Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1554 Lotus Terrace

Chapter 1554 Lotus Terrace
"Two people together?" Meng Shi frowned slightly, "What kind of method is this?"

It's a matter of relying on each other's body temperature. As long as you feel cold, isn't it someone's instinct?
"Huh, it's not a method? It seems that anyone can do it."

Huali sneered, and looked at the practitioners behind Ying Baoyue and the others who were lagging behind.

There are many high-level practitioners among them, but the higher the level of practitioners, the more alone they are, as if they are afraid of being dragged down by the people around them. It's like watching a scapegoat.

There are also some practitioners with similar realms, but at this time they are blaming each other for the accident at the foot of the mountain.

"When two people climb the mountain wall, they need to hang their bodies together with ropes, which means that the lives of the two people are also tied together. They either live together or die together."

Huali pointed at the practitioners on the mountain path with her chin, "Look at those people, can they really do it?"

"Or you high-level practitioners, do you really have such a partner?"

Meng Shi was taken aback.

Practitioners are used to fighting alone, the higher the realm, the more they will become a lone wolf.

Before meeting Ying Baoyue, the only person in her world who could wholeheartedly entrust her life was Meng Ge.

But Meng Ge is not a high-level practitioner.

High-level practitioners climb up by stepping on countless people, and the trust between people who are also high-level practitioners is extremely limited.

"Okay, I've already told you the solution, and whoever you want to tell is up to you."

Huali yawned, and put her hands behind her back, "The mountain wall is ahead, you can prepare to climb."

Meng Shi and Ying Baoyue looked forward and found that the mountain road, which was originally a road, had come to an end, and a crack in the ground that was one person wide divided the mountain into two halves. Standing on the edge of the gap and looking down, they could see the cliff.

On the opposite side of the cliff, there is a straight rock wall almost straight up and down. There is only a small protruding stone under the rock wall, and the width can only accommodate one person standing.

With a light leap, Huali had already jumped over the cliff and stood on the protruding rock.

From a distance, she seemed to be inlaid on the rock wall.

"This is Qingliangdao." Huali patted the rock wall behind her and waved to Ying Baoyue, "If you want to go to Qingliangtai, climb up from here."

"Hiss, this... is this a way?"

Zhao Guang and the others had also walked behind Ying Baoyue, looking at the straight rock wall in front of them, their eyes widened in disbelief.

"Isn't this too steep?"

"Is this still steep?" Huali smiled, "Compared to the hundred-step ladder, it is for children to climb."

How scary is the fourth level of the hundred-step ladder?
Zhao Guang and the others gasped and looked at Ying Baoyue.

"Since it's the road she pointed out, then there's nothing wrong with it," Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, and told him, Ji Jiashu, Li Ji and others the way Huali had just told them about climbing the Qingliang Road.

At the same time, she also loudly told the people behind Huali's warning. Of course, she didn't know how much these people could hear.

"Zhaohua, give me the rope," Ying Baoyue reached out to Li Ji, "I'll go up and explore the way first."

Li Ji took out the rope from the space artifact, but when Ying Baoyue caught one end, he grabbed the other end, "Who do you want to go up with?"

Ying Baoyue was startled, Meng Shi stepped forward, "Come with me."

Li Ji lowered his eyelashes slightly, "My realm is higher."

Meng Shi was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect that Li Ji would fight with her at this juncture.But thinking of what Huali said just now, she suddenly understood.

Li Ji was worried about handing over Ying Baoyue's life to anyone but him.

this man...

Meng Shi glanced at Ji Jiashu who was also staring at her with burning eyes before, and when she heard Li Ji's words, Ji Jiashu stared at Li Ji in a daze.

She looked at Li Ji who was silently standing in front of Ying Baoyue, feeling a little delicate.

In front of Ji Jiashu, this person has always been very restrained.

He usually doesn't fight, but when it comes to life and death, this person doesn't pretend.


"Zhaohua, why don't you go with Meng Shi?" Ying Baoyue thought for a while and said, "You haven't healed from your injuries before? It's safer to be with the fire magician."

Meng Shi was speechless, and she knew that Ying Baoyue didn't understand Li Ji's intentions.

"Okay, are you using me as a stove?" Meng Shi grabbed Ying Baoyue's shoulder and looked straight at Li Ji and Ji Jiashu, "Even if I fall off the cliff by myself, I won't let Her Royal Highness If you fall, don't worry."

Ying Baoyue glanced at Yeluhua who was staring at Meng Shi, his eyes seemed to say that he could rest assured.

"When two people are together, they protect each other."

Ying Baoyue pulled the rope from Li Ji's hand, "Everyone be careful, you have to climb up."

"Okay," Li Ji took a step back, "Then I'll be with Gui Chen."

Didn't she want him to be with the fire magician?

Then he will find a fire magician.

Gui Chen who was suddenly called was a little dumbfounded, "Mr. Zhaohua?"

Li Ji walked up to him and tied the two of them together with a rope, but Gui Chen didn't even find a chance to protest.

"Then I..." Ji Jiashu looked at the friend beside him, hesitating.

"Just come with me!" Zhao Guang watched Li Ji walk past him, and squeezed Ji Jiashu's hand tightly.

"Mr. Chunhua, I'm not afraid of the cold! I can keep you warm!"

Zhao Guang's heart was trembling. If the second brother didn't protect him, he could only find another reliable one.

Ji Jiashu couldn't move his clenched hands, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, "Okay."

After a while, everyone has formed pairs with each other, although some combinations are a bit funny.

"Let's go."

Ying Baoyue and Meng Shi stood at the front, looked at each other, and jumped to Huali's side.

Huali nodded in satisfaction, and stretched out her ten fingers. The nails on her originally slender fingertips quickly grew long, and soon turned into snow-white sharp claws.

She stuck her claws into the rock wall with a click, and climbed up the rock wall with ease.


Meng Shi was dumbfounded, and she had a deep understanding of what the difference in talent was.

"Let's climb too," Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, and pulled out the Sunset Sword from his waist. Anyway, they couldn't grow claws, so they could only rely on the sword.

Meng Shi nodded, and the sword energy of the two men rose, and the two teamed up to cut shallow pits on the rock wall. While stabbing the rock wall with their swords, they began to climb up by digging these pits.

Although wearing gloves, Ying Baoyue's fingertips soon became numb.

At this time, a warm hand held her fingertips, Ying Baoyue glanced at Meng Shi beside her, and smiled.

The two took turns digging holes to keep each other warm, and climbed up inch by inch.

The cold wind howled, Ying Baoyue almost fell off the cliff a few times, Meng Shi grabbed the rope, so she didn't fall into the cliff.

Li Ji, Ji Jiashu and others who climbed up under the two of them were also in danger several times, but fortunately they were all rescued by their respective partners.

Only then did Ying Baoyue deeply understand that only two people can climb this mountain together.

"Sister, look!"

At this moment, Meng Shi let out a cry of surprise.

Ying Baoyue raised her head, only to see a white lotus growing a dozen feet above their heads where she could see it.

 Meng Shi, Snow Mountain Dungeon MVP
(End of this chapter)

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