Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1555 Arrival

Chapter 1555 Arrival
Delicate lotus flowers grow from the rocky peaks, the petals are whiter than snow, the fragrance is tangy, trembling in the cold wind, very attractive.

Meng Shi and Ying Baoyue climbed up and down towards the lotus. The closer they got to the lotus, the more distracted Meng Shi became.

Is this the legendary snow lotus?

At some point, her eyes were full of that flower, and her nostrils were filled with a sweet fragrance.

The crystal clear petals flutter in the wind, as if inviting someone to pick it.

Pick me up!
I'm yours!

This is an unspeakable temptation. Just when she was about to climb to the top of the mountain, Meng Shi stared at the white lotus above her head bewilderedly, and couldn't help stretching out her hand.


A crisp slapping sound awakened Meng Shi from her dream, she turned around in a daze, and saw Ying Baoyue who had climbed up at some point.

Ying Baoyue was originally one body behind her, but now she jumped up, holding a rock with one hand and hanging beside her, while her other hand firmly pressed her hand on the rock wall.

Because he rushed up in a hurry, Ying Baoyue didn't step on anything, and almost hung on the mountain wall with his whole body in the air.

"Sister, what are you doing! It's too dangerous!"

Meng Shi was scared out of her wits by her posture, and hastily pulled her over with her other arm, and wrapped her around her to let her step on a stone pit.

Ying Baoyue didn't say a word and was at Meng Shi's mercy, but one hand still firmly pressed Meng Shi's upstretched right hand on the mountain wall.

It was only then that Meng Shi remembered what she had just done. She stared at her suppressed hand in a daze. It seemed that the hand did not obey her orders, and kept stretching upwards.

Just above her fingertips, that monstrous lotus flower was still swaying pitifully.

"Don't move," Ying Baoyue said softly, "You can't pick this flower."

She looked down at Meng Shi's feet, "If you pick it, the stones under your feet will immediately loosen, and you will immediately fall into the cliff."

Meng Shi was stunned, and looked straight at her feet.

The stone trembled as if with will.

"This is a very common trap," Ying Baoyue let out a sigh of relief, "but I don't know how many herb collectors died in this kind of trap."

After going all the way to the top of the mountain and seeing such a flower, most people in the world can't help but reach out to pick it.

But they didn't know that when they stretched out their hands, the god of death was already standing behind them.

I don't know how many ghosts under the cliff didn't understand until they died, why the stones under their feet would be loose after they took the medicine from the top of the cliff, and they would definitely step on the air and fall off the cliff.

All this is not accidental at all, but inevitable.

Ying Baoyue looked at the flower whose root system was deeply rooted into the rock peak. The rocks on the top of the cliff were actually under the control of this flower.

As long as the root system of this flower is loose, this cliff will also collapse.

Meng Shi broke out in a cold sweat, and looked up at the snow lotus on the top of the mountain, like looking at a devil.

"I don't know what I was thinking just now..." She was incoherent, "This flower..."

"Well," Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, "this flower is tempting people to pick it."

This is the last hurdle in front of Qingliangtai.

The name of the level is temptation.

Deep mountains, cliffs, white lotus.

After working so hard to climb up to the present, a snow lotus suddenly appeared in front of me. What a joyous scene it is.

This is the moment for practitioners to relax their vigilance.

Seeing such a flower, how many people can resist reaching out to pick it?
What's more, this flower is still fishing for law enforcement.

The floral fragrance it emits has the effect of deceiving people's minds. Even a practitioner with a clear heart can easily go mad when he smells this fragrance, and fall into its trap unsuspectingly.

It's just that this flower is rooted here to protect the many companions behind it.

Ying Baoyue looked at the delicate flower above her head, glanced away, and climbed up quietly.

"Remember," she whispered to Meng Shi behind, "When you see something that suddenly appears in the mountains, don't pick it up lightly."

After she finished speaking, she turned over and climbed up the cliff, and saw Huali standing straight in the sea of ​​flowers.

Meng Shi followed Ying Baoyue up the cliff, and caught a glimpse of Huali standing on the top of the cliff.

From where Huali was standing, one would find that she was standing closest to the snow lotus, quietly watching the people picking flowers below.

Everything that happens below will fall into her eyes.

Touching the god's cold gaze, Meng Shi felt chills all over her body.

It is conceivable that if he just picked this flower, even if he just touched it, what would happen to him.

Seeing Ying Baoyue and Meng Shi climbing up empty-handed, Huali smiled.

Her eyes fell on Ying Baoyue.

"You are really special."

Ying Baoyue shook her head, "I'm just familiar with this kind of trap."

"You can stand here, at least it proves that you have never fallen into this kind of trap," Huali smiled slightly, "I have only met two practitioners who can smell the fragrance of Xiaobai's flowers so far."

She looked at Ying Baoyue, "You are the third."

"Really?" Ying Baoyue lowered her eyes slightly, she probably knew who the first two were.

"Besides, you and her are different," Huali said with emotion, "The two of them regained their sobriety after being seduced."

But Ying Baoyue never lost his mind during the process of climbing the mountain.

"I don't even know, is it because Xiaobai's charm is not enough?" Huali looked at the snow lotus swaying on the cliff.

Besides, there is another possibility.

That is, Ying Baoyue's heart is more pure white than this flower, without any distracting thoughts.

But is there really such a person in this world?

Huali quietly watched Ying Baoyue standing on the edge of the cliff, feeling a little complicated.

You must know that this is not a good thing. People without the slightest desire cannot fall in love with others deeply.

"But all in all, congratulations on passing the test."

Huali stepped back, revealing the sea of ​​flowers behind her.

"Welcome to Qingliangtai."

The cold wind blew the snow all over the sky, Ying Baoyue and Meng Shi stood on the edge of the cliff in a daze.

Flying with the white snow, there are flower petals all over the sky.

They crawled all day without knowing it, and the bright moon has risen again.

Under the moonlight, what appeared in front of their eyes was a whole sea of ​​flowers.

Sea of ​​snowdrops.

The crystal snow, the pure white flowers, the faint fragrance floats, the wind blows, and the soft white petals are mixed in the snowflakes.

Smoke flies and dew drips into the sky of Yuchi, snow lotus dips in shadow and shakes autumn wind.

In the depths of the sea of ​​flowers, where the mountains and rocks are hidden, you can see the white steam.

A lake can be seen in the depths of the sea of ​​flowers. The surrounding lake water is cold and covered with thin ice.But in the center of the lake, a small pavilion built of stones can be seen. Behind the pavilion, a little hot air rises straight up.

The entire stone platform was extremely cold, but from the water vapor, it was full of warmth.

"By the way, there is the hot spring in Qingliangtai."

Huali looked at the two with a smile, "Shall we go soak together?"

 Go! Go! Go!

  "Smoke flies and dew drips into the sky of Yuchi, snow lotus dips in its shadow and shakes the autumn wind." --Song·Shi Huaiwu "Lushan Bailian Society"

(End of this chapter)

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