Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1617

Chapter 1617
"Save... life... ah..."

Ying Baoyue listened to Zhao Guang's voice coming from under the ice crack, with twists and turns, and there was an indescribable fear inside.

What the hell happened next?

The ice crack in front of them was only as wide as a person, and the moonlight could not penetrate through it. Standing on the edge of the crack, they could only see the darkness inside.

Meng Shi pursed her lips, and a cluster of sword fire rose from the long sword in her hand.

The girl concentrated and held her breath, the sword fire rolled into a ball, floating up like a small lantern, about to float into the ice crack.

"and many more."

However, Ying Baoyue stopped her and blocked the flame with the back of his hand, "Don't let it go yet."

"Your sword fire is too hot."

The bottom here is not a simple mountain gap, but a crack formed by the cracking of the ice layer.It is still unknown where Zhao Guang fell. If Meng Shi's sword fire floated down and melted the ice layer, he might be even more dangerous.

Meng Shi was stunned, "Then what should I do?"

Is there a fire that is not hot in this world?
I can't see what's going on down there, how do they save people?

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, and the flowing fire floated up from the tip of the sunset sword. She was about to continue pouring in her true essence, but the hand holding the sword was suddenly grabbed.

"Stop it, you don't have to."

Ying Baoyue turned her head and found that Li Ji's dark eyes were staring at her deeply.

"Do you remember what I told you?"

He clearly told her that she can no longer use the fire method easily, otherwise the curse on her body will be deepened.

"It's okay," Ying Baoyue smiled, "I'll just use a little."

Li Ji still felt that something was wrong, if it was a matter of life and death, it would be fine to save her life, why would she have to pay such a high price just to find a way.

He pulled Ying Baoyue behind him, covered her eyes with one hand, "Let me try."

"Try...try what?"

Ying Baoyue's eyelashes trembled slightly under his palm, and he didn't understand what Li Ji was trying to do.

However, Li Ji had already held his breath, calmly feeling the subtle touch of his palm.

It's like holding a baby bird.

Carefully, out of reach.

That's probably how it feels.

After confirming the feel, he looked back at Meng Shi.

"Huh?" Meng Shi was taken aback for a moment, followed Li Ji's gaze to look at the fire on his sword, "This?"

Li Ji nodded affirmatively.

Meng Shi was at a loss, but under the signal of Li Ji's eyes, the sword fire resurfaced again.

Li Ji stretched out his other hand, opened his palm, and surrounded the flame with five fingers.

A strange scene appeared.

A thin layer of water seeped out from his palm, gently wrapping the flame.


Meng Shi was too shocked to speak.

Seeing her own sword fire still burning normally in the transparent water film, she couldn't believe her eyes.

Compared with the fierce fighting on the battlefield, the scene in front of me looks very inconspicuous.

However, only high-level practitioners who really know how to practice can understand how shocking this scene is.

Li Ji's move surpassed the iron rule of the four major sword sects that existed so far.

He can actually make fire burn in water.

Meng Shi stared closely at the water polo in front of her eyes. Her flame was constantly changing its shape as it burned in the air, and the water film covering it also changed its shape accordingly.

There is even a small hole in the water film at the top of the flame to ensure that the flame does not go out.

At the same time, no matter how her sword fire burned, she couldn't feel any heat coming out.

Her flame cannot break through the shackles of this layer of water law.

Li Ji's water technique is completely superior to her fire technique.

Meng Shi never felt the gap between herself and this person more clearly than any other moment.

This is not a picture that can be explained by just a difference in realm. She can only think of describing the exquisite skills displayed by Li Ji as reaching the pinnacle.


At this time Li Ji let go of Ying Baoyue's eyes, seeing the glowing water polo in front of him, Ying Baoyue also opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"Zhaohua, you..."

Li Ji turned his head away, "It probably won't last long, let's put it down and investigate."

Although he said so, Meng Shi looked at the water polo that was changing steadily in front of him, and felt that it would be no problem to last at least a quarter of an hour.

Chunyuye stood behind the three of them, her green eyes narrowed slightly.

"Zhaohua, you really have mastered a strange skill this time."

The last time he was so eye-opening was when he saw Ying Baoyue combine water and fire techniques at the Intermediate Ceremony.

Although Li Ji didn't do the heaven-defying move of Ying Baoyue, he actually thought of wrapping water in the fire so that the fire wouldn't go out. The power of control can't help but make people feel vigilant.

But where did Li Ji get his inspiration from?

Chunyu Ye's eyes fell on Li Ji's hand that had just covered Ying Baoyue's eyes, thoughtfully.

Treat the flame like you treat her?
Chunyuye's gaze made Ying Baoyue feel panicked, but she didn't have time to think about it at this time. She glanced at Meng Shi, who nodded, and manipulated the sword fire to float into the ice crack.

"Second brother..."

Seeing a light above his head, Zhao Guang's crying voice came out again.

"Well, here I am."

Li Ji stood by the crack and said calmly, "Hold on."

Ying Baoyue glanced at him, a little dumbfounded.

"He still has the strength to shout, so he's probably fine," Li Ji looked at the ice crack, his eyes suddenly became serious.

"Wait, is there another person?"

At this time, the ball of light had already floated under the ice crack, illuminating the scene below clearly. Seeing the scene under the crack, Ying Baoyue and Meng Shi gasped.

It was true that Zhao Guang was stuck under the crack, and he was fine.

The person with serious problems is not him.

Zhao Guang held the sword in one hand, the sword was stuck on the crack of the ice, and his feet stepped on a bump on the ice, and he was holding another person in his other hand.

The man seemed to be in a coma, dangling in Zhao Guang's hands.

Ying Baoyue narrowed her eyes and saw clearly the man in Zhao Guang's hand.

"Zi Chu?"

It was Chen Zichu who was caught by Zhao Guang. He was carrying an epee on his back, his lips were white, his eyes were closed, and there was a bruise on his forehead.

Zhao Guang used all his strength to hold on to Chen Zichu's hand, but the sword in his hand obviously couldn't bear the weight of the two of them, and they kept sliding down the cracked ice surface.

"Zhao Guang, you wait. Grab the rope."

Li Ji made a decisive decision, found a rope from the space artifact in his arms and threw it down.

But the length of the rope was not enough, and one end stopped just as high as a person above Zhao Guang's head.

Zhao Guang looked at the rope above his head with despair.

"Someone needs to go down and let the rope go." Ying Baoyue pursed her lips and grabbed the end of the rope in Li Ji's hand, "I'll go down."

"No, replace me!"

Li Ji gripped the rope tightly, and when the two were arguing, Meng Shi suddenly let out a cry.

"Wait, what is that?"

Li Ji and Ying Baoyue turned their heads and looked under the ice crack.

At the feet of Zhao Guang and Chen Zichu, deep in the ice crack, a glimmer of light suddenly appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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