Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1556

Chapter 1556
The invitation of the girl in white was very attractive. Meng Shi stood on the edge of the cliff in a daze, and suddenly came back to look behind her.

She didn't forget that Li Jiji, Jiashu, Yeluhua and the others were still behind!
Thinking of the alluring white lotus, she raised her heart, looked behind and opened her mouth, intending to remind the people behind.

But before she could make a sound, her mouth was suddenly covered.

A gust of cold wind rushed towards her face, Meng Shi suddenly opened her eyes wide, looking at Huali who was pressing in front of her in an instant, and stopped breathing.

The sharp claws transformed from the fingertips of the girl in white stopped just below her throat.

There was a pain in the throat, and a drop of blood fell from the tip of Huali's claw.

Meng Shi's heartbeat almost stopped, she rolled her eyes stiffly and looked down.

The person covering her mouth was Ying Baoyue.

Huali glanced at Ying Baoyue's hand, and withdrew her paw, "Hmph, you're quite protective of her."

Ying Baoyue let go of her hand, "She is still young, you will scare her like this."

"No matter how young you are, can you be as young as when I first met you?" Huali glanced at Ying Baoyue, and returned to the original place with her hands behind her back.

The coercion covering the whole body was relaxed, and Meng Shi's brain resumed to work at this moment.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the corner of her forehead, and she knew that she had just walked through the gate of hell again.

Huali obviously didn't want anyone to remind the people below that her actions just now almost touched the spirit of this god again.

"Ashi, you can't tell other people," Ying Baoyue shook her head at her, she looked down the cliff, her eyes were also worried, but her eyes were very firm.

"They have to climb up on their own."

"But I just came up because of your reminder," Meng Shi bit her lips tightly, "I would have fallen down without you."

Is this really fair?
"That's because you protected me on the cliff before," Ying Baoyue looked at the bare cliff head, "If there is a cause, there must be an effect."

Meng Shi rescued her first, and she rescued Meng Shi later. The two of them climbed the mountain together.

"Ashi, trust them."

Ying Baoyue said softly, whether Li Ji and Gui Chen, or Ji Jiashu and Zhao Guang, they are not alone on this cliff.

As long as you are not alone, there is still possibility and hope.

Ying Baoyue turned around and glanced at Huali who was sitting on the rock.

Compared with nature and gods, human power is too weak.

There is no long life, no indestructible body, but people have their own way of surviving and passing on important things from generation to generation.

People survive in this cruel world by helping each other.

This is probably why Emperor Ying asked them to climb this cliff.

"Okay, whether it's death or life, it's those kids' own lives, so don't just stand around and wait," Huali yawned while sitting on the big rock, "Let's go to the hot spring first .”

She said indifferently.

"If you are really worried, I will tell you when someone falls."

What's the use of them knowing if they all fall down?

Meng Shi's teeth were a little sore, and Ying Baoyue smiled bitterly, "There should be a lot of people coming up later, right? Don't you need to stay here?"

Besides, no matter how big-hearted she was, she would still mind taking a hot spring in a place where many people would pass by.

"Ah, don't worry, when other people come up, they won't be able to see this sea of ​​flowers."

Huali waved her hand, and thick mist rose from the entire Huahai Sea.

"There is my enchantment on the whole mountain, and most people can't see this place when they come up."

Huali smiled triumphantly.

"Don't talk about hot springs, they can't even see a single flower petal."

She has been nesting alone on the mountain all these years, and she has finally perfected the illusion.

"Others can only see a bare mountain top when they come up."

Huali snorted coldly, "I won't let those stinky men spend the night on the balcony."

Ying Baoyue immediately understood that Huali used illusion to hide the entire mountain. Even if other practitioners climbed up to the Qingliangtai, they could only see the peak with nowhere to hide, and they would naturally pass quickly. Stay here.

This sea of ​​flowers is a secret base that belongs exclusively to Huali, and only those she is willing to let in can enter.

"I understand," Ying Baoyue nodded, "It's just that if my friends come up later, can I let them in?"

Huali was a little reluctant, "You mean those boys?"

"They are all very good people," Ying Baoyue smiled, "My future husband is also inside."

Huali frowned, "Which ones are?"

The corners of Meng Shi's eyes twitched a little, why how many?

"The 15-year-old boy who talked to you before is my fiance," Ying Baoyue didn't mind, and said calmly, "but the others are also my friends, who helped me a lot and let them come in together. Is it?"

"Oh?" Huali dragged her voice, looking at her meaningfully.

"What's wrong?" Ying Baoyue was puzzled.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking that you are worthy of being Lin Shubai's apprentice," Huali jumped off the rock, "Well, if they can climb up smoothly, I will let them in."

"But if they act rashly, I will kick them down."

Ying Baoyue nodded, and she pulled Meng Shi to sit by the sea of ​​flowers, quietly watching the fog on the edge of the cliff.

After an unknown amount of time, the fog in front of him moved, and Gui Chen seemed to be pushed up the cliff by someone.

Gui Chen was covered in blood and looked extremely embarrassed. After climbing up the cliff, he didn't even have time to take a look at Ying Baoyue, so he turned around and stretched out his hand desperately behind him.

"Mr. Zhaohua!"

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide, a big hand with veins stretched out from below, and grabbed Gui Chen's hand.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Ji climbed up from the cliff, and the first thing he saw was her sitting by the sea of ​​flowers.

Ying Baoyue smiled at him.

Li Ji looked a little dazed.

At this time, there was another movement from the cliff below, and he turned around and stretched out his hand to the person behind him.

"It scared me to death, but luckily you didn't let me pick it off."

Zhao Guangren arrived before he heard the sound, and climbed up while dragging Ji Jiashu's clothes with fear on his face.

Then came Yeluhua and Song Qian.

Ying Baoyue noticed that Meng Shi's grip on her sleeve loosened.

Not long after, Chen Zichu, Xu Yishan and the people from Yanwuying also climbed up. When they saw Ying Baoyue and Meng Shi sitting by the seaside of flowers, everyone was stunned.

"Thank you, let's rest here tonight."

Ying Baoyue said with a smile.

"Hey, why didn't you see this place just now?"

Zhao Guang walked out of the mist in confusion and came in again, the next moment he was held tightly by Li Ji.

The mist closed behind everyone.

"Are you all there?"

Huali walked out from behind Ying Baoyue, glanced at the people who were at a loss in the enchantment, and said to Ying Baoyue, "I will open the enchantment before dawn, and they can stay wherever they want except Huahai." All right, but you better not run around."

After speaking, she took Ying Baoyue's hand, "Now can you go with me with confidence?"

"Baoyue, where are you going?"

Ji Jiashu was startled, stretched out his hand and asked.

Huali turned her head and stared at him with interest.

"I'll take her to the bath. Why, little gentleman, do you want to go with me?"

 oh ho ho
(End of this chapter)

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