Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1592 Black Wind

Chapter 1592 Black Wind
Huali's heart felt cold when she heard this.

According to the levels of the high-level ceremony she heard from the mountain ghost, the only level that cannot be avoided before reaching Yunshou Peak is the level of snake transformation.

There are other routes that can be bypassed at Yixiantian and at the foot of Qingliangtai Mountain, but when passing through Qingluan Peak, because the snake has a special sense of smell for humans, even if some practitioners do not pass through the Moon Marsh Lake, the Snakes can still accurately find people in the mountains and forests and persecute them.

This is also the reason why her brother put the snake on Qingluan Peak. Qingluan Peak is the barrier of Yunshou Peak. Not a person with an evil heart.

It should be.

Huali originally thought so too.

But at this moment, she had goose bumps all over her body.

At this time, all the practitioners who came to Yunling Snow Mountain should be participating in the high-level ceremony. The mountain ghost just informed everyone that there is Ganoderma lucidum grass at the foot of the mountain. It stands to reason that it is impossible for practitioners to pass the third level. but did not come here.

If something is abnormal, it will be a demon.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Huali grabbed the snake's collar suddenly, "Don't you find it strange?"

"Ah?" Hua Snake blinked his eyes in confusion, "There is more than one person who passed the test and didn't come here, so I didn't pay much attention."

"More than one?" Huali was stunned, "How many are there?"

"There are two," Hua Snake said, "There is one who is still a companion who holds the moon, what is his name Chen Zihan?"

"What's going on?" Huali frowned.

"Although he passed the test, he was seriously injured and seemed to be very guilty of his brother, so he chose to go down the mountain first," Hua Snake curled his lips, "he is a bit stupid, but he is not a bad person. He is indeed the one selected by Baoyue people."

Huali's heart sank, and it could be seen that the people Ying Baoyue brought this time made the snakes generally less vigilant towards humans.

She didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing, so she could only ask in a deep voice, "What about the other one?"

A trace of confusion appeared in Hua Snake's eyes, "The other one..."

It was the first time for Huali to see such a subtle reaction from the snake, "What? Didn't you say that he passed your test? Could it be that he didn't behave well?"

"It's not bad, but it's great," Hua Snake frowned.

If he hadn't met Ying Baoyue, he would have looked at that boy with admiration.

"He's a young fourth-rank cultivator, so he shouldn't be a villain," said Hua Snake, holding his chin. Overcome too."

As far as performance goes, it's not impressive, but it's perfect.

Seeing the snake's reaction, Huali narrowed her eyes.

"What does that person look like?"

"You can't tell, but he's wearing an iron mask," Hua Snake said, "His face doesn't appear in my memory, probably because I don't care about his appearance."

Huali's heart skipped a beat.

Don't have your own face in your memory?
Are there such people in this world?
She fixedly looked at Hua Snake who didn't notice anything wrong in front of her. Hua Snake hated her own appearance because she felt inferior to her own face, so he didn't notice anything was wrong.

Just right.

For the thoughts that the snake will have, the reaction that the snake will have, and the ugliness of the human heart that the snake expects to see, they are all well grasped.

It's like a tailor-made memory for the level of snake transformation.

Huali shuddered.

"Snake, have you seen in that person's memory, where is he from?"

"Is he from Hou Liao or Northern Wei? After all, he saw the Great Wall of Eternal Night," Hua Snake said without hesitation.

No, besides the Hou Liao and Northern Wei, there is another place in this world where you can see the Great Wall of Eternal Night.

Just looking at it from another direction.

"Where is that person now?" Huali asked word by word.

"After leaving Qingluan Peak, that person's aura disappeared," Hua Snake stared blankly at the snow-covered mountain in front of him, "Where did he go?"

"Maybe it went down the mountain?"

No, not right.

Huali's pupils shrank slightly, and at this moment, there was a sudden vibration under the two people's feet.

"what happened?"

The snake staggered, looked in the direction of the vibration, and widened its eyes in astonishment.

It was Yunshou Peak that shook.

The snow wind that was originally entwined on the mountain peak was rolled up layer by layer and surged violently. Under the cloud and mist that filled the sky, a few small black spots suddenly appeared.


With a loud noise, Yun Qifeng's formation shook violently.

"That is……"

The vibration from Yunqi Peak came again, and Huali's figure suddenly swelled, turning into a giant white beast.

Looking at Yunqi Peak ahead, the giant beast's pupils instantly turned blood red.

She couldn't believe her eyes, someone dared to face Yun Qifeng's big formation!

Those few black spots are all practitioners, and they are heavenly practitioners!

Those few black dots formed a formation, turned into a black whirlwind, and slammed into Yunqi Peak's mountain protection formation.

The ice and snow were shattered, and the sound of the wind was shrill, like a great whimper.

Huali couldn't believe it.

Man, how could he be so bold?

"Stop!" The giant white-haired beast was about to pounce towards the mountainside with its mouth wide open. The terrified voice of the snake came from behind her, "Wait, I haven't seen these people before. Where did they come from?"

"There is a trail behind Yunqi Peak." Huali gritted her teeth, "They must have come from there."

But there is also a restriction on that road, and only those who come from the foot of Yunqi Peak can open it.

Only those who pass Qingluan Peak can unlock the restriction on that road.

In other words, someone, opened that way.

"I know that way, but... no practitioner knows about it?" Hua Snake was completely stunned.

"There is a practitioner who knows, but she is already dead," Huali gritted her teeth.

The only person who knew about the secret path was Lin Shubai, the commander in chief, but Lin Shubai had already passed away, and it was impossible for her to leak this secret to others.

Then the only people who knew about it were the mountain ghost and the White Tiger God on Yunqi Peak, as well as...she and the snake.

Huali turned her head abruptly, looking into the eyes of the snake.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

The snake was seen with hairs all over its body.

"This is probably retribution." Huali took a deep breath, "Those who spy on other people's memories will eventually be spied on."

Hua Snake was stunned, "Sister, what are you talking about?"

"Stupid! Don't you understand?" The white-haired monster's eyes were gloomy, "The person you met manipulated his memory."

No, he not only manipulated his own memory, but even peeked at the memory of the snake when the snake invaded his mind.

Huali couldn't believe that there is someone in this world who can do it, and has the courage to do such a thing to the gods!
But the facts were in front of her, and she had to believe it.

"Let me ask you one last time." Huali stared into the snake's eyes, "What is the name of that person that impressed me the most in my memory?"

It is difficult to disguise the name in the memory, because some people will call him this way, and the address will become instinct after a long time, even if it is not his real name, it doesn't matter, at least with the ability to transform into a snake, he can see the name that is most deeply remembered in the other party's heart.


Hua Snake was stunned, and spit out the name from his mouth.


 It's been a long time since the name

(End of this chapter)

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