Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1593 Cracks

Chapter 1593 Cracks

Huali was stunned, she had no memory of this name.

Of course, she didn't know a few practitioners in the human world, especially this person is not a heavenly rank, and he is not qualified enough to be known by her.

"Have you tried his hand?"

Hua Snake nodded, "It's not bad in the fourth rank, but I don't think it's as good as that little girl from the Northern Wei Dynasty."

That's impossible.

Huali took a deep breath, no matter which side is so bold as to attack the territory of the White Tiger God, dare to send a fourth-level practitioner to mix into the high-level ceremony, and pass through Qingluan Peak swaggeringly, then this fourth-level practitioner Practitioners are not so simple.

This rank four cultivator is the vanguard of this force.

Obviously owning other heavenly ranks, but not sending heavenly rank practitioners, letting a ground rank lead the battle, either has ulterior motives, or this ground rank has abilities different from ordinary people.

Huali tends towards the latter.

After all, the ability to manipulate memory is close to sorcery, and it stands to reason that it is impossible for earth-level practitioners to touch it.Hua Snake awakened this ability when she was bullied and almost became evil, but her elder brother still warned Hua Snake to use this ability less, so as not to fall into the abyss and forget herself.

Even the Beast God has the risk of degeneration, which shows how evil this ability is.

Is this kind of ability inherent in this earth-level cultivator, or is it given to him by others?

No matter which one, it is too evil, and even the beast god has to guard against it.

Huali remembered what she had heard from Shangui before, that Yinglong God, who had disappeared for a long time at the Soochow Intermediate Ceremony, reappeared in the form of an evil god, and she immediately became vigilant.

"It would be great if Baoyue is still there."

Looking at the direction in which Ying Baoyue and the others disappeared, Huali's eyes dimmed.

She had a hunch that Ying Baoyue probably knew this person.

It's a pity that Ying Baoyue and others were trapped in the mountain protection formation at this time, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

"Sister, don't you want to stop them?"

Looking at the several heavenly cultivators who had been colliding with the formation on the outer edge of Yuanshou Peak, Hua Snake asked worriedly.

"Well, I'll go," the white-haired behemoth stared gloomyly at the few sky-level practitioners who were running wild outside the Head of State Peak, "I'm going to bite off the heads of all of these people."

"If you go, I will go too."

Seeing Huali arched his back and was about to jump up the mountainside, scales floated on the snake's cheeks, and its wings flapped in the air, "Wait for me."

"No, you wait here," Huali pressed him to the ground with one paw.

"It is indeed important to eliminate foreign enemies, but we must all be careful."

The giant white-haired beast stared gloomyly at the small black dot in the distance, "We are as dangerous as Yunshou Peak now."

Although these heavenly cultivators did not know where they came from, but they put in so much effort to break into Yunshou Peak, they were definitely not only interested in this stone mountain.

The previous experience of falling into the hands of practitioners made her understand that in the eyes of ordinary practitioners, they are as coveted tonics as the ganoderma grass placed on the rocks.

"I'll go up first later," Huali's body swelled up. At this time, it had become as huge as two ordinary tigers. The muscles on its back surged, and a pair of wings sprouted.

At the same time, two light golden dragon horns began to grow on her forehead.

Seeing this scene, Hua Snake widened his eyes, "Sister, you..."

He hadn't seen Huali in such a posture for many years.

Over the years, even if she becomes a prototype, she often looks like a fluffy ball, making it impossible to tell whether she is a rabbit or a snow dumpling.

But the snake is very clear that Huali is not as harmless as her prototype.

At this time, the tiger's body and wings are the true posture of Huali, who is above the gods under one god in the Xiling Snow Mountain.

The double horns on her forehead were the first time even he had seen them.

The light golden dragon horns carried indescribable divinity and coercion, making the snake instinctively want to crawl down.

If the beast god grows horns, it means that the realm of the beast god has deepened again.

"I haven't lived in vain for hundreds of years." The white-haired monster's eyes turned pale gold, and he glanced at him, "I'll go there first, you wait and see what happens, if someone wants to attack me, Or do something unusual, it's not too late for you to do it."

Her current strength is certainly strong, but the most terrifying thing about people is the conspiracy.

Huali narrowed her eyes dangerously as she looked at the heavenly cultivators who were rushing towards the periphery of Yunshou Peak almost without dodging.

The mountain protection array activated by her elder brother carried his divine power, and even a few heavenly cultivators could not break through from the periphery. However, this group of practitioners continued to hack at one place relentlessly.

What gave them confidence?
Or, what are they planning?
Huali couldn't figure it out, but at this time the big tremor appeared again, her golden pupils shrank slightly, her wings fluttered, and she jumped up.

No matter what this group of people wanted to do, she could no longer allow this group of young people to challenge her brother's majesty.

A gust of hurricane rose from the foot of Yunshou Peak, and the giant white-haired beast rushed out of the wind, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the sky-rank practitioner standing on the rock and slashing at Yunshou Peak.

"Help, brother!"

There were six celestial cultivators standing on the rock, all dressed in black, when Huali rushed out from the snow wind, a man in black who had been chopping vigorously fell off the rock in fright.

"What monster is this!"

The other practitioners on Shishang also looked up at Huali, widening their eyes in horror.

The white-haired behemoth stepped on the rock, and swept away all the men in black with a sweep of its eight huge tails.

Plop, plop, all the originally invincible practitioners of the heavenly rank fell into the snow, utterly embarrassed, spitting blood.

With just one blow, the ribs of the six practitioners were all broken.

The giant white-haired beast exhaled from its nose, stared at them with condescending golden eyes, and bit the throat of a skinny cultivator at the head.
However, with a "click", her teeth bit the sharp metal.

Huali's eyes widened, and she was a little stunned to see the practitioner whose ribs were broken and who was able to straighten up and raise his sword to block her mouth.

"So that's how it is." Face to face with the god at such a close distance, the black-clothed practitioner had no fear in his eyes, and just looked at her with a smile on his face when he was about to die.

"I didn't expect such a place, there are still living Qiongqi."

Strange?what is that?
Huali was taken aback.

"No," the man in black smiled slightly, "Qongqi doesn't have so many tails, does he? What the hell are you, a relative of the White Tiger God? You look a little strange."

Huali's eyes suddenly burst into anger, and she bit off the long sword in her mouth with a click, but the next moment, she suddenly felt a little dizzy.

"What a reckless girl," the man in black laughed. "My sword is poisoned enough to kill three cows."

Huali's eyes were a little blurry, but she gradually regained clarity.

"As expected of a beast god, this ability to resist poison is really powerful," the corner of Hei Yi's mouth lightened, but the next moment it turned again.

"Fortunately, the time has come."

What time is it?
Huali's eyes widened in a daze, and a strange scene happened in her vision that had not yet fully recovered.

Behind the group of men in black, the formation of clouds and mist suddenly split open.

 According to the "Shan Hai Jing Hai Nei Bei Jing", Qiong Qi looks like a tiger, is the size of a cow, has a pair of wings, likes to eat people, and even eats from the head of a person. He is a vicious beast.There are also books that Qiongqi has snow-white hair, two light golden dragon horns on his forehead, and a mouth that looks like an eagle's beak with a pair of black wings. He likes to eat human flesh.

  The prototype of Huali did not fully refer to Qiongqi, but this form refers to a part. She is cute in appearance but can fight in real body. The only constant is probably Baimao (laughs).

(End of this chapter)

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