climb Qingliang Road, the best way is to go together."

"Two people form a group, relying on each other's body temperature," Huali said seriously, "Climbing up, you can see a sea of ​​flowers."

 The hot spring is amazing, I am looking forward to it before writing
(End of this chapter)

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