Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1576

Chapter 1576
Ji Jiashu held the slipped scabbard with one hand, and tightly covered his forehead.

"who are you?"

The young man's hoarse voice echoed in the forest, causing some echoes.

"I said, I am you."

The laughing voice sounded again, Ji Jiashu lowered his head in astonishment, and found that this time the voice actually came from his chest.

In the darkness before dawn, the entire forest was silent, except for him, no one was awake.

Thick fog surrounded him, and the whole world seemed like another world.

"I am you," the bewitching voice sounded again, with his familiar tone, bit by bit penetrated into Ji Jiashu's heart.

"Do you dare to say that you have never thought about letting this person disappear?"

Ji Jiashu lowered his head in a daze, and looked at Li Ji who was leaning on the tree trunk with his eyes closed.

All this time, this person stood in front of him with an absolutely powerful posture.

But at this moment, this person's breath is so weak that even a child can kill him.

"Don't be afraid, you are the only one here, and no one will know what happened."

"I am you, so I understand you, none of this is your fault."

That voice was extremely soft, with endless pity, "Everything is this man's fault."

"I know, you don't want to hurt anyone, he is too much."

Ji Jiashu's eyes were a little dazed when he heard this.

"He's only a few years older than you. He wants to take your place because of his high level. Every time he stands between you and your fiancée, right?"


Ji Jiashu clenched his teeth, pulled out the Chunlei sword and slashed at the thick fog in front of him, "What kind of monster are you, don't hide, come out!"

A hole was opened in the dense fog, but it closed again immediately.

"I'm not anywhere else," the voice chuckled, "I'm in your heart."

Laughter echoed through the forest.

"You have no ghosts in your heart, how can I know so much?"

Ji Jiashu tightly clenched the hilt of his sword, "You're lying! I've obviously never thought about it that way!"

"I am your memory. The reason why you don't know me is because you have been lying to yourself."

"Poor thing," the voice sighed, "you actually lied to yourself, you people are really hypocritical."

Ji Jiashu's pupils shrank slightly, and he took a step back in a daze.

He looked at his palm.

He hadn't thought about it that way.


The dense fog around him was getting thicker, and Ji Jiashu's fingertips trembled.

true or false?
He suddenly felt as if he was also floating in the fog. In the dense fog, he saw himself standing in the fog, showing him a gloomy smile.

"I really... didn't..."

The salty smell of blood filled his mouth, and Ji Jiashu's consciousness became a little clearer. He fixedly looked at his other self standing in the fog, and raised the Chunlei sword in his hand.

"I haven't thought about it that way."

"Really?" Another Ji Jiashu chuckled, "I don't believe it."

He glanced at Li Ji who was leaning on the tree trunk, "Touch your conscience and say, have you really never been jealous of him?"

Ji Jiashu was taken aback, "I..."

The boy standing in the fog looked at him with the same face, looking deeply into his eyes.

"How many times? You didn't hold Baoyue's hand."

Ji Jiashu stood there in a daze as if struck by lightning.

These words awakened the deepest nightmare in his heart.

"You can't catch it, but someone can." The boy in the mist sighed, "As long as he is there, you will never have the chance to become the person she can rely on the most."

Ji Jiashu's heart beat faster, and he clenched the sword in his hand, "It's not his fault."

He raised his head, looked straight at his other self standing in the fog, and paused word by word.

"Everything is because I am too weak, not because Zhaohua is too strong."

Yes, not because Li Ji is too strong.

Ji Jiashu's eyes gradually returned to clarity, and this sobriety was filled with endless pain, but he knew he had to admit it, otherwise he would be swallowed up by the demons in his heart.

"It's not that he's too strong."

"I'm too weak."

One should not blame others for being strong, but one should blame oneself for being weak.

The boy's clear voice echoed in the fog, and the surrounding fog seemed to fade for a moment.

A look of astonishment flashed across the eyes of the young man standing in the mist, and he lowered his eyelashes slightly to hide his strange expression.

What's going on with this group of people?

"Don't deceive yourself," the boy in the mist sneered, "you know very well that the gap between you and him, you will never be able to make up."

"It doesn't matter if you can become stronger. He is six years older than you, and his talent and hard work are not inferior to yours. He will be on your head for the rest of his life."

"Yes," Ji Jiashu took a deep breath and said calmly, "But that's not why I want to get rid of him."

"Zhaohua, he did nothing wrong."

"Don't lie!" The boy in the mist couldn't help shouting, "What are you pretending to do! You obviously hated him! You are not as generous as you show!"

"Yes," Ji Jiashu closed his eyes, "I admit it."

The boy in the fog opened his eyes wide in astonishment.

"It is because I have been so dissatisfied that you appeared." Ji Jiashu quietly watched the boy in the mist, as if looking at the ugliness in his heart.

He glanced down at Li Ji who was in a coma, and said frankly, "I admit, I was jealous of him."

"Didn't you pass?" The boy in the fog sneered.

"Well, I'm also jealous now," Ji Jiashu said with a wry smile, but his eyes were completely clear.

"But this is jealousy, not hatred."

Ji Jiashu looked at the young man in the mist, and clutched his chest, "I admit, seeing Zhaohua so weak, I thought about taking advantage of him."

Ji Jiashu stretched out his hand, gestured an inch away, and smiled wryly, "But there's only this point, really, I won't lie to you."

"Stop pretending!" The boy in the mist sneered, "What? Don't you have enough malice, can you be considered pure and flawless?"

"Yes, I know too." Ji Jiashu straightened his body and said seriously, "Even if it's just a little bit, it's the ugliness in my heart."

"Whether you call me a villain or a hypocrite, this is me."

"I admit it, I'm ashamed, but I would never hurt anyone."

The boy in the fog widened his eyes in astonishment, he didn't expect that the other party could expose his heart to such an extent.

"He" has seen many hypocrites, and never believes that there are real gentlemen in this world.

He didn't know whether this person could be called a gentleman, but he knew it very well.

He had never seen such a boy before.

Ji Jiashu opened his arms and stood in front of Li Ji.

The boy's eyes were as clear as water, filled with endless shame, but he stood up straight.

"If you are the hypocrisy in my heart, then you should come to kill me instead of letting me hurt others."

"I would never do that."

The boy in the fog stared fixedly at him, stretching out his hands to pinch the space between his brows.

"Why are you all so troublesome?"

"What did you say?" Ji Jiashu was taken aback.

The boy in the fog sighed, and suddenly disappeared into the fog.

A gust of wind came from behind him.

Ji Jiashu stood still in place, and at some point, Li Ji's aura disappeared, and a huge black shadow emerged from behind him.



"In front is Yunshou Peak, right?"

The sky turned pale, and when he reached the end of the forest, Ying Baoyue stopped.

"Well," Ji Jiashu followed behind her, looking at her back with a complicated expression.

"Cross this tree, and you will come out of Qingluan Peak."

"Really?" Ying Baoyue carefully looked at the towering mountain not far away, "I don't know if anyone else has arrived."

Ji Jiashu closed his eyes, "They probably haven't arrived yet."

The others probably won't be able to arrive.

Looking at the back of the girl in front of him, he quietly touched the sword by his waist.

"Is that so?" Ying Baoyue turned her back to him, wondering what she was thinking.

Ji Jiashu had already pulled out the sword silently, pointed the tip of the sword at the scabbard at Ying Baoyue's waist, raised her other hand slightly, and reached for the arrow cluster next to her ear.

"Then, it's time for us to part."

At this time, Ying Baoyue turned her back to him and spoke softly.

Ji Jiashu froze when he heard the words, and shot like lightning in an instant, cutting off the sword belt around Ying Baoyue's waist with a sword, and the sunset sword fell in response, and he stretched out his other hand and grabbed the arrowhead next to Ying Baoyue's ear .

He grabbed Ying Baoyue's shoulder and pressed it against the tree trunk, and the blade hit her throat!
With a bang, the girl's back hit the tree heavily.

Realizing that the blade had touched Ying Baoyue's throat, Ji Jiashu's eyes brightened, but the next moment his smile froze on his lips.

Ying Baoyue, who was supposed to be bare-handed, held a hard object in his hand, and this hard object was quietly pressing against his Adam's apple.

Ji Jiashu lowered his head in a daze, looking at the hard object in his throat.

This is a palm-sized scale, translucent, with sharp edges, and a blue-black luster.

Seeing this, he was so stunned that he couldn't add it.

"I think," Ying Baoyue looked into the eyes of the person in front of her and said softly, "Is this your thing?"

"Ji Jiashu" raised his head, he had been surprised many times tonight, but none of them shocked him so much.


"That baby in the lake is you, right?" Ying Baoyue said softly.

"What are you? A snake, or a dragon?"



"Water beast. It has a human face and a jackal body, it has wings, it walks like a snake, and its voice is like shouting. It draws big water."

On the top of Feixian Peak, Huali sat in the steaming hot spring, staring at the spring water in the palm of her hand with a complicated expression.

The cry is like a baby crying, and like a woman scolding, once it makes a sound, it can attract floods, with one head and nine bodies, and nine clones.

"You who don't believe in people, you still met her after all."

Drops of water fell from her palm, and Huali spoke softly, calling out the name of that old friend.

"Turn into a snake."

 This one has a serious prototype in Shan Hai Jing. It is said that in the Spring and Autumn Period, a farmer heard a baby crying near Daliang City in Wei State, but when he found it, he found it was a snake-shaped monster.In the next three days, the Yellow River really flooded, submerging more than 850 towns and villages along the way.

  "Water beast. It has a human face and a jackal body. It has wings. It walks like a snake, and its voice is like shouting. It attracts big water." -- "Shan Hai Jing·Zhongci Er Jing"

  "Three hundred miles to the west, it is called Yangshan Mountain... There are many snakes in it, which look like human faces, and the bodies of jackals, with bird wings and snakes. ·Zhongshan Jingjuan

(End of this chapter)

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