Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1575

Chapter 1575
"Aren't you Meng Shi?"

Hearing these words unexpectedly, Meng Shi froze in place, blinking blankly.

Although she said such words, the young man in front of her still had a gentle expression, which made her a little confused for a while.

She collected herself, lowered her eyebrows to hide her astonishment, raised her head and forced a smile, "Mo Hua, what are you talking about? Did I make you angry?"

She shouldn't have revealed any flaws.

"No," Yeluhua looked at Meng Shi's helpless hand hanging by his side, showing a complicated smile, "You are very nice and enthusiastic."

This night, this man wanted to grab his hand from behind countless times, and kept talking to him with great interest, with a sweet and gentle voice, full of warmth.

"Then why..." Meng Shi asked in a daze.

Yeluhua sighed, "Unfortunately, she has never been so warm to me."

Meng Shi felt as if someone had hit her head with a stick, her eyes widened in astonishment, "This..."

This is impossible!

What happened to these two people?

How could this be?
"Why? Think it's strange?" Yeluhua looked at the other party's stunned look, and felt a little funny in his heart, "I don't know who you are, but you should have read my memory in the lake, right?"

This person will call him "Mo Hua", and will imitate Meng Shi's every move, putting aside excessive enthusiasm, and his behavior and words are exactly the same as the Meng Shi in his memory.

It's just that what is presented in front of him at this moment is not Meng Shi herself, but the appearance of Meng Shi that he hopes in his heart.

"I'm ashamed to say it," Yeluhua lowered his brows and smiled bitterly, "Deep in my heart, I did imagine that Ashi would treat me like this."

Just follow him all the time, and will take the initiative to hold his hand.

So when the delusion deep in his heart appeared in front of his eyes, it was really...

Extremely ashamed.

Yeluhua's ears were red, looking at the fake Meng Shi who was still standing there stupidly, he laughed at himself, "Unfortunately, Ashi has never been so kind to me."

When he was still Mo Hua, Meng Shi walked ahead and rarely looked back.

When he became Yeluhua, Meng Shi was no longer willing to walk in front of him, no matter how fast he walked, she could always keep the same distance behind him, neither far nor close.

It was also because of this that he had such shameful delusions in his heart.

Every time he walked in front, he always thought, when will Meng Shi come to hold his hand?
This resulted in the girl trying to hold hands more than a dozen times that night.

"I had doubts when I was on the shore of the lake before," Yeluhua straightened his body and gave a wry smile.

After all, the contrast is really too great, and it's only a ghost if he can't notice it.

"But if I exposed you at that time, I probably couldn't leave that lake."

Moon Marsh Lake is this person's territory, if he reveals Meng Shi's identity on the spot, he will probably be dragged back into the bottom of the lake immediately.

In addition, Yeluhua really wanted to know what this fake Meng Shi wanted to do.

But until it was almost dawn, the man did nothing.Ying Baoyue and the others disappeared all the time, so Yeluhua didn't have the heart to mediate with this person anymore.

Since no one will show up to help him, then he can simply break the deadlock and face this level by himself.

Fake Meng Shi stood where she was, looking at the calm young man in front of her, her eyes twitching slightly.

It was the first time that she had been exposed in such a simple way after occupying Moon Marsh Lake for so many years, and she was so angry that she couldn't even speak for a while.


"By the way, is it so strange for you to be discovered?" Seeing the other party's shocked reaction, Yeluhua was even more surprised. "Everyone's impression of a person is somewhat different from the real person, right?"

This person who can only read a person's memory and pretend to be a close person of the other person, then exposure should be a common occurrence.

Why was he so surprised when he found out?
"You should at least compare it with the impressions in other people's minds," Yeluhua smiled, "That would be more accurate."

Since he can read his memory, then this person should also be able to read other people's memory.

Before Yeluhua's eyes, the appearance of a group of them standing in a row by the lake appeared before him. At that time, he felt that the mirror-like lake surface was a bit weird.Now it seems that it is so.

Yeluhua took a deep breath.

What floated on the lake at that time was not his shadow, but another self in this world that was shaped by this existence.

This person should have been entrenched at the bottom of the lake at that time, and read the voices of all of them in one breath at the same time.

Although they don't know where Ying Baoyue and the others are, they probably fell for the same trick.

However, although this method is clever, his mind is a bit lacking.

Yeluhua looked at her amusedly, "Whenever you compare your memory with other people's memories, you will know that you are not pretending."

Fake Meng Shi glared at the young man in front of him, and squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth, "How do you know I don't have it?"

Who knew that everyone in this group of people had problems, they had different opinions, they thought differently than they acted!

This time, Yeluhua was stunned. He stared blankly at the girl who had the same appearance as Meng Shi, and his voice suddenly became a little dry, "You...whose memory did you compare with?"

"You want to know?" Fake Meng Shi looked at him and bent the corner of his mouth maliciously, "I just won't tell you."


Before Yeluhua could react, the thin figure of "Meng Shi" suddenly swelled up in front of him.

The face of "Meng Shi" peeled off from her face, and the situation was extremely terrifying.

Looking at the black shadow in front of him, Yeluhua's pupils contracted violently, and he stretched out his hand to grab the sword by his waist!



"Zhaohua, are you okay?"

Ji Jiashu supported Li Ji, who was seriously injured and weak, and walked on the path in the forest with difficulty. He wiped the sweat from his chin, "We are about to walk out of this mountain, can we stop and take a rest?"

Half of Li Ji's body weight was on Ji Jiashu's body. Hearing this, he opened his eyes and nodded.

Ji Jiashu leaned Li Ji under a tree by the side of the road, and leaned against the other side without strength.

He didn't feel it when he was on his way, but when he stopped now, Ji Jiashu found that all the muscles in his body were trembling suddenly.

He suggested many breaks along the way, but Li Ji shook his head stubbornly, saying that it would be safe to get out of this mountain, so he couldn't help it and had to support him on the road all night without stopping.

But Li Ji's injury was too serious, and Ji Jiashu was basically walking with him halfway along the way.

Ji Jiashu had never noticed that the body of a celestial cultivator was so heavy, and he almost collapsed under the pressure.

Ji Jiashu closed his eyes and leaned against the trunk, sweating profusely.

At this moment, a man's heavy breathing sounded next to his ear, Ji Jiashu turned his head and found that Li Ji had fallen asleep leaning against the tree trunk with his hands on his stomach.

When the smell of blood came, Ji Jiashu looked down and found that blood was oozing again between Li Ji's fingers covering his abdomen.

"Zhaohua! You can't sleep!"

Ji Jiashu shuddered and turned over to shake Li Ji's shoulder, but Li Ji didn't realize it.

"He won't wake up. If you still want to take care of him, you can only carry him behind your back."

At this time, a voice suddenly rang in his ear.


Ji Jiashu turned his head abruptly, but there was no one around him.

"It's the voice of your own heart."

The familiar male voice sounded again, and Ji Jiashu's eyes widened in astonishment.

This voice is exactly the same as his voice.

"He is a drag, do you really want to take him with you?"

"But now, for you, it is a rare opportunity."

With a click, the Chunlei sword at Ji Jiashu's waist slid onto his lap.

Ji Jiashu heard his own voice whispering in his ear.

"This is your only chance to kill him."

(End of this chapter)

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